what is the best place in America to live for Sup Forums
What is the best place in America to live for Sup Forums
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Ohio is sexy.
Sup Forums should collectively move to rural PA.
this could work.
As a dual (Born in Boston to Canadian parents and then moved back to Canada after Dad's construction gig was up) the only states I've seriously considered moving to are New Hampshire and Nevada.
Sup Forums don't listen to him its boring as shit here and full of degenerate hicks
far west if y'all aint shilling about living off the grid
What are you looking for?
It's a good place, the north east especially. It's very white.
Live free or die in New Hampshire. 99% white. 100% awesome
fuck this stupid map it's so wrong.
Indiana Co reporting in.
The rural whites in PA are literally nigger tier.
Fuck off, everyone should move to the south and run the niggers out.
They will have to flee to the liberal states and california will fall.
>mid Texas being Appalachia
What the fuck?
New Hampshire is /our/state
>no income tax
>no sales tax
>virtually no gun laws
>2% property tax
>90%+ white
>beautiful scenery
This m.youtube.com
We should set up an Ethno state out of VT, NH, ME, and eastern Canada (NB, NS, PEI, NF)
Vermont is a better choice.
>low population
>99% white
>heavy winterchan drives out nonwhites
>"Vermont Carry" gun law.
sign me up I guess.
>fuck this stupid map it's so wrong.
true, but it's a decent effort.
the problem is that no matter what anyone says about america, we have many different cultures even within single states.
I live in NC near Chapel Hill. going from there to Cary, Raleigh, Durham, and Apex takes about half an hour or so, and it's like 5 incredibly different environments.
And then theres Carrboro, which is a world of its own.
And I'd guess that every state has similar situations.
out of the states I've lived,
TX > GA > NC > VA > NY
Utah gets my vote for best state.
Hell yea
Only problem with VT is their taxes, other than that it's essentially NH
Tidewater is fairly liberal.
Can confirm because I live there.
Appalachia isn't horrible.
Yankeedom is cool.
New Orleans and Louisiana is 3rd world tierdom.
Far West is awesome, going to move out there soon.
Deep South. Especially Texas and Florida are based af. Just don't live in a big kike/nigger city
As someone from Philadelphia, I can confirm
Idaho has been confirmed for best girl in hundreds of threads.
Don't dispute Idahoan Authority.
The south would be GOAT if it weren't for all the nIggers there and migrant farm hands
*blocks your path*
As a Nova Scotian, I'm down. Maritimers and New Englanders have more in common historically and culturally than we do with our regional counterparts in our own countries
West coast is shit, northeast is the only way to go.
British Colombia is great. our west coast liberals are no where near as bad as America's west coast liberals. living in a city corrupted by the Chinese makes them understand things better
>Deep South. Especially Texas and Florida are based af.
its the opposite. If Texas and Florida are what you call "based" you've never been to the actual south. thats downright insulting
Nice, I seriously want to do this, I think it's the best option available.
If it did happen and we formed our own country I was thinking it ought to be called Acadia
Most of Minn, Wisc, and Mich is Midlands
Really all but the nigopolises and dudeweed college towns
Gettysburg pa resident, in the uk atm. Rural pa is gr8 as long as you don't mind the shitty roads and autistic civil war truck drivers.
How do we get this rolling? I'm aware of "The Freedom Project" which is a call to Libertarians to migrate to NH to create a Libertarian based State. If we could somehow co-opt that and eventually get it moving towards a regional expansion, this may work.
Tidewater dreaming of escape to the Far West reporting in. It's absurdly liberal where I am.
Skip Nevada, friends. Beaners for miles
Only in some parts, like in Wyoming county, and Philly
Holy shit this map is retarded.
I think we need to form parties in our own respective countries with similar goals in mind, the "Acadian First Party" or something like that, try to you cohesion within the region, then try and push for a referendum of some sort
We should organize a thread for this at a later date, what are your thoughts on that?
Alaska or Montana, probably.
Far west, hands down. I would avoid all of Cali though just to be safe.
I'm thinking something similar. However, politics is fucking dirty game man. And it's THEIR game, they're better at it than us.
If we can somehow get ppl moving there who have a common belief in making it an athno state, that will effect the culture at large, and when that happens, politicians will be forced to cater to us, and our rhetoric will effect both parties, meaning we won't have to rely on one party. Ya see what I'm getting at?
And yes, we shall organize a thread, when?
>THEIR game
I hear you loud and clear, a thought Ive had is setting up youth groups, not directly connected to the party mind you, you wouldn't want it traced back to us.
We can instill our views and values to kids to counter the leftist message and create a pro secessionist sentiment, we should also focus on targeting highschoolers and the likes.
>thread organization
How does this Monday at 6pm EST sound to you?
Monday. 6PM EST works for me.
If we can effect the cultural as we intend, the people will naturally start to effect the politics. Our fellow traveller's who want to get into politics will do so with us in mind as their base. So we won't be focused on creating /ourguy/ but rather, creating a society where /ourguy/ will emerge and flourish and turn into /ourguys/ (many rather than one.)
I can see it now, Democrats from our regions saying things like, "I'm not racist, but, I think white ppl should be allowed to exist as a nation if they pls."
How about this for a starting motto: "MultiCultralism should be the effect, not the goal."
It should be the effect of a great society rather than a goal. Using this will undermine multiculturalism and when that happens we can then move more towards ethno-white favortism,
I really think we should look at this as though we're building this from the ground up, the best part about this is that our demographics in this region are already in our favor, and it gurantees a white super majority in the very least if we pull it off, afterwords we could put a Repatriation system in place as well as a race based immigration quota system.
Aside from that, I think Yuri Bezmehenov is right in saying that the useful idiots cannot be saved or persuaded by any facts you present them, therefore we really need to work on cultivating the future generations as a sort of insurance policy.
Meanwhile, we should also infiltrate our respective state/province politics and institutions through the vehicle of a political party as well as nepotism (South African Broederbond, that's how they gained control of SA)
We must infiltrate state/province education departments, law enforcement, legislative branches, and so on
I agree. Our focus should be on state/provincial politics. Once we have infiltrated on that level we can come together to take on The Fed if we need too.
I'm already a Conservative Party member and the concept of cuckoldry as a problem to be dealt with is starting to be a conversation. It's a start at least.
Also, a friend and I are looking to start a Proud Boys Local Chapter. Things like this can be more or less used as a front for us to organize and create an agenda.
>proud boys
>as a front
Very good, that could be useful, we can talk more in the thread on Monday, very good speaking with you
If we could oust the fucking Dems and faux-conservatives Chicago would be a great place to live. At least Yankeedom still has New Hampshire.
Do some brainstorming over the rest of the weekend, as will I, and we'll share some points on Monday.
Agreed, I'll make the thread on Monday, see you there
come to the city and stop living with those buggy fuckers
For /pol in the US exclusively Flyover states.
It's the worst fucking state in the nation.
SoCal is better than all other parts of the country combined
Of the places I've actually spent time in, rural Oregon was probably the best.
I can see that Ohioan shit coming over the state line from my own house.
>MN yankeedom, surrounded by all sides by one territory
this is the dumbest map ever
>Anything west of the Kentuckys
Pacific North West
Thousand year Pennsylvanian Reich. The Yuengling master beer must wipe out lesser American beers. Dump the Budlight
Ohio is the Florida of the north.
>Not making Michigan, Chicago, Wisconsin, and Minnesota it's own region
The guy with the stroller must really hate babies.
no niggers
white people weather
Where the fuck is Cascadia? That map is trash
I live in Iowa and see majority white
>not knowing about arkansas, mississippi, and alabama
>implying great lakes/northern midwest fags are similar to "yankees" in the northeast
have a better version of that map
Be in Colorado. In one of the only libby counties.
>Mfw we have highest murder rate in Colorado
>My face when Obama only came her for chili
Where is change
Pretty sure Greater Appalachia wouldn't let El Norte extend that far North
Northwest, Southeast, Midwest, Canada.
Come to the thread on Monday
northwest front
Best state in the Union, and best stare in the Confederacy
no, nobody here will accept you.
its all retarded hicks and the FUCKING AMISH
It's this, fuck the south/other hot swamp shitholes or midwestern expanses of nothing. new england in general is great (with exceptions of course, like everywhere)
Come here on Monday
I was actually born in Chicago. I wouldn't mind living there, but the place has changed over the years. Now it's ghetto-cityville/shitty suburbia.
I'm sticking with my plan to move out west.
Stop driving like assholes on 93.
Ft. Colins is based though.
>I live in NC near Chapel Hill. going from there to Cary, Raleigh, Durham, and Apex takes about half an hour or so, and it's like 5 incredibly different environments.
it's wild
>open business
>put up sign
>by next morning it's blocked by 7 other new signs
Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Western Montana) and upper New England (VT, NH, ME) are the best places
What do they tax instead, property?
New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine have been on my list, but I already have opportunities to homestead on best coast.
Oh, or Alaska, Alaska is nice too.
>What do they tax instead, property?
Yes, it was written in the post
Move to the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of eastern New Mexico. Gorgeous rolling green hills and all the moonshine and banjo music you could ever want!
85%+ white cities/counties in the deep south
all other answers are wrong
t. user living in a 92% white town
Lived in two places in greater appalchia then two places in the deep south. Now i live on the left coast and I pray every day for this part of the country to fall off into the ocean.
New Netherlands checking in. Definitely not here.
I'm from FL and the first time I went to New England and saw majority non-degenerate American whites my mind was blown, it's paradise. Not a lot of hipsters or anything, normal people and very little fast food/big box blight endemic to the south and midwest
Far West
Appalachian mountains or northern Michigan. Preferably by a great lake, superior is best
>New Netherlands
You mean Jew York,
you Anti Semite
My grandma used to live in Yardley. I dare you to find a more baseball and apple pie town than that.
The farwest is the most powerful race
In the heart of liberal thought and political power. The trigger opportunities abound. During the election I many times went out of my way to walk through Whole Foods with my MAGA hat on with the pretense of buying beer.
It was a cone of terror lol people would stop in mod conversation and state in shock and horror. White women would make the 'problematic' face and glare. White dudes would always cuck and turn their heads.
I'm Mexican btw build that wall
As he said, yes. 2% property tax.
Imagine owning a 500k home so you can finally have that land you want. You owe the state $833 per month to continue owning it.