Why are liberals so upset about the pre existing condition thingy?!?
Why is it so hard for them to understand?!
Why are liberals so upset about the pre existing condition thingy?!?
Why is it so hard for them to understand?!
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Liberals are dumb parrots who don't understand that if you DON'T make people get insurance BEFORE shit goes down and they incur costs, people are just NOT GOING TO INSURE THEMSELVES UNTIL THEY INCUR COSTS.
This isn't rocket science. Someone who waits until he gets sick doesn't deserve the same coverage as someone who paid into the insurance for 40 years.
But of course, all these retards have loads of medications and conditions that cost a ton of money so it's not in their best interest, since they don't have any value so they won't have any money. They're resisting being eradicated through inaction.
Because they all have autism, bipolar, down's or obesity so none of them qualify for affordable insurance now.
i see what's you're saying but what about children who are born sick?
family health insurance covers children up to age 25 or so
Children are covered when the parents have insurance
Any sane health insurance allows you to insure babies too, which includes birth defects.
The whole private healthcare system in the USA is a mess, they should just go single-payer like Canada or the rest of the developed world.
The problem is they don't see it as fair that the guy who inherited diabetes from his parents will have higher premiums. The issue is that insurances is just you paying other people to take away your risk, and now you are even riskier, so why is it fair for you to be able to force them to take on your extra risk?
Canadians are en masse fleeing to the USA so that should tell you enough about the healthcare in Canada.
>broken arm?
>see you in 20 weeks!
40% of new people in Canada are either immigrants or immigrant children, not the good kind either.
> developed world
Lmao @ third world niggers thinking healthcare grows on trees.
>Canadians are en masse fleeing to the USA
No we're not.
>broken arm?
>see you in 20 weeks!
More like 20 minutes.
>40% of new people in Canada are either immigrants or immigrant children, not the good kind either.
Agreed but that's neither here nor there.
Insurance is haram, gambling on acts of god is as forbidden as gambling itself.
As someone who works in health insurance I can tell you that all socialized programs and single payer its just a slow death for the quality of care. Its never about helping people, its about control. Things we much better even just 8 years ago. How quickly people forget that people weren't dying in droves before ACA.
Canadian hospitals, where they have to buy hospital supplies from a registered dealer that can charge the hospital $300 for a ruler and $100 for a pack of pens?
Seems like a great use of taxpayer money. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't so much fucking waste
no sandniggers
don't engage the sandnigger
Because they don't get that people who pay for insurance for years deserve better coverage than the person who just signed up because their doctor told them they have depression.
No one thinks that, no public services grow on trees, they all cost money.
How would you know? You don't have a single payer system in the USA.
Sure, but at least you can get the care you need.
Then stop invading western countries for our bennies, Abdul!
leave them on the side of a mountain like we used to do when we were civilized
Yeah but almost every public service is a huge waste of resources that could be put to better use.
>How would you know? You don't have a single payer system in the USA.
How would I know. Because socialism is socialism tripfag. People Need to stop making excuses for it.
Give a commie and inch and he takes your means of production.
Because the downfall can already be observed. As insurers leave and restrictions placed on what kind of coverage your can buy. Prices for insurance a re going up. They are not paying the doctors are going away. There are not enough insurers to make deals with anymore. Doctors can't negotiate as well as they used to. It used to be you could buy insurance for practically ANYTHING. Now the government tells people what they can and cannot buy. They use the reasoning of "consumer protection" but thats just bullshit. Step 1 to socialism is to control healthcare.
Idk, I like roads and hospitals and emergency services and environmental protections.
>Because socialism is socialism tripfag. People Need to stop making excuses for it.
I'm not a socialist but I find single-payer system to be the best one.
>leave a baby to die because its expensive for megacorps to insure them
yeah, civilized.
Fuck off insurance shill. You fags only care about money not patients' health.
Our empathy is going to be our downfall.
>I'm not a socialist but I find (((socialism))) to be the best one.
Gas Yourself
Because car insurance isn't the same thing as health insurance and if you buy a car with a faulty engine you can send it back, you can't do that with your life.
Why are you so utterly incapable of non 2d thought?
Use them as sex slaves.
you're right we should just live life like robots and kill everyone that is inefficient, but the best part is that we are exempt from this process because we thought it up.
what if YOU are the inefficient person who gets killed for having a low IQ or shitty genes? how come people who want this kind of future never think about whether or not they would survive it?
He's probably a Turk.
What about someone who has cover, gets cancer, and then the insurance company won't renew because they have a 'pre existing condition'?
It's less like the pic and more that people who need help the most can't get it easily.
The real problem is that liberals want to pay to fix the problem without first being sure we can afford to. They're willing to destroy insurance for everyone in trying.
> being so cucked that you feel the need to shill for every cuckservative position out there
>what if YOU are the inefficient person who gets killed for having a low IQ or shitty genes? how come people who want this kind of future never think about whether or not they would survive it?
Yeah, getting killed would suck. but no one is talking about actively killing people. They are not going in to peoples homes smothering their potato children. They are just letting nature run its course and saying "good luck, but I'm not paying for that". in the long run we would be MUCH better off as a society.
it's not a fucking thing, its just fake news.
Prexisting conditions can't be denied the government is just paying insurance companies for covering them. Its essentially a step towards socialized healthcare more so than obamacare ever was.
But what happens when they turn 26?
health care is a right not a product
Muh acne!
ur boned
Japan has excellent care.
ahh yes that old chestnut that being politically left makes you have worse health don't ruin any valid point you make with stupid ones
>Prexisting conditions can't be denied the government is just paying insurance companies for covering them.
BINGO! we have a winner.
the libtards want the US government to pad the insurance companies' pockets in order to cover pre-existing conditions, but none of them can recognize that we're basically already tapped out on debt, interest rates are still near decade lows
like bernie says give muh free internet, all that actually amounts to is more dollars taken from the Federal Reserve as debt sent to some stupid company to run the "free internet" (and being government run, it'll cost an absurd amount of money just like US healthcare and student tuition)
we're fucked! we can't HAVE free healthcare, we're totally 100% broke. and unfortunately I don't know if Trump GETS what's going on, but he's trying to prolong the fantasy - he wants to cover pre-existing conditions too!
Didn't Obama Care have a mandate that forced people to get coverage, and don't republicans want to get rid of that mandate?
also rape is considered a pre existing condition, and its not someone fault if they are born with a medical issue.
basically if you dont have compassion for others then there is nothing that can convince you its the right thing to do.
i dont know what confluence of circumstances can bring one to the opinion that only rich healthy people need to be protected by their state.
i mean why not throw "unhealthy" looking babies off a cliff like the spartans did?.
thats not how "preexisting conditions" work. Before Obamacare "preexisting conditions" was defined in the policy contract. If you didn't have something before you bought the policy then it is NEVER considered a preexisting condition. If you had an issue and you DID NOT disclose it when getting the policy they would deny coverage for that issue. Now here's the part that 99% of people here don't know because they never worked in health insurance. If you DID disclose your condition you would pay a higher premium and after a year of coverage then they would cover treatments and care for your "preexisting condition".
Fuck off Patrick
>good goy, give your money for the insurance company for them to find a bullshit reason to drop you.
Obamacare was originally a bob dole idea that was originally a nixon compromise with decency. when obviously the best idea is to have single payer universal coverage...it is the job of the state to protect its citizens
the political spectrum has just moved that far to the right....fascism really did win ww2
Then kill yourself, goy.
You are already a burden that it's set to be replaced for the (((g-d chosen))) people.
Whogives a shit? Fuck off Communist with your muh feels bullshit.
Survival of the fittest, bitch.
primitive garbage.
doesnt australia have decent socialized medicine?
Reminder that if we had sound money and a real market economy people could just pay for their own healthcare and there would be no need for entitlements.
Some people give a shit about others. Some people only give a shit about themselves. This is what the argument boils down too.
are you the same retard who posted this dumb p icture yesterday?
>what if YOU are the inefficient person who gets killed for having a low IQ or shitty genes? how come people who want this kind of future never think about whether or not they would survive it?
I wouldn't be. I am in demand and worth my weight
>currently taking a degree in software engineering
>only health problems are that I need glasses and am lactose intolerant
>working at my parents restaurant part time at $25/h (fuck yeah nepotism)
What is sarcasm? jesus fucking christ grow up
Your country's not full of fat fucks who chug gallons of frying oil and then expect you to pay for their medical problems.
>the truth is retarded I'm so smart
>the 100 years of explosive unprecedented economic growth didn't happen
Because they haven't read the fine print
Japs are like water, they are the exception to how things are supposed to work
My parents came to this country to get away from socialist bullshit peddled by idiots like you.
> usually the ugliest win cause they have nothing to loose, ugly bitch
you are just a retard for thinking
A: a true(tm) gold standard ever existed
B: a true(tm) gold standard was ever effective
C: a true(tm) gold standard would have changed anything
D: a true(tm) gold standard would have prevented the left from taking over
Slave would rather manage his anxiety by enslaving others than fight for his freedom.
Insurance in its various forms over the years has always covered newly born children under their parents' insurance.
so you are basically taking the paul ryan (ayn rand ) position that healthy people shouldnt have to pay for unhealthy people.... by that logic if you get cancer and run through your proposed 15,000 credit in a month (or less) then you should be just let die?
thats not how insurance or humanity in general works, it would be massively beneficial to insurance companies though.
if you want to stop paying for fat people then work on the obesity epidemic.
So I'm retarded for
A. reading history
B. Reading history
C. Observing reality
D. Observing reality
Truly you are a supreme intellectual without peer
It's literally in the law that they have to accept pre-existing conditions. It doesn't matter what happens, they'll complain about it.
i dont care, why your parents moved to oz.
when they get old, i hope they avail of the very well organized socialized medicine in Australia so you don't have to go bankrupt before letting them die.
or will you just slit their throats when they become unprofitable?
so you are the same guy who dismissed the following video youtube.com
the last time i argued over this dumb picture with the comment (((friedman)) without providing any arguments to the contrary?!
tell me more about the history you read and the reality you observed
>Worst example of 'No-True Scotsman' I've ever seen.
>Hans BTFO by default
>basically if you dont have compassion for others then there is nothing that can convince you its the right thing to do.
Okay then let's just destroy the insurance industry completely because it's the "right thing to do".
You can make arguments through the same logical principles that:
>I should be able to get home owner's insurance after my house burned down because it wasn't my fault my house burned down
>I should be able to get auto insurance after I crashed my car because the accident wasn't my fault and the other guy can't pay
>I should be able to get life insurance after I die because anybody can die for any reason and who's going to take care of my family when I'm gone
It's the not responsibility of insurance companies to correct cosmic injustice. This is what charity is for.
*blocks your path*
How dare you attempt to replace ignorance and feelings with facts!
The entire healthcare debate is full of propaganda (starting with it being a "healthcare debate" instead of a "healthcare insurance debate"). Over the past few decades, we've shifted from a shared-risk model into a shared-use model, and it's caused costs of coverage to skyrocket. The recent transition to high deductible plans with a supplemental HSA is a great move in the right direction because it discourages frivolous use of benefits when people see how much their ER trip for a runny nose actually costs.
Forcing coverage at the same rate for pre-existing conditions is one of the stupidest stipulations of the ACA. It guarantees that insurance companies will eventually lose money on EVERY policy they write, and is a stipulation designed to turn our system into a solely government funded healthcare enterprise.
Best steps:
--tort reform to limit risk to providers, including protections for healthcare providers who turn away patients from unnecessarily high-cost services; for example, protect ERs from legal action as a result of referring a non-emergency patient to a primary care facility
--start weaning corporations off of tax breaks for providing employee coverage, pushing insurance companies to craft plans that are affordable to individuals
--allow true competition for business nationwide (if not worldwide) among insurance companies; get rid of the restrictions that limit where an individual can purchase coverage
--encourage networks of healthcare providers to establish cooperatives with membership subscription plans that allow individuals to receive discounted coverage at their facilities.
insurance is racketeering to rip off people through laws. Our taxes should've taken care of us first, not a war machine.
No where in the law does it say "rape is a pre-existing condition and if you're raped you don't get insurance" you fucking retard.
The biggest fuckup is that the entire question has centered upon how to pay for incredibly expensive healthcare instead of asking questions about why it's incredibly expensive.
Of course rape is a pre-existing condition if you want to buy insurance for treatment afterwards.
It doesn't fucking matter if you get stabbed, hit by a car, get raped, or get cancer. If you don't want to pay for treatment out of your own pocket you'll have to insure yourself BEFOREHAND. The system doesn't fucking work if you can just get insurance companies to pay for your healthcare without ever paying for premiums.
A major problem, however, is the absurd cost of healthcare in the US these days, which is for a large part due to government subsidies. This makes paying for your own healthcare impossible. Free government money makes prices rise, just like with college.
Just fucking stop it with the government intervention and subsidies.
i didnt really read that so forgive me if i miss some of the nuance of your "everybody for themselves" argument.
il put this in terms that you might be able to understand... under the current trumpcare plan rape will be a pre existing condition. say your mother gets "raped by a pack of niggers as mel might say, should she be able to find insurance in the future.
america has more than more than more than enough money to provide a decent standard of healthcare and education to its citizens . but you choose to give the money to the top one percent.
trump care 3.0 represents a 500 bln tax cut to the top 1 %.... is that fair..
people who dont need the money shouldnt get tax breaks at all
the new trumpcare act.
im glad you are in disbelief at that
> Idk, I like roads
So do I
> hospitals and emergency services
This is where you loose me
> environmental protections.
Oy vey.
Yeah and what health insurance companies will do is they will end your health insurance after your insured year(s) ends if you have some sort of condition and then don't allow you to renew your insurance unless you pay a way higher premium.
Can't believe I share a country with your dumb ass.
No it doesn't say that. Please kill yourself in embarrassment.
>Oy vey.
>Caring about the environment is part of the Jewish global conspiracy.
>i didnt really read that
Then you're a cunt. Perhaps you'd be better off if you took the time to hear people out before responding to their arguments.
People don't know what an insurance is because the word is commonly misused. Just like "refugee" recently.
No they can't do that it literally says in the fucking law that they can't do that.
you've swallowed the pill and taken that enema... wealth disparity is the cause and the continuance of this as an issue.
there is plenty of money available its just all in the hands of the conrad hilton jnrs of the world.
liberalism is a mental disorder hence genelets salting nonstop
its quite funny actually
>tell me more about the history you read and the reality you observed
Gold held price at 12 dollars an ounce for nearly 100 years. The US Treasury kept records of the price of gold since the 1780s
It was the most stable currency we've ever had
The largest and most consistent periods of economic growth occurred during 1789-1913.
The fiat dollar has lost 50% of it's value every 23 years since 1971 when we were de-coupled from gold and silver. This means it costs me $100 to pay for what cost a boomer $25, meaning I have to work twice as hard for half as much, making me artificially poorer than I should be, which is the stated purpose of central bank currency.
The income tax does not pay for any government service. It all goes to the central banks to service the debt.
Getting paid $1.25/hr in silver quarters in 1965 is the equivalent of $15/hr today, so on a gold/silver standard burger flippers would easily be making the living wage they bitch about
This is not my opinion. It is reality. You don't redefine reality with ad homs and strawmen.
Except that it did work that way, for years.
>people who dont need the money shouldnt get tax breaks at all
Who gets to decide how much money people "need?"
Your douchery is losing the argument more than anything.
>it says in the law
Hmm how I know you're talking out of your ass.
>This is what liberals actually believe.
all pre existing conditions should be protected.
Bankers use inflation to keep money velocity high. If you keep your wealth in money it's because you are a moron, not because bankers are evil.
ive heard your position before a thousand times, its boring and stupid