How could Spaniards put their dongs inside of this?

How could Spaniards put their dongs inside of this?

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its either that or fuck each other (didnt bring women)

Because non homo

The same reasn why aussies fucked abbo

the pussy to god

They were desperate to fug anything and you are the result of it

She is 100% indigenous, so she wasn´t blessed with superior conquistador genes.

Pic related is what we created.
Also, how is that the upper class in latin nations is mainly white while the poor/working class has the bigger ammount of indigenous traits?

>on a ship for years and years
>no women

Any women would look like a supermodel and besides the young ones aren't that ugly. Our boys fucked ABOS.

My family is the result of that beautiful creamy white skin, thank you based Spaniards

When looking at the beauty of European woman and then looking at how disgusting and ugly Mexican people are it gives me cringe

Fuck you Spain
You did a horrible job colonizing America


>mfw spaniards probably were selective even when raping natives out of abstinence
>mfw there's a high change modern-day people with 100% native blood are the descendants of women so ugly they weren't considered fuckable even after months without sex
There you go, all explained

We did a horrible job with all of you, indeed.
Now we have a lot of retarded childs, like you.

Don't worry, we'll wipe you spics out and colonize with blonde Anglos


Did Spaniard also rape Naples woman?

expats are shit tier

Meh, they mainly fought the French over it and the people who were rebelling against the French welcomed them, so I don't think so

>100% indigenous
nope thats a mixed

It's what happens when you are months in a ship and haven't fucked anything. Sorry.

Proly because the bitches were young and the lack of women for years lead to Spaniards wanting to fuck anything and everything.

And boom, Mexico was born.

Imagine having to spend 2 years among hairy and smelly men, and some of them even trying to buttfuck you.
Then you finally get into new land and you, AT LAST, find pussy and some of them, very nice looking ones and even better than spanish girls (aztec royalty).
What would you do?

He was referring to the OP's picture, dumbfuck.

Shut up cortez


Siempre cariñosa nuestra patria madre.

She did that with a crayola marker, didn't she?





I really don't understand the weird mix in some south american countries betwen american, indigenous and spanish cultures.

If you sailed across a turbulent ocean for weeks in a caravel full of smelly explorers. Seeing easy tribal women who think you are a god seemed like a good time.

*sheaths cock*

No. The european conquests of Castilla and Aragon were with almogavar troops. They were like a "regular" army after years fighting La Reconquista, also had an entourage with "pawns", butlers and women.


They hadn't seen pussy for many months or even years.

Hello ThelemaAndLouise 06/05 16:54

Jamal just arrive home?

Too much time on boats, man.

Too much time on boats

We didn't fuck with all,the ugly ones were left alone,maybe our bastards mestizo would go for them but we wouldn't settle for less than pure qt 3.14 waifus that would take care of our swords.


Dont sweat it paco.
For white people mexicans and spics look identical.

if that thing is like 12, possibly isn't that ugly + can get pregnant