How can American cuisine even compete?

How can American cuisine even compete?

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why the fuck did you fag steal Arabic tacos man

>inb4 retards think it's burnt


are those french fries in the background?


This. Cultural appropriation. You've upset Mexibro now, ya cunts.

Lol. American cuisine never could compete with anything. Even my countries cuisine is better.


By taking it and making it greasier.

>French fries
Chips, you negro

This isn't politics or news, you fucking faggot, fuck off.

That's fucking cancer.

this isnt even a DÖNER KEBAB nigger

looks more like Lahmacun

>pic related is what an average DÖNER looks like

no one asked what the arabic word for fries was.

thank you. was gonna post that.

How common is kebab in europe?

I've literally never had it

You forgot your leaf, faggot

I cooked like that when I was 12

pretty common but German is the best by far

Think Turks in Berlin invented that shit or something. I forgot.

Its pretty damn good.

Leaving aside the shark guts marinated in piss, there was something the norskis on the rigs used to eat, really good, never seen it since: potato slices and meat etc, all fried in butter, with upside down fried eggs on top, so the yolks dripped through it all. Any idea?

>all them nasty vegetables

Ofc the krauts are kebab experts...

trust the german flag, they know all about arabian food

>two Germans know the best about Turkish food
Color me surprised

"Doner Kebab" like the Doner Party?

sure its delicious my dude. also the average costs is 3-4 euro for one so why not?! it is better than any McDonalds garbage

t. Gyros Nigger

nigger polish fags eat Kebab like CRAZY here in Germany. They love it.

Everywhere. But their for when you're pissed at 2 in the morning and you will eat any old garbage



It's literally everyfuckingwhere in Poland. There's one run by an actual turk in my city, bretty tasty

Yeah, we let foreigners cook for us not fuck our wives, Hans. And most of kebabs here are run by poles anyway

i banged like 3 polish kurwas

get mad

Yeah. It's where the name comes from. Kebab is so awful you literally have to be so hungry you're considering cannibalism to eat that shite


Why would I get mad for fucking whores. It's not my concern you can't get women for free

I'd try this but would rather have this

I knew that place was full of mudslimes.

poor chancucks will probably die in racist hatred before knowing how these things taste like. hans knows and likes them though.

>looks more like lahmacun

Hans what the fuck are you on about, thats literally döner in a wrap

>looks more like Lahmacun
Are you fucking retarded?
Don't steal our food rapebaby.

the fuck is wrong with you retards?!

im just saying when germans think of "DÖNER" they dont think off a "döner in a wrap" that would be a Lahmacun/turkish pizza (is what we call him)

Yes it has the same ingredients but this is what we think off when we hear the word "Döner"

>any good

Its trash tier mudshit food, and only whitetrash eat that shit.

GOAT pastry

>Döner kebab

here some civilization for you:

only 3 tastes from the amazing ottoman cuisine.

hans, you failed to integrate to the turkish culture bro. this is what a lahmacun looks like:

Also döner was invented in Ottoman Empire not in Berlin

You trimmed just the right amount of fat off a brisket, seasoned it, and smoked it for 5hrs to utter perfection? Color me impressed.

It makes sense for the US to love tacos because we share a border with Mexico. Like it's totally fine for Germany to enjoy frog food esp. considering places like Strasbourg and the entire Alsase-Lorraine region, it's switched hands a lot and is on the border.

But Germany doesn't border Turkey or Iraq or whatever arabic shithole kebabs came from. This is a result of your awful immigration policy but Hanz scarfs down kebabs like his life depended on it while his country collapses. Embarrassing.

Yeah, what could go wrong? Cow bollocks and sphincters threaded onto a pole, and carved up by a fat roach - dripping his sweat into the "meat" to season it. Yum.

Kebab is only good if they use chunks of meat, not meat log bullshit

Please tell me more about our food

pic related

>54% white talking down to anyone

>hans, you failed to integrate to the turkish culture bro. this is what a lahmacun looks like

yes you dumbfuck

Places here put the stuff thats in the döner .. meat, salad etc into a Lahmacun and ROLL IT like a wrap and sell it as "turkish pizza/lahmacun" here

You dumb fucking ROACHES never set a foot into this country.

it is not my fault that your retarded countrymen sell this shit here and market it as such.

Also i always heard from Turks that turkish food is better in germany and they always say that döner in turkey is fucking disgusting lol.

Your own diaspora despises you poverty ridden backward roaches.

Der Gerät schneidet von alleine

>raw meat

>Your own diaspora despises you poverty ridden backward roaches.

Literally the other way around incase you missed the referandum

fucking kek enjoy your eastern peasants

>Tfw there is a fuckton of kebab pubs here
>the only Islamic country we border is Germany

It can compete in every way. Kebab is the only edible thing around here. American cuisine is the GOAT. They take other countries' cuisines, keep the country's name on it, but completely give it the 90's treatment and make it XTREME and enhance it 100-fold TO THE MAX.

t. Bong who lived in the States for years.

That's all you have? This country is les than 250 years old and over the time we've brought in people from everywhere (white settlers, african slaves who were made free, irish, italians, asians from our conquests there, germans, mexicans from across the border etc) so I don't know why you think I care about how white the country is? What are you trying to prove, roach? I love all americans as long as they're here legally and lawfully.

>feels good being white
>30% white in 2050

Pretty much this tbqh. Not even bragging.

>Americans actually think this burnt raw meat is good.

>You dumb fucking ROACHES never set a foot into this country.

sei nicht so sicher hans.

>being this fucking dumb

That's right goyim, diversity is the answer...

>white, white, white!
Sort out your issues, man. No (you) for that shitpost.
>burnt raw meat
>burnt raw
???Sorry bud. Pol-xit, when? The US loves you, I'm sure we'd still cover your ass. So long as you pay :)

you have to go back, shitskin spic

This is one of my favourite /ck/ webms.

The shitposts that come with it on a board like Sup Forums remind me why I hate people.

>"turkish culture"

that's disgusting ar*b food you stupid shitskin. you're probably an assimilated ar*b anyway

>Be this user
>eat the cheapest baklava because you're poor
> call it goat pastry

>doesn't understand bark and smoke rings

Fucking mongol rape baby.

this chap knows what's up

It's true. Your two countries are ancient compared to mine, which is why I personally do get sad thinking about cities like London which have foundations from the roman era being so radically changed. The same people lived in England for thousands of years which is why the world should be sad about how it looks today. But you simply don't understand america if you think that for the past 250 years New York city was inhabited by the same people, that's not how this country works. I mean yeah, NYC is a shithole but not entirely because of the demographics (it's the politicians) Don't worry about us, we're fine.

Kebab is now German...

>here some civilization for you

where about did you stay? We are so big that foods change by region.

lamacun is fucking delicious i wish more places around me sold it

it's not raw, meat that's been smoked for a long time looks pink but is still fully cooked

You can brag all you want. America earned it. I'm flying to America tomorrow for my week off work just so I can eat genuinely delicious food again.

I stayed in Savannah, GA for most of the time, but I spent a decent bit of time in South Florida, Texas, and LA.

>Steal döner kebab
>rename it gyros
>call it tastes like shit

how'd you know how a Gyros taste like? It is pork