France is powerful

Like a lighthouse, one day it will illuminate the universe.

At the crossroads of Europe, the position of France within Europe is strategic, Latin culture and Romanized, this nation that covers more than 2000 years of history is the oldest established nation of Europe. France's successor to Rome.

There were 53 major conflicts in Europe. France will have been a belligerent in 49 of them, and the United Kingdom in 43.
Among the 185 battles that France has delivered over the past 800 years, its armies will have gained 132 of them, and will have lost 43, leaving only 10 undecided battles

Giving the French military the record of victories in Europe and therefore in the world. France is the nation that has participated in the greatest number of war and battle throughout the history of mankind.

- Over the last 800 years France has beaten over 200 years against England, over 150 years against the Germanic nations, more than 190 years against the Spaniards / Portuguese, and facing many other nations.

Often these wars were waged against France in numerical inferiority against coalitions of several nations aimed at destroying it:

- Coalitions of Bouvines (1214), France faces the Holy Roman Empire, England and Flanders
- Coalition of the war Folle, France Vs Brittany, England, Castile and leon, Holy Roman Empire and Lorraine.

- Italian Coalitions, France vs Aragon, England, duchy of naples, Spain, Holy Roman Empire and this several times.

- Coalition war devolution, France vs Spain, England, Sweden, United Provinces.

- Coalitions of Hasbourg, France and Ottoman VS Austria, England, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Scotland, United Provinces, Savoy, Holy Roman Empire.

- Napoleonic Coalitions, France vs all Europe.

and even more ...


Suban Allah! Praise France, now land of Islam

Have we a single lesson to receive from your country, cup of tea?


Make France great again!


Vote Le Pen and I will buy you a baguette, Frog.

I already vote for Le Pen, you know.

Not so fast, France. Our Queen is in another castle.
Across 3000Km of your kind's worst enemy: water.

That country won't even exist 50 years from now.
Haven't heard Macron talking? He wants to get rid of the past, he's been very clear about that.

This vote is one issue: crush Islam.

France is third world Country. Fuck them, too much muslims and niggers

I know but if you vote for Le Pen, you will have an easy conscience, it's already that.

Two baguettes and a white flag for you then

It's okay. We are friends now.

And except for trolling, do you know how to hold a serious discussion?

We are friends with everybody, bro.

Before that we were enemies frog.

Not so powerful now colony of Africa

top kek

But you shouldn't live in past, grain of rice.

Charles Martel is rolling in his grave at what has become of his homeland.

ma'ash Allah akhi, France will be a great power in Dar Al Islam, subhanallah subhanallah.

Now repeat after me kafir:

"La ilaha ila' Allah, ena shahadahu Mohammad rasul'Allah!"

Mashallah now join France in Dar al Islam or be run down like a dog kafir

>one day it will illuminate the universe
One day I'm sure it will happen brotha, Inshallah!

>seems small foreshadow of #1 vietnam war

France died in 1789.

May 68*

France will be gone within the next 30 years (just like the rest of Western Europe)

New flag

France is also Germanic, Franks were Germans.

Why do you have so many republics? Can't you stick to a system of government?

And the French imported their own demise and will become a shining beacon of diversity in the European Caliphate.

But Didn(t french surrendered during ww2?

German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.

I want you lads to be great again. Only faggots want to see a country with a rich heritage like yours fall to Islamic-Liberal-Communism.

also friendly reminder that Germany
>weakened the UK and France in 2 World Wars
>which in turn weakened their grip on their colonies
>which in turn began a gigantic migration wave into both countries

Germany also
>the hegemonic power of Europe in the world, which the US and Russia filled
>basically gave half of Europe to the Soviet Union
>destroyed for 50 years any chance of peace in Europe

>destroyed any competition in the free market by exporting so much, lesser countries cant compete
>bought the EU and rules it with an iron fist
>gave monies to the southern states which are now basically slaves

and also
>invited millions of economic migrants from the hellish places of the world, which are now wreaking havoc all over europe

and also

>are responsible for the existence of Israel and the empowerement of the jews

Thank's bro!





>by a japan

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