I personally think this guy's a hero. He's done more for white people and our movement than anyone else. Why don't people take him seriously?
What's Sup Forumss opinion on Richard Spencer?
i think he's extended the overton window, which is good. otherwise he's unnecessary.
Hes ok, I dont mind him tbqh
Just like every other figure that doesnt hate his skin, the shills come out in force every single time hes mentioned.
>daily reminder (((they))) are constantly trying to fracture us from within and most of you faggots are all too happy to let (((them)))
Sheltered upper class preppy kid who decided he rather be an ebin nazi xDDD instead of an SJW. Contributed exactly fuck all to the white nationalist movement other than making everybody crack jokes at him getting punched or cringing at his Roman salutes.
Jared Taylor is at least smart.
Fuck off with your shopped pics you kike. Why are you lefty fags always resort to attacking a person's looks? Is it because you're too fucking retarded to tackle the arguments?
His wife is KGB and he's gay
Drink raw milk.
Someone's grouchy. Didn't get your milk this morning?
Spencer doesn't do anything original. He hasn't moved the window, he's just taking advantage of a trend to get money and attention. Maybe he genuinely believes he is changing things, but in that case he's just wrong.
The situation is changing and he's using this to market himself. You can't point to any one person responsible for changing the conversation, so random people can just lay claim and say it was them.
This thread again? Why are you spamming, Germany?
He's a lame dork..
Need a more articulate alpha leader
Mods ban this shit
not even shopped
Fuck off Putin, we're not falling for your boy toy. We know you're Communists and want to infiltrate all Nationalist groups
>What does Sup Forums think of X e-celeb?
Is this a new shilling technique?
And you have somehow managed to do far less than that. Easy to judge from behind a screen isnt it?
Go do something with your own pathetic existence before you try to judge those who are at least trying to make the world better for whites.
He looks trans
Fuck off ahmed
I've never posted in this thread before, but it's obvious he's a plant by some federal agency.
I mean, he hasn't done anything productive and if you read his quotes it's obvious.
Also he's not even alt-right, he's a neo-nazi.
Holy shit, what?
How many cocks does Sup Forums think have been in his ass? I'm curious about your opinions.
>Man tits
Fuck this guy
Spencer is such a mess. I cringe every time I see him.
If your only argument is insults, that doesn't make me wrong. If you have a logical reason for supporting Spencer outside of his perceived importance, say so. Indignity just makes it look like you support him "just because" without a lot of specifics. Go ahead and explain to me how PHALANX, alternativeright.com, and paid speeches are changing politics.
They're not, they take advantage of existing ideas to propel him to fame. Fundamentally for Spencer to be important, his audience has to already exist. His positions are already all over the map and he tries to take the easy way out of every controversial point. He doesn't put his weight behind anything and really stick to it because he's not trying to change how people think, he's just trying to be the leader.
Irrelevant cuck plant loser
Faggot with a shit on his head.. why would I care about him?
He's just kind of an asshole, like I just can't see him debate some cuck and beat him, or articulately proving any good points on how whites are better.
Those shops kek
He has the raw, unbridled charisma of a stuttering telemarketer interrupting you at dinner. As an orator he's about as useful as Amy Schumer's gym membership card. He couldn't sell Hermann Goering on white nationalism, let alone a normie.
Literally EVERYONE is a jew. Everything is jewish. There is not one particle in this universe that isn't illuminati and jewish CO
Future Hitler
Go take that rifle in your home safe and blow your brains out with it. Kill your family first tho.
Looks like the source of these pics is (((DER SPIEGEL))). OP is a (((journalist))) hack trolling.
his fucking hair makes him look like a rugrats baby
bitch tits mainly
nice bitch tits
lmao this is a good shop but it could be better
make his face smaller
What's with this weird titted guy?
trolls getting more and more subtle in their tactics I see
Not getting by me though I am an expert on Mr. Spencer's head shape and hair I can tell when you are trying to ruin his aesthetic
I really don't like him, and I see him as controlled opposition, and I don't want this guy to represent some form of National Socialism that he is.
kike controlled opp
nice moobs
cointel pro
Most of Sup Forums doesn't know where the fuck this guy came from or what he fucking stands for.
Hell I don't even know what he sounds like.
Fuck this guy, he's a nobody.
Also stop trying to group everyone as "alt right". If it has a label it can be targeted and destroyed.
>Sup Forums: "We gotta do something about white genocide"
>white nationalist enters the mainstream
Everyone who thinks he's controlled op needs gassing. Come at me. Tell me why he's controlled opposition and I'll tell you why you're just wrong.
He should be able to fucking sue them imo
But he can't, because the word sue has parenthesis around it
he has a very faggy haircut.
At the moment, the Alt Right is the ONLY movement that takes WN seriously and tries its best to make moves in the real world. It may not be perfect, but it's the only real thing out there.
Kids who cry shill are the typical niggers who are in the WN specturm just for the Lulz. As soon as something serious props up, they assume it's CO or Psyops because they can't fathom anything actually happening from the WN front, because they lack seriousness themselves.
Tl Dr: Sup Forums is cancer
i can't believe thats richard spencer. i kept hearing about this guy and how good he is. but there's something wrong with his there, seriously.
why is it that shape? i just showed this to a friend, who is a doctor, and he said that's a sign of some form of mental deformation that when the head is that shape.
were you guys just ironically memeing about this guy because he's mentally handicapped?
i was actually going to give his videos a watch, but fuck me this is weird, i'll skip i think kek.
Its fucking shopped you dumb nigger
SS claims another victim
i'm not making fun of the guy, i'm not some edgy person. i just think it's wrong and not worth my time if someone isn't 100% in the head. besides you're the dicks for championing some mentally challenged person.
and see here . i showed this picture too my friend who's studying to be a doctor and he said that i EXACTLY that same disease. a birth defect. so fuck you cunt.
"You have a deep connection to Rome!!"
What a faggot.
Hi Richard
I'm pretty sure you're trolling
>dat titty fraggle
What the duck is wrong with his hair?
Yup, calling out fake news about richard makes me, well, it makes me richard himself. Great thinking, nu/pol/
Someone seems really dedicated to posting these shoops and these threads every day
almost as if his paycheck depends on it
Fake News
At least get a proxy faggots
Same flag every thread
Almost as if his (((paycheck))) depends on it.. Hmmm
nice photoshopped fake pic op you hun faggot
I enjoyed his podcasts with Jonathan Bowden.
He's a phd, well read, and quite a nice person actually. Kind of like the friendly librarian of the far right.
The question is why are shills so afraid of him? You and that Slovene make this same thread with the same edited picture every single day. I hope they pay you well.
All of you faggots who are desperate for a leader deserve to be gassed. Especially if you choose a faggot like Spencer
Is that you, pleasureman? Slumming it with us proles?
A nigger telling WNs what to do? I'm loving this nu/pol/
Dat gyno lmao
Fucking same German shillposting faggot KILL URSELF
I don't even like Dick Spencer but fucking go back to leftypol you raging faggot krautnigger
It's shopped.
Seriously if he was packing c cups it would show more often.
Agree. Butthurt shitskins reacting when they realize we're not just messing around and there is no room for them or 'civic nationalism'
If you think Spencer is actually a white nationalist you toblerone Jews are even more stupid than I though
nice titties, do you fags suck on them?
Are those tits aryan, though?
That kerning between the L and T is fucking awful
He seems a nice guy.
i'm not trolling. look at the fucking pictures. i think a person studying medicine would know better than us.
besides, i already got enough people to follow who aren't mentally/physically handicapped (not that i have a thing against that) like kevin b. macdonald. cheers you troll.
You're just saying that because you like his kazar milkers.
Richard Spencer looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before twitter. Very very disrespectful.
When did the "Spencer is le kike plant" meme start? Is it just r/thedonald shitskins being mad because they realise they aren't welcome in white countries?
Mega Milk edit when?
I appreciate what he does and I think it's beneficial. However, this identity bullshit is gay as fuck. The movement should be about white nationalism not about just being white. In interviews he sounds like some gay ass college leftist just talking about white people instead of transgender black lesbians. And his speeches are fucking horrible. He is a caricature of what people generally think white supremacy is, talking about how great the white race is and trying to excite the crowd like he's fucking hitler. These are bad optics and not likely to win anyone over to our side. Altright.com is pretty shitty but has gotten better now that Hunter Wallace seems to be gone and Vincent Law is now doing most of the writing who seems like a genuine white nationalist. And what was that bullshit with Jason Jorjani? I don't know if he's still paling around with him, but Jorjani is not white and his goal to "make Iran great again" should have nothing to do with the alt right. If it was up to me, Greg Johnson would be the face of the alt right. He's better than Spencer in every way. Oh yeah, and he handle getting punched in the face like a bitch.
>get money
LOL no. He hasn't cashed in even a little. He does what he does because he believes in it.
Only faggot teenagers from the donald would prop up some media whore like spencer as a symbol.
yeah that and also Renegade media people who think he's too soft on the jews and isn't redpileld about the flat earth.
Basically a combination of screeching shitskins, leftists who come on Sup Forums since its so advertised by newfags on youtube/twitter, and people who pretend to be right wing and attach a bunch of conspiracy nonsense to discredit it.
The cuck I've seen with a Syrian flag on Twitter? No thanks, I don't like Arab's cocksuckers.
This thread happens every 2 hrs.
Dude is a tool
The value of Richard Spencer is in the delivery of the message of white nationalism in a very non-threatening package. As for myself, I had never heard the case for white nationalist race-consciousness put forward in a reasoned and "academic" way before i hear Spencer. I am not saying that such a case never existed before Spence, but he has been useful in disseminating the message where it might otherwise not be.