Im an American currently visiting Finland as a tourist. All the talk about Finns being mongols and not white is trash. They are literally the whitest and most aesthetic people I've ever seen. Their women are beautiful and feminine while their men are strong and masculine. Also I havent seen any blacks here. (except me)
One thing strange about Finland is their language. It's like hearing elves whisper into your ear. It is so beautiful.
Im an American currently visiting Finland as a tourist. All the talk about Finns being mongols and not white is trash...
I am Finish visiting America as a tourist. All the talk about Americans being fat and not white is trash. They are literally the most fit and whitest people I've ever seen. Their meals are portioned properly while their skin is white as snow. I also haven't seen any Mexicans here.
One strange thing about America is their language. It's like hearing freedom whisper into your ear. It's so inspirational.
>Finnish men
>strong and masculine
Im a Canadian currently visiting Germanyas a tourist. All the talk about Germans being muslims and not white is trash. They are literally the whitest and most aesthetic people I've ever seen. Their women are beautiful and feminine while their men are strong and masculine. Also I havent seen any arabs here. (except me)
One thing strange about Germany is their language. It's like hearing elves whisper into your ear. It is so beautiful.
Nihon pls
Im a German currently visiting England as a tourist. All the talk about Brits being cucks and not white is trash. They are literally the whitest and most dentally healthy people I've ever seen. Their women are beautiful and not chavy while their men are fit and don't have shit haircuts. Also I haven't seen any pakis here. (except me)
One thing strange about England is their language. It's like hearing Ricky Hatton stick his dick in your ear. It is so banterlicious
>Also i havent seen any blacks here. (Except me)
A nig on Sup Forums? That is a first.
>Im an American currently visiting Finland as a tourist
>hey are literally the whitest and most aesthetic people I've ever seen
Thats not hard burger KEK
>That is a first.
hallo reddit
>havent seen any blacks here. (except me)
pls leave
Where in finland are you? Assuming this isn't just some finnish hikky larping
Pekka, pls.
Im a German currently visiting Sweden as a tourist. All the talk about Swedes being muslims and not white is trash. They are literally the whitest and most aesthetic people I've ever seen. Their women are beautiful and feminine while their men are strong and masculine. Also I havent seen any arabs here. (except me)
One thing strange about Sweden is their language. It's like hearing elves whisper into your ear. It is so beautiful.
I'm so sorry you had to see this
I guess any country would look pretty coming from 50% white land. Once sat next to a Finnish guy in at a bar in Stockholm, I think he thought it would be polite to try and simulate human interaction because he started a conversation. What followed was the most awkward 30 minute talk I've ever had. Are you guys all this autistic?
I'm a Finn currently visiting Finland as a Finn. All the talk about Finns being Finnish and not Finns is trash. They are literally the Finniest and the most Finnish people I have ever seen. Their women are Finnish and Finns while their men are Finns and Finnish. Also, I haven't seen any Finns here. (except me)
One thing strange about Finland is their language. It's like hearing Finns whisper into your ear. It is so Finnish.
Finn finish Finnish Finn finni finn finn, Finnish finn? Finnishi finish finn finn. Finn finn Finnish, finni finn. Finn finni Finnish Finn finn finn finni.
Fucking finns, why aren't they banned from this board?
Fuck off we're full.
t. Finngolian
I know my white brother. Gas them all!
Am hungarian visiting Romania, totally not a gypsy bozgor. I can say this place is so much worse than I imagined, gypsies literally everywhere. I've already been pickpocketed twice in three days. I went to the city center yesterday and everywhere there's buildings made by hungarians and yet they've managed to make them look like shit. I swear, if I stay any longer here I might not even be angry about them stealing our land, these gypsies have destroyed it beyond recovery.
>Also I havent seen any arabs here. (except me)
>except me
sorry we made a new board for niggers who LARP as whites its called
please fuck off there as this is a WHITES ONLY BOARD. and we'd rather not have to read whatever inferior thoughts you have in your little black brain.
Go fuck a roo, your bants are subhuman.
spotted the guy who's gonna detonate himself one day
Wat? We just either drink ourselves to death or burn our homes with our families in them. Silly man.
don't make me laugh
That nose is ... (((very familiar)))...
Which city you at OP?