Is the whole Anglo vs Aryan thing a meme or is it for real?
Anglo vs Aryan
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Shlomo pls go
Jews are a much greater threat to the Anglo than the Aryan is, they are our allies for now
I thought Hitler classed Anglos as Aryan or am I just ignorant?
it's a meme , in reality it has always been the Anglo vs the French , of course we will win and the Anglo will vanish forever.
G*rmany is the enemy of the white race. They started WW1, killing millions of whites, just because they were jealous of the British Empire. Rather comically, they lost the war and lost territory to the British Empire as a result of their ineptitude. Also, unbeknownst to many, the G*rman invented communism and spread it to Russia during the war to weaken them. Eventually, this would kill millions of whites. The G*rman, deeply consumed by shame and anger, sought to re-establish himself as a somewhat relevant regional power. To try and achieve this, they elected a socialist, who fought in the aforementioned war and held a great grudge against the Anglo. In his bitterness, the G*rman created lies about G*rman superiority, to try and justify his lust for power and his neighbours’ lands. Thus war was declared, and with all too much predictability, the G*rman lost another war, with many millions of whites being killed. Again, comically, the G*rman had his own lands taken over by Anglos. The G*rman was defeated. For now. Many years passed, and under the divine mercy of the Anglo, the G*rman was allowed to rebuild, and even to thrive. But the seed of guilt had been implanted in the minds of G*rmans, so as to keep them weak. The G*rman, utterly humiliated, now put his hope in the EU instead of his conquered homeland, and in his autism invited the Middle East to Europe. This was done so that G*rmans could finally live beside a people lower than them. And so it was the G*rman's blood lust continued, as these new guests killed many whites. But alas, just as the G*rman began to feel a fell hope, the Anglos had defeated them again with Brexit. Who knows what the future holds, but there is one thing certain - the Anglo will always be here to thwart the G*rman menace.
A divide and conquer attempt by the Frenchies to turn the germanic people against eachother.
you're just inbred people , you always divided yourself without our help.
>they started WWI
Yeah i stopped reading after that.
see how the ANGLO manipulate the truth when it suits him ?
it's a meme however it is based on what the UK government did in the 20th century (fuck the white race for their Jewish overlords). If the UK government weren't such controlled puppets or cuckolds Europe would still be white and strong. That's what the eternal Anglo meme tries to hint at
>yfw the eternal anglo shitposter got btfo irl
It is just a meme, Mohammad
Anglos are delusional, and Aryans are not the group you think they are.
Nobody gives a shit about it, apart from the (((certain people))) pushing this.
>Calling anyone Mohammed
As much as i hate krauts i have to say they did not started ww1, nor ww2.
At least they tried to liberate themselves, however eternal anglos will just suck jewish dicks forevever.
After tomorrow you're white flag will be raised with a crescent moon. Unless Le Pen wins. Faggots
They def started WW2 lol
WW1 was just the culmination of unresolved borders from the previous 30 years and it got out of hand and gave other countries an excuse to go to war.
The biggest mistakes in WW1 was Germany escalating the war trying to gain territory and influence and France after the war placing excessive war reparations onto Germany which was a catalyst for the rise of nationalism in Germany.
fuck off fat ANGLO diaspora.
Germany was a mistake. The only thing they have ever been good for is helping along white genocide. Thanks for helping an entire generation of beta cucks to bred more beta cucks
He classed English people as Germanic....which we are.
Trump is of German descent
yes it is really a thing, it's called haplogrups, westerners have variant R1b, slavs (and also indians and persians) have haplogrup R1b
No fuck the Krauts. Stop trying to conquer Europe.
Oh and Carpet Bombing Germany is the gift which keeps on giving.
Im deeply ashamed of my French whore of a grandmother. Literally threw herself at the first (((American))) she saw.
he's as German as you are.
we have muslims in percentage than most of Europe
also funnily enough R1a is exactly where aryan thing comes from, genetically, and by the way Poland is most aryan country in the world :^)
Its a meme perpetuated by turkroaches.
Someone post the screencap.
The ANGLO had an undying desire to destroy all of the pure Aryan race and drink their blood to satisfy their sick twisted lust
yet here you are , alive and well.
kek like you're not Britons LARPing as Germanic
Stop Rabbi
>Implying that's a bad thing
Germans have a rather good record of beating France, do you not agree?
Britain is for those with British ancestry, that includes those with genetic decent of the celts, anglo-saxons and Vikings...everyone else including shitskins should fuck off
Side not that Anglos are considered Alpine as are the French, which Adolf considered to be equals
It's as real as you want it to be in your mind
>So what you gonna fill my centrifuge up with ARYANS and then I'm gonna show you and then refine em?
>Yeah FACKIN RIGHT you are
>Yeah? Do you like that?
>Yeah, FACKIN love it. Fill that centrifuge up with those ARYANS. Put your mouth around the tap
>-And then I'll swallow it but I'll keep sucking it 'till it's empty then I'm gonna go *shows tongue, its covered in blood*
>FACKIN right you are
>I hope you've saved all your ARYANS?
>Yeah I have FACKIN 'ELL
>Well, a couple. OARGH FACK
>[unintelligible] ...the whole FACKIN lot?
>FACKIN [Rest unintelligible due to the centrifuge whirring to life]
>I hope they really enjoy that
>OAARGH go on
>Loads in there. BLOOD, I love it
>OAH YEAH. OAH YEAH go on. OARGH you ready for THEIR BLOOD? AARGH FACK go on. UARGH, OAH FACK... [continues]
>*shows tongue*
>Mmm swallowed the lot
>FACKIN did didn't ya?
>Hhmm. Lick that bit off there
>YOU BEADY ANGLO you. Lovely
>Mmm, beautiful. Did you enjoy that?
>FACKIN right I did!
Jews are in so much power thanks to anglo elites to begin with. They would have remained something like gypos if not for the anglo aristocracy who worked with them, betraying own race for personal power.
yes , like once in modern times , and beaten defeated once too and another time by ANGLOS , Americans and Russians.
and yet we are still here , and we still have an army while the Germans act like conquered people all the time.
Says the LARPing faggot using a VPN
This is not strictly true? British ancestry is comprised of celts, Viking and Anglo-Saxon genetics
What the fuck have non-Anglo Germanics ever done to make them the superior race, even?
The whole point of reaching for Aryan is to claim the Anglo achievements by proxy, otherwise the Germs would be behind the Anglos and the Iberians as of 1930 (Dutch excluded, to be fair).
There was no relevant blonde-haired/blue-eyed male in history. They are just sexual objects to project to, just a different form of niggers to a different form of cucks.
No we're the English larping as nothing. We aren't either anymore.
It's shitposting in response to the Eternal Anglo poster, an autistic Turk living in Germany.
Every device you use in daily life is thanks to British and Germans.
English fought the Germans in WW2 and sentenced humanity to it's current state of stagnaton so - yes it's real.
Hitler called Anglos Roaches
People that go around blaming the English are just losers. Hitler did a lot of things to contradict the peace treaties following WW1, so why should we have not stopped him? (I am NatSoc myself)
The place where all non - Anglos belong.
>...we will win
Franco, pls.
Keep talking like that and we'll re-take Brittany.
>According to captured German documents, the commander-in-chief of the German Army, Walther von Brauchitsch, directed that "The able-bodied male population between the ages of 17 and 45 will, unless the local situation calls for an exceptional ruling, be interned and dispatched to the Continent". This represented about 25% of male citizens. The UK was then to be plundered for anything of financial, military, industrial or cultural value,[134] and the remaining population terrorised. Civilian hostages would be taken, and the death penalty immediately imposed for even the most trivial acts of resistance
> current state of stagnaton
kek, its only eurofags that have stagnation, USA is global empire and silicon valley is a place where future is created FFS. europe is pretty much irrelevant, it will never catch up with US, only real way to do that would possibly be by introducing english as obligatory second language for every citizen at the EU level and we know that will never happen.
infographic showing that France and ANGLOS are nearly as equal in term on discovery.jpg
Diaspora Anglo, parents both from SA
>inb4 mug heritage
Come !
We will spill the blood of ANGLO once again !
We will activate our ANGLO blood factories once more !
Just you try !
Slimey limey !
we can't let the anglo have the nuclear codes. aryan nations of the world, unite!
But anglos are only like 10 percent germanic. Theyre 50 percent celt and the rest is mystery meat.
>50 percent celt and the rest is mystery meat.
thats satans DNA. the anglo is a hell spawn. when the anti christ comes, he will be of pure anglo heritage.
Why the fuck does the celtic guy have to be bald lmao
>aryans unite
>meaning slavs, iranians (persians) and hindus
>Be Nazı
>Call Englishmen Island Monkey and Cockroach
> Bomb cities kill civilians.
> English decides to push back
> You wait for their spirit to collapse from bombing
> Englishmen just gets tougher everyday
> Give up trying to intimidate them
> Make propaganda thinking it will save your ass from the only true white people.
If I wasn't born a Türk I would ask God to make me English.
Truly Based People...
Hitler was so complicated...
*pulls out sword*
not so fast
no. We are mostly Anglo-Saxon overall but it varies so much between counties. I am literally from a Saxon county for example
aryanhood is a state of mind.
No wonder their women look like fucking pugs. Cause theyre the mongrel amerisharts of europe. Even calling them european is disrespectful to europeans.
>As opposed to Germans doing the same thing
You're also assuming any Brit knew what would happen in the future. This current mess was started Americans.
Shut up loser.
Sorry mate.
The perfidious Albion
Best non-European ally desu
Turks always make the most intelligent posts.
Actually this is a very funny meme
But some people here take it so seriously that they think it's made by """jews""" to """divide and conquer""" (idk why would they even divide and conquer some board that's inhabitated by obesite losers) the whites.
>implying that Germany started with bombing english cities
english airraids with bombers
04.09.1939 Wilhelmshaven & Brunsbuttle
29.09.1939 Heligoland
29.09.1939 attack on ships between Helgoland und Wangerooge
30.09.1939 Sylt
30.10.1939 Groß Berßen
18.12.1939 Wilhelmshaven
19/20.03.1940 Hörnum
23/24.03.1940 Delmenhorst
11/12.05.1940 Mönchengladbach (erster nachtangriff)
17/18.05 1940 Hamburg
18/19.05.1940 Bremen
05/06.06.1940 Duiseburg
18/19.06.1940 Leverkusen
19/21/22/25/26/27/28.06.1940 Bremen
01/02/12/14/15/19/20/22/28.07.1940 Bremen
first german airraid
24.08.1940 London (Thames Haven)
>20 trillion in debt, sedition from 3 branches of government, homegrown black terrorist organisation, choice of leader between a guy from the TV or someone's wife, someone's wife has now joined 'vive le resistance' movement, violence in the streets between pro and anti government supporters regularly
Tell me again how the US will be eternal
yes, but anglos are certainly not white
>mfw we almost turned all of Germany into an Anthrax poisoned wasteland
>mfw we almost did it.
Too bad all those dead Englishmen, German, Türk are completely forgotten.
What a waste.
Gives me conniptions.
Let's sing a song for all those dead men who died so we could be the mess we are today!
What? How?
I'm not sayin it will be eternal, I'm saying that at this point the cutting edge of science and technology is happening in the United States of fuckin' America and brits and germs are pretty much irrelevant compared to the USA, that's the only stagnation I really care about.
The eternal anglo is athreat for the survival of civilization. They must be stopped at all times.
Do you think Gibraltar is just a rock? WRONG, it's a secret huge blood refinery filled with the corpses of innocent ARYANS who were in seek of refuge in Spain.
beady anglo eyes