Natsoc atheists

Seems to me that much more atheists identify with NatSoc than Christians. Why is that Sup Forums? Are you christcucks afraid to go down that path? Or do you think that chrisitanity means more than race? I'm not against christians and usually refrain from even racting to Christian criticism and generalisation of atheists who have actually nothing in common.
>fedora maymay

Its because christians have some sense of morality

Natsocs generally are nihilists who just want a racewar.

It's simple. If you believe in God you already believe there is something more important than your people and your country.

Nietzsche's philosophies are at the core of the NSDAP for the most part.

I am nihilist that is true and want a race war that is also true

Nah Nietzsche defended kikes. And according to him it's all about the individual. On individual level kikes are absolutely right in what they're doing because they're winning and are generally smarter.
not talking about Shepardicucks just about Ashkenazi

You know youre exactly like the postmodernist cultural marxists. Youre just more honest.

They replace their lack of religious faith with nationalism and the progression of society.

NSDAP were based more on some Voltaire and Spengler, but really were following bastardizations of these philosophies and any others they claimed to advocate.

I don't think socialism is bad i just think that ethno-nationalism is what is most important so you're propably right. I like fanatics and fanatics always drive society and history forward if it was up to reactionaries nothing would ever change. In essence i am true natsoc not like the McCartyist cucks from US who shout
>NatSoc isn't even socialist

I mean Evola, don't know why I said Voltaire

had black sun symbolism all over the place was a pagen for sure, just another man who rebelled against god and gained power, the banks put him in to be a socalist pawn then he fucked over the banks and the socalists (marxists) and made his own empire based off of the roman one so many years ago.

So are you for an aryan ethnostate? Or more specifically chech ethnostate? Cuz if you are for the first, its essentially the eu without immigration

slavic natsoc are usually are at the same tier as niggers in US

Voltaire was anti-semitic tho.


Yeah that is exactly it. I don't actually hate the EU. I think it's better to try to refrom it then to destroy it.

I'm not attacking christianity tho. At most i'm usually defending from christian attack on us. I think Christians have part in NatSoc and can have their churches and stuff. But you need to stop forcing it on us.

I don't know. Hitler was allegedly a huge fan of Nietzsche in how he argued that Christianity is the best way to keep a society from becoming degenrate.

See meme

>Its because christians have some sense of morality
If they did, they wouldn't be Christian and lie to kids about worshiping a dead jew guru. It's a mental virus and a-moral

Natsocs generally are nihilists who just want a racewar.
It's post-Nihilism retard. That's what the ubermensch is. Read a book chan tard.

>It's simple. If you believe in God you already believe there is something more important than your people and your country.
Suicidal self righteous selfish scum

Yes I also think that religion is best way to keep dumb people from becoming degenerates. But i think that Ideology focused on race and nation-state is much better than christianity. If we could create holy book on Natsoc principles and shove some mysticism in for people who just need it in their life that would be pefect. But it is proven that Atheists are smarter on average and that people who believe in supernatural are more prone to mental diseases so i'm not a huge fan of religions. They can serve a practial purpose tho.

Hitler intended to destroy the Catholic Church as it was "old and flabby" and it had Mussolini's full approval. After the war was won, he intended to either turn European spiritual behaviour into a hybrid of Germanic paganism mixed with either Euro version of Japanese ancestor spirit worship or traditional Islam. Both of which he admired.

I'd argue that many hardline christians that aren't cucked by the Jews are very pro NatSoc even if they don't realize it. The only issue many have with nationalism is they're convinced it places the state above god somehow.

You can be nationalistic without being a filthy socialist.

>On individual level kikes are absolutely right in what they're doing because they're winning and are generally smarter.
Muh smart Jew meme. Fuck off it was disproved the moment the Jewish professor submitted it.

Also, nihilism isn't individualism. You're just a cult member.


History belongs, above all, to the active and powerful man, the man who fights one great battle, who needs the exemplary men, teachers, and comforters and cannot find them among his contemporary companions. … In order not to despair and feel disgust in the midst of weak and hopeless idlers … the active man looks behind him and interrupts the path to his goal to take a momentary deep breath. His purpose is some happiness or other, perhaps not his own, often that of a people or of humanity collectively. He runs back away from resignation and uses history as a way of fighting resignation. For the most part, no reward beckons him on, other than fame, that is, becoming a candidate for an honored place in the temple of history, where he himself can be, in his turn, a teacher, consoler, and advisor for those who come later.

For his orders state: whatever once was able to expand the idea of "Human being" and to define it more beautifully must constantly be present in order that it always keeps its potential. The greatest moments in the struggle of single individuals make up a chain, in which a range of mountains of humanity are joined over thousands of years.

yeah you can be civic-nat living maymay tard. Capitalism in it's pure form is inherently anti-nationalistic and globalist.

Source: Friedrich Nietzsche, "On the Use and Abuse of History for Life," Section II

have you seen how many jews won nobel prize in sciences? Totally disproportional to their population. You can't deny that they are smart. I'm not saying that they are better tho. They are pussies who never knw how to wage war they only get other people to do their job for them.