How do gay pride parades help?

So the purpose of the gay rights movement is to gain gays rights and prove that they are normal people and not just sex crazed degenerates, but during a pride parade everyone starts to dress and act like sex crazed degenerates. Pic related
So is the logic just
>we have to show to the world that we aren't just sex crazed degenerates
>so when we hold a pride parade we must act like sex crazed degenerates
Someone explain how pride parades help.

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don't try to understand anything about homosexuality. it's something totally incomprehensible to any normal straight human being. so obviously it's something akin to terror or death. so any narrative about so called "LGBT" is military deception. You have to look at pervertariat in the same light as proletariat 100 years ago. It's once again artificially crafted bioweapon swarm warfare only this time they are performing rainbowlution..

Back to your containment board. If it is too small for you, try to convert /r9degenerate/

As a fag I can proudly say that gay pride parades are abominations and need to be shut down asap

>invite expired
>most likely means banned
>probably that shit server where the owner is a mudslime loving faggot

They do not. They were maybe started with good intention to show that gay people are just like most, but then the weirdos got too comftorable and took over.


Because they're retards that should be burned on the stake to get them ready for the fires of Hell.
LGBTAQ = Let God Burn Them Quickly And Painfully

Romans 1

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

They're not meant to "help", they're a show of political force. The fags are showing you they can get away with anything they like and there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

They even get officials to show up and join the parade, effectively bending the knee to the fag agenda and its activists. Now, that's political power.

Why are we using the bible as a weapon, why are we throwing our pearls to swine?

You seem to be misinformed on what these pride parades are about. Just like the Slut Walks, they're about attention and lashing out at the group you feel are oppressing you.

>Not /polgbt/

I'm basically pro-gay rights, as I'm a libertarian (although I disagree with additional civic rights in which they do not deserve) and when I lived in Toronto I went to the Gay Pride Parade and lasted about one walk around the block before leaving them alone to do their thing.

Having the most degenerate parts of Gay Culture literally paraded in front of me pretty much started my path down a towards a personally social philosophy of "leaving them do their thing while I do my thing," and my thing ain't like their thing, and that's Ok, blah blah blah, White Nationalism now.

So hey, good for somethin right?

please, go back to /LGBT/.

It's a demonstration of force by they Gaystapo who are empowered by the Ziomatrix to do their bidding.

It's couldn't be simpler.

>As a fag I can proudly say that gay pride parades are abominations and need to be shut down asap

Yes, one needs to distinguish between normal homosexual people, and LGBTI activists. My former classmate which is a decent guy, and also a gay, told me that he would never attend such a stupid thing like a gay parade. He is also against gay marriages, saying that is also a stupidity. He lives with his boyfriend peacefully, and even their neighbors don't know they are gay.

No dude.

It's to prove their is nothing shameful about being a sex crazed HIV positive STD spreading degenerate subhuman.

Ohh but look at their pretty costumes!!!!

>men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
fuck, that's hot

I think it's to show that yeah they're filthy faggots but filthy faggots aren't dangerous, they're just filthy faggots.

I grew up in Seattle around Capitol Hill which is the faggiest place in the world outside San Fran. Gays are fine. They're just people. Yeah they're filthy faggots. But they're fine. I'm pretty pro LBGTQ rights. I don't want to look at their faggotry but I have no problem with fags and dykes.

These fucking degenerate fagpedos need to be exterminated


The real problem is that all fags are also pedos. The try to force their adopted bastard babies into their way of life from the start and the kid grows up a confused outcast also trying to force gayness on others people so it feels accepted

If gay is something your born as why dress up and act like a faggot? Is a pink Mohawk or ass less chaps a birth condition?

Acting like a fag is a choice


You should be burned with them.

>Awaken, my masters!

What do Gays do other than raise property values and do faggy things around the neighborhood? Gays and child molesters are two different things. I think all child molesters should be crucified but Gays are fine.


I think it's a jewish conspiracy to make normies hate faggots, to drive a wedge between them.


You're absolutely right... actually...

This is now a Hitler was right thread

They're just trying to assert their right to be gay in the most ostentatious way possible because it's a victory parade, not a campaign to try and change people's minds. They're saying, we're here, we're queer, and society has deemed that you can't do shit about it. They no longer have to stay hidden in the shadows because society has evolved to the point where they can be open about who they are.

Learn the Truth

but user most gays are child molesters

Is that Milo?

I work with a gay guy that says he despises gay culture and its degeneracy. "walking around in assless chaps licking each other is just begging for a beating." -fag at work

That's what homosexuals need to strive for and not this hideous fetish show they put up to parade in the streets... Dis fucking gusting