I swear to fucking god dude, everyone here is just the stereotype of a middle class, smug liberal. We get taught globalist/socialist ideology in school, and everyone just laps it the fuck up. Last year in language arts we learned about "microaggressions", and in health, we learned about "rape culture" through a Pepe Le Pew cartoon. Everyone around me thinks this way, including my parents, who have essentially disowned me due to my being a right of center libertarian (they're both Marxist Socialists). Sorry this is poorly written, I was up all night and I haven't taken my Adderall yet. TL;DR: Leftist normies are driving me insane.
Being surrounded by middle class, neo-liberal cunts is driving me mad
Other urls found in this thread:
Lemme guess, Cali?
This shit doesn't work, there is only one image of a good US in my head:
The western and the eastern full of factories that uphold to no regulations, the norhern states has farming (slaves) and the southern states are total anarchy like the wild west.
whats the point of socialism?
its a failed ideology that has produced anything
lookat dubai for example
>capitalist economy with minimal government interference in private sector
>zero income tax
>enslavement of pajeets and pakis and other blue collars gave us an empire
be like dubai
never produced*
pc liberals think it will render unto america total fairness and make life easy for everyone
Is this projection I'm seeing?
People call state capitalism with any type of welfare benefits system socialism which is retarded. They bring up Norway, Denmark, Sweden, etc. when in reality virtually every successful and nice country in the modern world is capitalist to the core.
The best you could do is get read up on real Western political philosophy and then pass it on when you can.
I was a smug liberal in high school who thought "Socialism probably ain't that bad", that "Maybe burning the flag is okay", or that "Globalism is a force for good! All conservatives are the enemy!"
My second semester of university I was assigned to read John Locke's Second Treatise of Government. I fell in love instantaneously. The rationality of his arguments were so convincing and the "Americanness" of it so self evident that I had to have more. Got into Rousseau with Social Contract and Discourse on the Origin of Inequality.
It was only recently that I began to ask my not Leftist professors about critics of this new Liberalism I'd so subscribed to. I got recommended Mill, Tocqueville, Marx, and Nietzsche.
Mill taught me the value of freedom of expression and the danger of Tyranny of the Majority.
Tocqueville taught me the dangers of Equality and Individualism and how good Liberal government ought to strike a balance between the two. I've said it here before, so I might get recognized, but too much Individuality and you get NAP violating Recreational McNukes; too much Equality and you get full Communism/The Last Man situation (for those who have read Zarathustra)
Marx taught me the cores of Socialism and Communism. With this new knowledge, I could easily philosophically fend off any Commie or Socialist, which at my uni is absolutely necessary.
Finally, Nietzsche taught me the importance of Morality in society and the importance of struggle in life and how it to succumb to what he calls Slave Morality. Pressure makes diamonds kind of guy. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the Last Man speech in the prologue painted an absolutely terrifying picture of the ends of Socialism/Communism and maybe even Liberalism itself.
Just read, OP. It's the best guard against the Leftists, who so claim to love America, when you can defend her foundational ideals.
why don't you rent a bus, go to the nearest inner city, tell the niggers that there are jobs waiting for them at the end of the busride, then bus the niggers to the neighborhoods filled with liberals, drop them off, leave, and watch the lulz that will inevitably ensue?
give them a taste of that delicious cultural diversity.
The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.
The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it.
The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas; hence of the relationships which make the one class the ruling one, therefore, the ideas of its dominance.
>state capitalism
>Capitalism: an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production
you're the retard
Get jumped for telling a bunch of "youths" you got work and don't have any drugs so they take your bus.
> Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and other similar countries don't have private property
You're a fucking retard if you think they or any similar country is socialist
State cspitalism is private profit socalised losses.
"Too big to fail."
> What is state capitalism
The state is the mechanism for enforcing private property and contracts, the state is necessary for capitalism and it's what allows it to work you idiot
>the thread
Sorry but our ways are superior
The state is necessary for every system. That doesn't change the fact that capitalism is private ownership. If its owned by the state its not private. state capitalism is an oxymoron that doesn't exist
I want to live in your America
> That doesn't change the fact that capitalism is private ownership
I never said it wasn't, but states make private ownership possible by introducing the legal framework for it and its recognition for functioning in a capitalist economy.
> state capitalism is an oxymoron that doesn't exist
That's weird considering pretty much every nice country in the world is state capitalist.
The greatest trick the Globalists played on the middle class was getting them to take on Marxism. Marxism goes against every one if their interests because in a commie "peoples revolution" it's the middle class that ALWAYS gets it in the neck. The elites are always long gone or well protected. You just tell your parents that they'll be one if the first to hang when the commies come knocking.
>in a capitalist economy.
in every economy. Its completely beside the point and irrelevant.
> Marxist literature defines state capitalism as
A made up term to save marxists from their failures.
translate into degeneratish:
>normies are consuming information made by (((them)))
>(((they))) are choose what to show normies based on what (((they))) think is best
>normies are indoctrinated by (((their))) ideas
>My parents are liberal
>my parents are Marxist socialist
>They believe in SJW shit
What does this shit have to do with Marxism or socialism ? Liberals is literally the only thing marxist hate, only in U.S can you embrace the economic system of capitalism but pretend to be some Marxist because you "care about the poor/minorities"
That's why U.S is such a cucked country, because of all the liberals that aren't able to find themselves in the politic system and blindly following random ideas that seem to fit
>Yeah I care about people
>Yeah I don't want poor peoople
>everyone should earn for themselves
>muhh taxes
>less government
Yeah I fucking know, I am a Marxist liberal democratic stalinist-trotskyist, but yeah I do work as a banker what's the problem with that, I am also a libertarian
Seriously, fuck your politics. Read a book once
Serb do you realize this shity communist make mine and your country shity ass hell go and read a book about Adam Smith please learn something about capitalism
Move to the South, famalam
>Serbia under communism
Rich, prosperous and growing
>Serbia under capitalism
It's a shit argument I know, but I think I've read enough about capitalism and it made me more furious. Didn't you macedobro live better 30 years ago
right of centre, yet dependent on amphetamine?
Thankfully the ruling party is very conservative here. Anyway I avoid talking about politics with anyone I know. I have good parents in that regard because they never tried to impose any ideology on me. I'm 23 still living with my parents, and to this day I don't where they stand on the political spectrum or who they vote for.
Sounds like you were a smug leftist that read about what liberalism actually is
t. Adorno
>middle class
There is only 2 classes: worker and capitalists.
It's not a privatized free market if trade unions are banned, the government can force protesting workers to work, a fair amount of workers hold government officers, and major companies like Dubai Properties and Emirates Airlines are government-owned.
There's never been a totally free market anywhere, and I doubt there ever will.
Also those countries were (until very recently) homogeneous.
They're certainly not privatized.
>state capitalism is an oxymoron that doesn't exist
Only in the sense that the importance of the state isn't really unique to capitalism.
>Rich prosperus and gorowing
>Bro we were backwards our technology was shit we still drive Yugo Personal computers were very rare the factories were scared to update their technology in a fear that they will going to lose workers ,there were no productions and that cuased inflation ,The self appointment factories by the workers were joke the factories became rivals because there was no export ,And some of then even close because there were no point at running it .Masive corruption direcotrs of the facotries purposely ruin the factories so they can buy the factories stocks and bribed politican with stocks so they can stay quiet .Massive propaganda and politic censorship those who oppose the KPJ were send in goli otok and the people were under constant propaganda that everything was good in fcat it was not because Yugoslavia was not into the stalin sphere they took debt from the EU so they pay their workers then causet another hyper inflation so they cen repay the debts of the Europian bank
Just compere Yugoslavia to any other western country in that time and you will see those nations like Ireland by passed in matter of years
>Serbia under capitalism
the problems is our politicians don't enable capitalism yet our government is to strong and corrupt if our government has smaller power and not taxes to hell or use the taxes for good we should be like today Poland Bohemia or Slovenia otherwise we would say like shit
>grouping Bernie and Corbyn with Lenin, Mao, and Chavez
epic meme.
Goli Otok stopped holding general political prisoners in 1956 IIRC.
>using the terms 'liberal' and 'neo-liberal' interchangeably
You're just as stupid as they are. Neo-liberal is closer to Ronald Reagan than it is to SJW shit
I am a fairly liberal guy and only moderately right of center. I hate Trump and his supporters.
Even I am sick of the crazy neo-liberals around Boston.
I blame Hillary and them for Trump's win as much as I do the Trump tards.
> They're certainly not privatized.
What, the entire countries? Obviously not, that would be retarded and infeasible. But they certainly allow private property, private business operation and enterprise, allow people to profit off of it, etc. all of which are the hallmarks of a society with private property rights and capitalism.
>compare Yugoslavia to any other western country
Lol ok, let me start
End of ww1, Yugoslavia is still a shit country ruled by a monarch where more than 80% of people lives outside the city. The country only depends on agriculture since it has no industry of any kind. Some 30-40% of people are uneducated and many more fall under the poverty line of that time. Yugoslavia is just a country side
>Fast forward 40 years
Automotive, train, plane, boats industry with exports to Africa and Eats. Completely new infrastructure with thousands of miles of highways, railways and power lines. Less than 5% is uneducated and only 20-30% live outside cities because the country isn't dependant on agriculture any more. Compared to other eastern european countries Yugoslavia is arguably the best place to live and although is still worse than the west it is coming close to western standards. We were even offered a place in EEC in 89' and were considered a industrial power county. In 89', the stats were 21st as to GDP, GDP per capita comparable to Hungary today, only 14% in debt ...
Yugoslavia was comparable to the west and the fact that it managed to come from an undeveloped shit country to a comparable one is amazing.
>personal computer were rare, factoriesscared to update
Nigga what the fuck, both of my parents owned a PC in 1980s and that's not something everyone could say around the world at the time. My family owned new technology, a car and a big house all while working as simple blue collar workers. Technology became scarse after the wars, but people still played on NES, Comodore and there were veen a few domestic PC's in sale. Yugo wasn't the best car, but it existed and everyone could buy it. But again, you could easily afford a better car from anywhere
>Nope even in the 80s some "parasites" were taken away from hope to re-educate them so I think that was the official status at goli otok however many people were punish for their ideology including nationalist
>make all the poor people brown on purpose
>this makes all marxist pro-brown people
>your average white/asian/jewish person only cares about their family and friends, who are probably not brown
>people were punished for nationalism
I see no problem with that
During 40 years Goli Otok was in service, no more than 400 people were sentenced to death. And those who died weren't political opponents but criminals that got death penalty by trial.
I see no problem with the idea of
>You want to be a fascist scum ? Sure, why don;t you be one in this isolated camp where you'll move a rock from A to B
Fascist deserve death, punishing them by forced labour was a soft sentence
> Last year in language arts we learned about "microaggressions", and in health,
did nobody else notice he's talking about middle-school or early high-school level classes?
You must be 18+ to post on this board. Fucking underage b&
>Compere Yugoslavia to any western coutry from that era
Lol ww1 in the ww1 the great depretion started the whole world was under economical crisis because of the great war 80% of The kingdom of Yugoslavia were depended on agricutlture because most of Yugoslavia was influence by the ottoman empire years ago and in the ottoman empire there was no industrial revolution like the capitalistic kingdoms in the west
Fast forwards 40 years the whole world was in a better position example Japan who was nearly killed by the war Great Brittan France West Germany now compere those nations with Yugoslavia and their economy. Their economy increased every year while our stagnated and created rivalries between the factories and inflation
>Yes the technology was very rare
even though your family might been update the truth was it was rare because Yugoslavian export policy. And the government didn't wat to update their technology because many of the workers would became unemployed
Still the debt was to high and created massive inflation and great corruption Yugoslavia might worked if we became capitalist today we would be like Poland or Bohemia
>you want to be fascist scum
being nationalistic doesn't mean you are a fascist and does punishment because some one had different opinion is a fascist policy when you think about so Yugoslavia was fascist in ideological sense
>Yugoslavia might have worked if it became capitalist
Nigger Yugoslavia became capitalist, are you braindead ? Can you see what the region looks like, enjoy capitalism and upcoming Macedonian war fag
>unironically comparing Yugoslavia to Japan
Are you retarded
>punishing fascist makes you a fascist
Shut up fag, killing fascist makes you a professional vermin exterminator
>Yugoslavia became capitalist
Do you even know your history Yugoslavia didn't became capitalistic the one party system of Yugoslavia wanted great central government and great autonomy they wanted to isolate Yugoslavia that is why Slovenia Macedonia and left the union
>Can you see the region uncder capitalisam and the upcoming war in Macedonia
What ? I think you are retarded capitalisam is has nothing to do with the situation of the region the up cumming war in MAcedonia also is not because of capitalism is because the corrupt government the reason why we are shitholes is because our government has to much power we need to lower the power of the government and give it to the private sector that is why we are shitholes because our government is like the Yugoslavian government
Funny fascist say the same thing about those who disagree with them
Macedonia is Greece
If not communism, my coutry would be even more backwards and controled by incest spawned retard
This is what I wish it were like as well.
>wish granted
>you are basicly slave and will die in 20 years due lung cancer
tell them all to fuck off. polite society is overrated, the commie faggots aren't worth our time my man, even your family. sometimes you gotta tell your family to fuck off. I did, with my mother. Sure she's done good things for me, but she seriously fucked up my childhood with the single mother bullshit and her antimale garbage. Your parents aren't infallible gods, they can also be retards, just like it's by chance who we're born to, take a random handfull of average people and see how fucked up and pathological they can be. You can choose friends, you can't choose family. Don't feel obligated to SHIT if your family won't respect you. FUCK EM.
Who's thoughts do you have in your head? Yours? Or someone else's? Think for yourself, and most importantly, ACT for yourself. Don't be a victim of some kike's mind virus just because
>"uh duh everyone is doing it BROOO! Liek, duuuhhh, why can't you just be normal like the rest of the kids and suck the Rabbi's zucc?
>I'm ashamed of you son! Everybody else sucks The Kike's cock! And look at all the shekels they get dribbling off their chin. Why can't you be a "normal" member of society and be "responsible" and suck The Jew cock? My friend's son went to college for "Business" and now he sucks MAJOR KIKE COCK has enough shekels busted in his mouth to have 3 BMWs and a beachfront home and a golddigging slut trophy wife! Why can't you be successful like him?!? You're a disgrace! To make it in this Kali Yuga you HAVE to bow down to your Jew masters, son. Someday you'll grow up and mature and finally suck that cock and get enough shekels to buy a licentious degenerate whore and have bastard children which the kike court system will take away from you and give to the niggerloving whore who the kikes will force you to pay alimony to. You'll grow up someday son."
Prove it. I know Marxists just HATE proving anything, but provide me with one, single piece of evidence that your retarded picture has even the faintest sliver of reality behind it.
See I know that YOU, the Left, are utterly owned by corporations and Academia (Universities are also massive investment firms if you didn't know) and YOU are tolerated by the Elite--even celebrated as you constantly advocate to give them more power.
But your claim that corporate overlords are behind Fascism? Please, give me a slice of evidence. A single slice of evidence, you ignorant, low-information Marxist retard.
Life is already great in America though. This is the most economically prosperous nation in human history. It's young white liberals who have never been outside a gated community think have to work for a libing is corporate oppression and that not having all the gibsmedat social programs in the world means they're basically living a third world nightmare.
How the fuck does one become so weak minded that they actually start believing this bullshit?
>19,99 not 19.99
this, if you're not prosperous in America, you're probably not trying at all
oh and bro, get off the amphetamines. srs. TAPER OFF FAGIT. don't be a slave to a fucking drug. Being a slave to a drug means you are a slave to whoever supplies that drug. And the modern subverted psychiatry/pharmacy complex are just """legalese semantical" drug dealers (Just like modern cops are legalese-semantical hired goons/enforcers...etc...etc). you have to WILL yourself to FIX YOUR OWN MENTAL PROBLEMS. you can do it. Sobriety, nature, meditation, spirituality.
If you have to use stimulant psychotropics (other than coffee, tea...cigarettes/beer in moderation...etc), you're too plugged into this ratrace bullshit. calm down. You have to taper off and go sober. ADD is kike bullshit, just like 80% of all "psychiatric diagnoses"
Just to clear some things up, I live in North Carolina. If you know about the attitudes of the people here and what kind of ideas you'll find in certain areas. You probably know the general vicinity in which I live.
>this, if you're not prosperous in America, you're probably not trying at all
what do you mean by "trying"? "Trying" how exactly?
Did you ever think what it means to be authentic and ethical? Does living harmoniously, truthfully and with zero cognitive dissonance mean anything to you?
Nope, North Carolina of all places.
I'm a liberal myself, and I don't think I was using those words interchangeably. I was referencing the "smug liberal" stereotype more than anything else.
Or you could learn basic accounting and maybe economics for extra credit. And fact check socialism yourself.
The Market Price of goods is the Most efficient determinant of value. Which is what Marx was arguing for in the first place. Where governments go wrong is trying to break that mold thinking they arbitrarily know. In doing so they create distortions and mispricing which ineffectively and irrationally allocate resources. Creating a downward spiral even at 99% efficiency.
.99^years. Will very quickly destroy you. Stupid progs think that 1% doesn't matter, but when you're talking the collective productions of millions taking into account stable growth is somewhere in the 3-5% range a 1% decrease is really a 20-33% decrease in net productivity. For what? In the best countries some silly triple insurance scheme at 10x-20x the normal price upfront. Or in the worst examples simply doing simple redistribution.
Math is simply the study of relationships and accounting is simply the math of value exchange.
This seems to be a common point of confusion in this thread. My parents aren't what I would call "liberal". My dad is very authoritarian as are most communists, and my mom is a Marxist/socialist who is also very authoritarian. I think their authoritarian mindset plays into them believing "in SJW shit". However, I noted it because it's some context to where they're coming from when they do ridiculous shit to me because I disagree with their politics.
>go to grade school
>get enough of a well rounded background to discover some of my talents and interests
>in highschool research post secondary options that have more jobs than workers that exploit my talents and interests
>pursue a post secondary education and career
>get decent paying job
>pay off student loans and keep the credit cards payed off, pay off car loan
>start saving money in a betterment account and watch it grow
>give money to charity while still building a mass of wealth
It's not even rocket science. It doesn't take a lot of brain power or anything special, just a willingness to put in some work and invest in your own future.
Sorry you got conned by the jews into paying too much at a university for a useless studies degree. In no way is that my concern or my problem.
>stable growth is somewhere in the 3-5% range
Growth is going to vanish in the west soon, our populations are in rapid decline