Are women natural born traitors?

As many of you know white women in the west have become degenerate coalburning whores. But it is not only white women, Asian, Slavic and even Arab women who live in the US and Western Europe are traitorous coalburning whores as well. Because for men it is different, although there are plenty of hippie tier cuckold white men the majority is still conservative, and the Arab men and slavic men who live in the west are nationalist as fuck most of the time. And all this does not go for black women because every non-black men in their right mind finds them disgusting. Is it women in general or is it the modern Western culture?

(Also with white men I meant white men living in Western Europe and the US, since slavs are white as well. And spare us the 'Slavs white' meme)

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I think it goes back to tribal days. When Tribe X conquered Tribe Y, the Tribe X sluts didn't die with their men. They were taken in and promptly butt fucked by Tribe Y, effectively becoming members.

Same same today just replace Tribe Y with subhuman Muslims. Women have no sense of honor, integrity, or loyalty. Those are solely for men.

if natives start to assert themselves again it wont be a problem. but removing white guilt from this cucked western culture is one hell of a task.

I think you are right, it is fascinating actually, and that means we have to fight if we want our race and culture to survive.

Its female nature in general.

If aliens came down tomorrow and were all 'oogabooga where da wyte wymmens at?' they would be getting in line to be seeded by ET.


Also why does everyone who's replied to this thread sound like a faggot? The answer is Marxist Jew propaganda in schools and atheistic nihilism. Kids have turned to consumerism to escape the existential dread

I'm surprised the m*ds haven't moved this to r9k
it doesn't belong there, but that's what the beta faggots have been doing with any thread discussing what whores women are. watch closely at the number of shit threads that are allowed to remain with a single post, but if a thread about women takes off it gets moved to r9k. attention retard m*ds: r9k is not a woman hate board; it is a board for lonely men. probably a roastie m*d.

Daily reminder (((white guilt)))

True but it has to do with genetics to I think, we also still have some functions in our bodies that are useless but still we have them. Like goosebumps, it is meant to make us warm by raising our hair so we keep warm what is useless unless you are a Turk. And women probably have something within them what makes them natural born traitors.

thats kind of misleading. even if jews stopped existing right now tens of millions of whites are still beta cucks.

Woman join whatever group of men is strongest, it's a survival strategy on their part because they're not strong enough to fight off men, so if the men from their tribe get killed they have to assimilate into the conquering tribe of men. It's their nature, we're not going to change them, but we can be stronger and do a better job of controlling them. You can't blame them for doing something wrong in the way you can't blame a dog for acting like a dog, but if they act up it's your fault for not training them better.

Its nothing personal kid, women are just programmed to fuck the alpha male, they dont give a shit about what race the alpha male comes from.

>But it is not only white women, Asian, Slavic and even Arab women

All those women would do the same as white women if they werent so oppressed and feared for their lives due to the reprecussions of their nigger tier culture

difference is white men wont shun or beat white women to death for being a traitor

Obviously not all women are whores but far to many are tho. I can just walk into a club and take the first slut I see home and fuck her but I don't want a piece of shit who has aids and is fucked by tons of other men. I just want a traditional women, nothing fancy but apparently that is to much to ask.

We should tho.

Well that is it then, we should be the alpha males again like we were for centuries.

then islam is the relgion of you my friend

Obviously not
but the search is hard, man
it's like people stopped being good parents to daughters
actually i know one thing that would get it jump-started-- joining a church. it just goes against my moral code to lie about those kinds of things so i couldn't just blend in with all the retards. i mean, i could since i've done it before, but to find a wife and lie to the entire congregation? that'd wear on my conscience.

>Are women natural born traitors?

>"muh black cocks are ibgger than me"
>"I'm jealous that Tracy fucked Tyrone and didn't like my weak beta ass"

Yeah OK we get it

Well atleast the muslims will survive and we will not if we continue like this. I have never hit a women and I never will, but we need to keep them from betraying us.

I never said anything about dicks Achmet. Not everything is about dicks.

Bitch pl0x we know it. The source of anger towards blacks is cause our sorry asses balk over black dicks. The whole thing of hating on white female/black man couples is from that.

Yes but I am not religious as well, I just want a women who is traditional and nationalist, not a nazi but just nationalist and proud.

No it is because we care about our heritage and white women just flush them though the toilet.

"Our" shut the fuck up shaheed. Go back to niggeria.

women don't give a fuck, they will fuck anyone whos determined to fuck them.
That's the bottom line.

Proof? The number of women browsing Rape porn is at all time high.
Not to mention their fixation with 50 shades etc.

Nah we do it my way. You'll prep me and then I'll inseminate whitey wifey

News at 11.

So you admit you are a shitskin?

Evolution pulled a very bad joke on us. Through entire history f humanity, loyal females were killed when their tribe was defeated and the ones who spread legs before invaders survived and procreated. What we have now is the result of this selection.

Yes Josh


>it's the women are whores and men are loyal meme

Faggots don't count as men.

Yes. That's why we need patriarchy.

That is why we need to keep other men away fron our women, but we don't.

No need to keep anyone away , that's ridiculous.
Respect yourself, if you see that she laks the imagination to think about you in difficult situations.
Then dump her , you can't stop the inevitable by force. You can postpone it , but sooner or later it will happen.
Find devoted women , let blacks have the whores. They will fuck all of their friends and start infighting.

Oh so that is why you talk so much about dicks. That is the only thing you understand.

Western society has become obsessed with what woman have ways sought, pleasure and an easy life.

These values must be replaced with dicispline, productivity, conformaty, and aestheticism. We need to cut the cancer out to save the West.

Keep the shitskins out based rusbro, before they take your women as well.

But I want to live in a civilized white country.


You are right. But how?

that image has my sides in an elliptical orbit


Because of these cucks we are stuck with millions of shitskins.

My wife was interested in me in the first place because I am dutch like her. She is very proud of her heritage. Tribal women do exist.

women will go only as far as we let them

You realize that whites are a minority if you take the entire globe into consideration.


Yes I was laughing at first as well but later I realised how sad it is.


Women are biologically inclined to seek the best genes.

Alpha fucks, beta bux.


The loyal women would have their heads bashed in, while the disloyal women pass on their genes. Women evolved to be self-serving and treacherous because it was a necessity for their genetic survival.

You can't do it without setting clear boundaries and cutting failed investments.

Don't you have voting to do tomorrow? I can't wait until you and your family get run over by a truck. You better vote for Le Pen.

My fellow Dutchmen, were did you meet her?

And we don't have better genes then niggers?

No, they are brought up this way. Almost every woman is fostered to be more gedonistic and egoistic then 99% of men.

>difference is white men wont shun or beat white women to death for being a traitor

Maybe not to death, but white men didn't mind hitting when it was necessary, even into the 20th century. Funny how white women stopped respecting white men when concepts, like "you should never touch a woman", took hold.

There have always been boundaries, so why not have them now?

Encourage the growth of religion by overturning Vatican II, purging the church of heretics like Francis, and ending the East-West schism. A new Edict of Toleration should be issued endorsing Christianity and paganism, which shall be placed under the control of a state patriarch and state high priest respectively, while banning Islam and Judaism. Atheism must be rooted out through constant debate. Finally, and most importantly, promiscuity and infedility must be discouraged, whine the birth of White children must be protected, the position of the family as the foundation of society reaffirmed and protected, and mass migration banned. The bankers must be arrested and made to pay for their crimes towards the White race, and those who do not belong in Europe (Darkies and their liberal pets) sent very far away.

but niggers are beta as fuck

Generally speaking, yes, women will pursue their own short term interest without regard for the people around them. They can be very cunning about doing so but tend to disregard the long term, or anything which requires them to defer a reward or appear heartless.

There's a reason that as women become more culturally prominent, the culture as a whole shifts to be more like that as well. When white men ran the show, we built great things, walked on the moon, and tried to leave a better world for our own children. Since we handed over the reigns, we care more about feeding and welcoming an infinite number of hostile, ungrateful foreigners by spending our grandchildren into debt. Better to receive the immediate good feelings of giving handouts to a barbarian than the deferred good of giving generational wealth to a great grandchild you will never meet.

"The true frequency of non-paternity is not known, but published reports suggest an incidence from as low as 1% per generation up to about 30% in the population."

I'll also say that the percentages I was taught in a medical genetics class was 10-15%. A lot of women were shifting uncomfortably in their seats at those numbers.

Yeah then instead of whining about sluts, just send them out with niggers back to Africa or whatever , they cause too much confusion . Take the good women start fucking like rabbits . Make Whitemen Great Again.

We must protect the Bloodline. Keep it Clean and Green!

In the West the rate is between 1-2%

Estimating the prevalence of nonpaternity in Germany.
"Given this number of exclusions, a maximum likelihood estimate of the nonpaternity rate in the population of 0.94% was obtained with asymptotic 95% confidence limits of 0.33% and 1.55%, respectively. This result is in accordance with recent surveys as well as findings from Switzerland for a comparable sample, and it suggests that earlier estimates of the nonpaternity rate which were often in excess of 10% may have been largely exaggerated."

Women aren't Disney princesses but they aren't all worthless cheating whores either.

Indeed, but people have the right to be atheist.


The second feminist wave should have been crushed down.

Women don't use logic, they use feelings. Their feelings are telling them to go to strong men, which is also logical in the end.


not necessarily strong men, men that are mentally ill and pathological as well.

I implement some of it in my "game". Works every time, it's disgusting how easy it is.
Tho I'm not interested in sluts , there's no point in keeping them around.

Strenght is quite useless without courage, women castrate white boys which makes them weak.

Weakness is always mental, the only reason someone is physically weak is because of his mentality. Cuck mentality is currently the trend among white boys.

This has to be fake

I am all for that, good idea. If they don't want te breed with us then they need to get the fuck out and live in their nigger huts with their 70 IQ dindu.

Obviously, but back in the day guys who weren't pumped would be cunning.
They would scheme behind other's backs and backstab. That kind of ability to overcome your weaknesses in face of danger is also attractive to women.

So even cuckiest looking goy can score a perfect 10 provided he keeps certain attitude , that projects confidence in own abilities.

I hope so.

I met her in a post-secondary school here in BC. As far as I know we were the only 2 dutch people in the class of 40. Dutch blood is rare because our homeland is so small.

We have dutch enclaves all over the US and Canada that you probably don't even know about. Countrysides of Iowa and Michigan and to a point Washington and BC are packed with dutch farms having tons of dutch babies.

Compared to other europeans in the new world, we keep our genes relatively pure. The CRC church is all dutch and there are also lots of private CRC high schools for dutch people to meet other dutch people and get married. However the CRC is dying, we will have to find a way to keep it alive on the internet or something.

Indeed we need to make being strong and patriotic popular again among white boys.

But why would women and men evolve differently like that?
Wouldn't the same preferences and genes pass on regardless of gender?
It's not like women are taught to be race traitors by their mothers or some shit...

Yes, it's been fucked into their genetics by the conquerors of the past.

Didn't know about that, well I hate to tell you but here in the motherland a lot of Dutch girls have become coalburning whores, but mostly the dumb low IQ ones, the smart and rich girls stay with white men most of the time even though they are leftist as fuck.

If a tribe was conquered all the men were killed and the women were fucked.

Guys were do I find women like this?

That's why we need to build a database of coalburners.

No then we are called nazi biggots.

Yes they are. This guy came up with this theory based on Dutch evidence.

Yeah, read the Bible, they've been doing it since the beginning of humanity



Why is it in Russian?

white men have to defend their white women.

Women are dumb. They see muscles, they fawn over it. How are you lanky/fat imbeciles going to compete with fucking farm equipment??

You stupid fucks need to go to the gym NOW.

You mean those pics? Because Slavs are red-pilled about the muhdicking Turks that take their women.

fpbp. You nailed it son.

It's their nature. Then you mix in feminism, weak/absent fathers (mother probably chose poorly as well), government support of single mothers, media etc. you get what we got: Snowflake sluts with a distorted notion of masculinity making mistakes, as sluts are prone to do, with no repercussions.

Since when are slavs in Eastern Europe coalburners?

Where are these pics from?

Already do, if I want I can beat a nigger or Arab to death but then I will be locked away forever. We need to do it all at the same time.

Since they had women of course. The minute you let your guard down this happens.