Are the kek memes about Scandinavia true...

Are the kek memes about Scandinavia true? Surely they're exaggerated considering they're still the best place in the world

>you will never eat at scandinavian mcdonalds

Socialism sucks big time, paying 85% tax rate for soviet healthcare sucks.

At least before we didn't have a dindu problem.

>52% income tax
>180% car registration tax
>highest road taxes in the World
>25% VAT on everything
>highest property taxes in the World
>Forced leftwing TV license tax

Communist utopia that only stays working because Burgers kind of like us and don't CIA us.

Fenno-Scandinavia > Scandinavia

They want it to be more true. And yes, Sweden has highest rape/theft on planet, check UN data for the world.

The political pendulum is swinging towards cuckoldry in Finland atleast. The mainstream media is so leftist, that I get triggered by it several times a day. Our only counter-media is controlled by actual racists and couple incompetent rationalists at youtube. Finland is also always like 5 to 10 years behind other Scandinavian countries in their political swings, so the left is actually on rise here and is considered more credible by your average pleb. If Macron wins tomorrow, Finland is going to go down the drain along the bathwater as the classical liberal and/or right wing resistance still needs some five years to reach it's full form.

This is so true, every day there is some bullshit in the newspapers that either implies anti-white sentiments or straight up in your face.

Especially from when the rapefugee crisis started the media has gone insane here.

It's just a very good place to live so most people are insanely naive.

This. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.