Can we genetically engineer the lesser races to equity with whites/Asians or even beyond most humans now? Or will there be unforseen consequences and genetic factors that will prevent this?
Can we genetically engineer the lesser races to equity with whites/Asians or even beyond most humans now...
>Can we genetically engineer the lesser races to equity with whites/Asians
That sounds good but how? How do you take a nignog from the bush in Africa and make them more human?
One idea I've played around with is to one day start a "charity" that gives free food to dark skinned savages in Africa and southern Asia (Muslim countries). Then give these genetic waste soy products seeped in xenoestrogenic preservatives to lower the fertility rate. Then maybe create an educational foundation to IQ test school children. If we find children with high IQ, we could feed them a diet that doesn't lead to sterilization, heart disease and cancer. Thus natural selection becomes eugenics without anyone being the wiser until it's too late.
This idea would obviously cost a ton of money but maybe there are ways to get backing from unsuspecting billionaire donors like Bill Gates.
What can CRISPR do?
Her legs. Reminds me of a horse.
Choose one. It's entirely possible that the kikes are pumping our food full of shit like this and conviniently forget to filter hormones out of our water to lower our fertility rates. If you have an idea like this, rest assured, someone smarter and richer than you also thought of it already.
>That sounds good but how? How do you take a nignog from the bush in Africa and make them more human?
Manipulating genes and SNPs via injection or methods being researched now. We already know that there are genes which correlate strongly either positively or negatively with intelligence, so removing the negative ones and inserting the positive ones would go a long way to improving people of any group.
What you're talking about isn't genetic engineering, but more social/environmental engineering.
You think we're Jews or what?
Why should whites continue to uplift other races? Just sterilize them and colonize their lands: nobody gets hurt this way.
we are getting better at figuring out what genes do. At some point a person's Race is going to be like a Computer Case, A E S T H E T I C.
we definitely dont want to mutate everyone to be so similar as to weaken our species defence against a plague. the more similar we are, the more likely we will all die.
There are people who would be willing to take the risk. I don't see how this could be a bad thing. If we want to preserve our nation, helping bump up black IQ would go a LONG fuckin way to solving a lot of the problems in this country.
Yeah, which is why I think it would be a good thing and should be encouraged. Through genetic engineering we could actually solve most of the problems facing us socially, solve heavy group inequalities, slash crime, increase mean IQ, achievement, etc. It's literally universally positive, it gets rid of the need or optimal benefit of ethnostates by basically making any group potentially isomorphic to high-quality white populations.
Because, we are responsible for blacks (not for spics though). We've been fucking over blacks for so many years its almost a moral obligation to set things straight. Fun fact: The CIA made the current black drug culture. The CIA is responsible for black neighborhoods being awash in drugs, as part of their social engineering bullshit. If anything, the current situation of nig nogs is at least half due to the federal government fucking them over and half from some sort of genetic predisposition
I married into the black US aristocracy (it exists). My father in law owns the largest construction firm in Houston, his father being the first black mayor in some dirty south state. Blacks are perfectly capable humans on an individual level, on a meta level the cards are against them though.
It's more an economic pragmatic realization of externalities to make things better. Just imagine how much money we could save with drastically lowered crime rates, and how better off our economy would be with much, much smarter average people, if say, blacks or Latinos were on the same average level as whites, that much more capable of doing things like science, engineering, etc. instead of being petty criminals, having multiple bastard kids, etc. It's just great for the economy in general to turn a net negative into a huge net positive, for whites included since we have to share a society/planet with them.
The US government and corporations want an underclass though because an underclass is easy to manipulate, they never vote and can be paid pennies for their labor. If you really started to build a movement on this idea, the elites controling the US government would quickly move to put an end to this idea. They love rigging the game against everyone, that's their modus operandi and for now it looks like it worked so. Until Americans get out of their delusion that the game isn't rigged, they win.
And in truth the game isn't rigged in certain ways so people are able to fulfill their delusions but if you're in engineering at a company like Haliburton or Lockheed, it's easy to see how the government feeds these companies money at everyone else's expense.
With hard eugenics, possibly.
Why, though? Genetic Engineering is superior to eugenics in every single way.
West and subsarahan Africans that have not experienced race mixing in their pasts are generally going to be not so forward thinking people. Look at any and ever country that experienced European colonialism and the only ones that can't get there shit somewhat together are Africans
>responsible for blacks
No. Boot them all out.
African Americans are 20% white but consistently breed with other 20%-50% mixes for the last 2 centuries. Americans did a rushjob on creating a worker race.
Why do you think none of them look like Africans?
Provide niggers with good public schools and in a couple of generations they will get better.
But of course doing something like that would fuck up something because it's murica and nothing should be free in your retarded mindset.
No we're not. Blacks were always shit. Look at Africa. The were left with better technology than China and they've receded into savagery.
It won't help when they're of lower average genetic quality, have you ever thought that you're confusing cause and effect and that the reason schools full of blacks are shitty is because of blacks are bad and not vice-versa?
>we are responsible
ah yes, because of all those slaves I kept around. I am sorry.
>Can we genetically engineer the lesser races to equity with whites/Asians or even beyond most humans now? Or will there be unforseen consequences and genetic factors that will prevent this?
The Jews would never allow it.
>lesser races
And this is why im stopping from coming to this board
Germanics are fuckibg stupid and ignorant
They turned this board into a white supremacist board
Or maybe you are a mongoloid?
I dont know
Im going to report this thread but i know mods here will do shit about it
Fuck you, mods
There are many pure negroes in US
Specially in the south
Also what work race?
You see that many blacks dont work
Darkies must die
The reckoning is upon us
Ooof, i'd glaze her hams, if you know what I mean
Damn that's some serious butthurt. Alright if whites aren't superior in any way then stop sending Arabs to Europe. They can go to Uruguay, Vietnam, or any African nation.
> Bitches about calling blacks a lesser race
> Immediately makes a very negative comment about them
Airborne AIDSEBOLA but instead of kill it edits your genes
This is true but I'd thank a spic. Well I'd thank one that stays in his country. Spics killed all of our native Americans. Dealt with the rats then became them. Also I sure do love a cup of joe
By god that is one sexy nigger.
Its fast becoming possible to do it but i dont like the idea of humans becoming genetically codeable. Corruption will surely get in likely from the start and we all would be genetically engineered to rely on medical treatment and society in general.
that's exactly it
we don't really know yet. even if we can identify a specific isolated gene's overall purpose and insert it, unless that gene is faulty and casuses a specific illness...
well, we don't know the way it interacts with all others and how it will influence human health and intelligence without extreme amounts of human testing that isn't ethical
except the chinese to create quite a few KILL ME abominations before we can actually enhance humans biologically. advanced prostheses and exoskeleton suits are considered are a much closer reality
>White mans burden
Get out.
There's the possibility that advances in computing and biochemistry along with a better basis in theoretical biology/biochemistry allowing for better models will allow us to model a lot of the interactions to some degree of precision without the need for so much human testing and data gathering which could be considered unethical. There will still need to be some of it of course, just not as much.
They probably have that genetic chimp locked in.
Niggers are hopeless.
yes and if it exists perhaps it is called bill gates GMO mosquitos with their gene drives...
>Bitches about calling blacks a lesser race
That didnt make me mad, i thought you were talking about other races
Well some, basically blacks, abos, some Mestizos, probably others I'm missing. I don't get into the whole cringey white purity spiraling thing.
The problem is that blacks—or more likely, their white liberal defenders—will oppose this as "unethical research on humans." Even if we could prove that this would benefit blacks and other low IQ dark people, to say nothing of nigger tier whites, it would still be opposed. Look at the wall of opposition simple research on IQ and race gets. We're talking about enormous blowback that would utterly destroy the career of any scientist who tried to make it happen. I agree that genetic programming is much more effective and my solution is slow and clumsy. But I just don't see anything happening if we approach the issue honestly.
The only way to help blacks (and other low IQ minorities) is to trick them into acting in self interest. We can't just tell them "Here, this will make you more like a human and less like a stupid fucking nigger" because they don't want to admit they're subhuman trash in the first place. And neither do their white guilt ridden (((academic))) defenders.
why does her butt look cracked?
We have done it before we can do it again. Selective breeding can make a better negro. Even human. I volunteer to breed negresses.
It's probably like domesticating a dog. The same traits that make it domesticated affect how it appears physically as well. Improving them might just mean turning them white, for all I know.
>It's entirely possible that the kikes are pumping our food full of shit like this
Soy products? Yes. It's in everything now.
Let's start with flushing the toilet and not throwing trash on the ground first.
Already being done
Stretch marks.
I'm not going to apologize for being white.
Why don't you apologize for being a nigger and destroying/raping/stealing?
The black aristocracy do they deescend from mulato children of the southern elite? Or are they mosly self made? Selfmade or Silverspoon?
Did you marry a son or daughter?
TFR of black elite?
Fuck off chink
Wouldn't it be cheaper and just exponentially better in every way to go full fash tho?
>are generally going to be not so forward thinking people
>implying progress exists
>Blacks are perfectly capable humans on an individual level, on a meta level the cards are against them though.
Just completely detached from reality desu.
You'd be doing God's work user
i'd ride that horse 4 sure
I think genetic engineering is the ideal solution. Of course it would be better to raise all of humanity to its highest potential.
However, I also think it is likely that we don't have enough time as a functioning civilization to develop genetic enhancement. Moreover, genetic engineering could have some unforeseen negatives which make it impractical.
We know social engineering works; there's no reason not to implement it as soon as possible.
Regardless if we can, or can't, we shouldn't do it, because such an action will greatly decrease the value of whiteness. I want to be valued as superior, not equal.
60 years ago, the average height for a US adult man was 6 ft, average IQ was 103. Eugenics were seen as bad, and a potentially great elevation of our potential never happened, despite desegregation and other implemented social factors that would weaken the genetic standard.
What makes you think that a dumbed down, more mixed, intellectually antifa tier normie class would approve of anything like what you're proposing? Why against all reason would you believe this is possible?
You want to cook ham for her? You Brits are odd.
yes there is a proven method to reach what you desire. just inject bleach and arsenic into the bloodstream of the desired person.
good luck and go save the world
Tests time and time again tests show non-white kids choosing white dolls over non-white dolls. Mexican women and girls always put on makeup a shade lighter then their skin. There is a whole industry among black women to straighten their hair. Japaneses Anime is filled with blue and green eyed characters.
If you are going to gene engineer minorities they will just engineer them to be white!
A lot
fuck out of here shill
Does anyone here even have a remote inkling of what genetic factors meaningfully separate your "races" from one another?
Can you even name three alleles that make a German different from a Namibian?
Try it, go on.
>If you are going to gene engineer minorities they will just engineer them to be white!
If they have a choice they will just choose their own genetic modification to look white, or whiter, just as they do with cosmetics.
>My father in law owns the largest construction firm in Houston
You do realize many States and the Federal government discriminate against white owned contractors in favor of minority owned contractors.
It would be easier to cull them and start over with breeds of humanity who aren't complete shit.
No unethical human testing tbqh if it's for the betterment of the human race
No such thing as*
It's about Neanderthal DNA %
the one that makes them retarded, the one that makes them smell like a barn, and the one that makes them commit crime
Round them all up and treat them with massive doses of radiation
If comics have taught me one thing, it's that at least one will emerge with superhuman powers
Aboriginal Australians could not create pic related in a thousand years, even if they were given free and unlimited access to the required education and knowledge base. They literally would not be able to do it. That alone is enough for me to understand that race is a real and vital biological category, especially when one considers the nature of civilizations and the character and quality of life that they provide for their members.
One drop rule
why start with the lesser races when you can start with the master races?
If we could genetically modify humans we should improve ourselves you fucking anglo.
We need to do it ourselves through immigration law and dilution. The blacks aren't the problem even the most generous predictions have them at about 15% of the US population by the end of the century, they may even be a net benefit to conservatives as they red pill people unintentionally with their riots n shit. All the really problematic ones are in jail or stuck in ghettos. The spics are the problem they're reproducing and immigrating at a ridiculous rates infiltraing the white middle class areas. The central american spics and their anchor children need to be forcibly removed and the whites need to dilute the Mexican and carribean lighter spics. Dilute them until the Hispanic population in this country is a bunch of George Zimmermans. Teach them conservative American values.
Is that some sort of prostitute?
It looks weird must be a niche fetish sex worker as it has a hooker outfit on
the side effects of low T
You ought to know more about genes than Punnet squares if you want to bring your LARPing to the next level.
You're encouraged to swing by your local library and request medical journals concerning DRD4 genes, as well as SLC3A6, CYP3A5 *3, AGT M235, CDH13, MAOA 2R, and MAOA L, for starters.
Why would you wznt to? Just enslave them and destroy them, they're not us, this is not ignorance, they are not our people, they are not us. The ancient Israelites had the right idea of enslaving and slaughtering all the Canaanites and Amalekites.