Why does Sup Forums hate Israel?
Why does Sup Forums hate Israel?
they're antisemitic and evil
only newfags hate based israel
amirite pedes
Fuck outta here, dumb kike
>Why does Sup Forums hate Israel?
We don't. The vast majority of people on this board support the Jews and Israel - as Christians, they're one of our best allies in the fight against Islam.
I think the 1488 LARPers that hate Israel are, for the most part, just CTR and other types of shills that are trying to divide the conservative support base. Anyone that's spent more than a few years on here will see right through them and their shill tactics.
Professional kebab removers, but I'd them alot more if they weren't sapping $8 million in taxes a day from us like a God damn leech.
Filled with Jews.
Because it is a Jewish country and Sup Forums hates Jews.
Whoa, calm down there. It's only May 6th; still over a month till summer starts.
They're just as bad as the slimes. People like them in a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" way, but if you take them for what they are, they're scum. The only smart move is to kikes and slimes equally.
how can the goyim even compete?
>being this new
fucking kill yourself. israel is without a doubt the largest threat to humanity, the j*ws are nothing more than a palestinian rat infestation and should be eradicated. no one is being ironic when they call for kikes to be gassed, they are a true scourge on this earth
nice meme btw arab jews are as ugly as their muslim counterparts if not worse
Fuck it, I'm converting.
I don't hate jews, Jewish women were designed for white cock.
Because we'll never have such a beautiful ethno-state :'(
the shills are working overtime today
>it's another pathetic JIDF thread that doesn't convince anyone
>shills replying to shills so they think their shilling is working
wtf I love Israel now
even the kikes admit it
the only people i know in real life that think israel is a legitimate state are jews and baby boomers, i expect it from the latter because their entire generation is fucking retarded
you cant train your entire population in the military then claim when they die that it was """"civilian""" casualties
How many of these are actual jews and not european converts?
I agree. Shills respond to other shills with "this". It's a really poor attempt at bluepilling.
I really think jews have more brazen than brains. Jew IQ is probably fluffed up.
I think Israel is a "legitimate" state as any I just don't understand these purpose of these bait threads on an antisemitic website.
It's like going to a vegetarian meet-up and setting up a steak-tasting booth.
They killed 6 million of my people.
>as Christians
Fuck off you Pagan LARPer
Because Sup Forums is muslim.
Israel is full of jews.
Jews are the enemy of all non jews.
>We don't
So you speak for everyone?
Because you constantly post these threads. You're worse than a Canadian.
Mashallah, brother...
Because they are the cause of conflict in the middle east, and you fucking burgers support them. That and they insist on speaking yiddish, even after it had been extinct, just to gentile you goys into giving them money and making them untouchable if you dare criticize.
They're 50th generation """jews""" from Poland, Russia and wherever else. Worse than Americans and muh heritage.
I love Israel, a very beautiful place with very decent people
the only muslim about /pol is how the fake canadian will fly off a roof on the day of the rake.
Oh Jew
stop destroying your neighbors
why jews always shill with women pics
That's what i thought. Pic related is sephardi jews.
Looks like JIDF is in full force on Sabbath...
It took 8 posts. At least it was
Simple, that's where jews are from.
women in uniform are beautiful