Australia YES!

Australia YES!

>Be Aussie shitposter
>Have naked cartoon girls on device for shitposting purposes(prolly also for the ole wankeru)
>Nosey coworker reports you
>Get found guilty of having child abuse material
>Now have to register as a sex offender and serve 2 months of jail time(suspended)

There are mudslimes in the EU that have committed ACTUAL violent rape and have gotten less punishment. Forums/

I hate to say it guys, but Australia's more cucked than Sweden

Other urls found in this thread:

Noone? eh whateves.

Probably the "wrong" board.
Sup Forums is mostly anti-loli. You'd be better off posting this on Sup Forums.

i dont like muslims in my country but i also dont like lolis so im conflicted

Im fine with being anti-loli, but registering as a sex offender and having a jail sentence for drawn caricatures? Might as well start shooting people en-mass for having different opinions.

>There are mudslimes in the EU that have committed ACTUAL violent rape and have gotten less punishment.

They'd get 15 years or so in jail here.

Oz is a former penal colony made up of people that were punished for minor crimes. What do you expect?

>Sup Forums is anti loli
Only the T_Dfags like you, Ahmed.

Only vagina worshiping retard christ cucks are anti-loli here

yfw when redditors
>we /POL nao

It's euro-sandnigger hours bro. They're all grooming actual kids and find anime to be haram.

Fuck you proxy poster.

South Australia was not a penal colony, it was not settled by convicts.

You learn that in primary school.

Loli's a bit young for me to give the overall green light but they're drawings for fucks sake.

If anything they're probably preventative measures to actual child abuse.

Fuck off

Seriously though, who doesn't lock their photos?

Moot's revenge

can someone post some of the pictures in question?? was it of the pokemon or the trainers?? are pokemon considered human children?? i am confused.

Australia is a faggot country

>Might as well start shooting people en-mass for having different opinions.
You realize that that's literally what "Day of the Rope" means, right?
Of course most people are anti-loli, but since this is Sup Forums, anything bad done to people you disagree with is positive.
Can't say I can hold it against them though if they find loli as disgusting as I find for example real child rapists.
Don't confuse the messenger with the message.
I didn't state my opinion on the topic at all.
I'm merely stating the truth. Not sure whether this'll change, but at least during the election it was pretty clear.

>Harder sentences
>More cucked

lolicons deserve life in jail, if not execution. Degenerates.

Says the rapebaby of criminals.

pretty easy not to be a degenerate

how do you determine the age of a cartoon??

could just look childish and a midget.

I'd hire a Jew lawyer and take my chances.

>t. off-brand toothpaste

wanna know the real reason?

Step one, stop jumping to conclusions and assumptions you rolling your face all over your keybored to post shit doesn't help.

Step two, think outside the shallow narrow path your mind travels on, the world doesn't revolve around what YOU think.

And now. This dude lives in a country that other people pay taxes, live free, and have a choice to pretty much be what ever they want. There's laws set in place to keep those who take advantage of those laws, break those laws, and waste peoples tax money, waste the education given to them, waste the roads, the infrastructure, the policing, etc, etc, etc.
This dude grew up in a society that he could have been what ever he wanted, instead he wasted peoples time throughout his life to save, shitpost, and gloat about his perverted pedophilia collection.
He deserves to be put into jail, because he clearly doesn't give a shit about the life that was handed to him on a silver platter. Self righteous asshole.

Loli is degenerate

if she bleed she can breed, but can a cartoon bleed? eternal loli?? pokemon is going on what 20 years and ash is still 12 years old.

makes you think

>I'd hire a Jew lawyer and take my chances
Of course you would, kikes love pornography, especially CP

>can do whatever he wants
>can't even have loli

>a drawing

>South Australia

May as well be another country

A well written and coherent response from a leaf, good job m8

Did he have a "Don't click > Don't click > CP" folder too?

Can someone Redpill me on this? Is it true that there are more black weebs than white ones?

>that Canadian who ordered a loli themed onahole from Japan and the authorities caught it, then let it get delivered, then knocked on his door a few days later when he signed for it so they could arrest him for CP when they showed up because they knew he had it but the character was listed as 18 years old on the website for the company that made the onahole but he still got a few years in prison because she looked under 18

>He never heard of Mad Thad

I challenge anyone in the world to tell me this drawn girls age. you can't. she could be 18 for all we know

I have not, please enlighten me

Idk, 5? Basing that off of the clothes.

Everyone should take notice from this based NH state legislator

2 months suspended?
Fucking degenerate should get 2 years of hard labor then be forced into some sort of pedo commune away from society for the rest of his life.

Why haven't we castrated him yet?

yeah, that's fucked, mudslimes get pardoned for raping 12 year old girls but innocent white man gets fucked for having some anime, come home white man, america has it's problems but atleast there's loli

>asking a hypothetical question to justify his sick twisted sexual desires for pre pubescent children.
That's called being delusional.

We allow that shit here?

Mad Thad essentially is an anime fan who went down the Rabbit Hole to CP. He is sort of the warning of how far someone could go.

This. Wake up and sort yourself out, you're disgusting.

yes, we have a thing called freedom

That guy looks like me

You're from Canada cunt.
You guys elected Trudeau, the faggot king.

Remember.. If you kill your enemies, they win.




boy i sure love punishments that fit the crime

nothing like ruining someones entire life over drawings

*THAT* is his actual face???


if she doesn't exist how can you know her age??

even going beyond that how do we it's gender??

you ain't thinking leaf

>people who fuck dogs, cars, abd castrated maled have their own valid sexual oreintation.
>people who fap to drawings dont.

Reddit OUT

Is that black guy in the pic?
I was wondering if there were more black weebs than white ones, I've heard that thrown out there a few times and I don't know if it's true.
No. This is not freedom, it is vice and corruption. We in America have become far to Tolerant, and that tolerance has become a vice

I'm sorry m8

Thought that was Sam Hyde at first glance, lol

Get out of my country you European communist in disguise

I live in the same city

I'm going to link the guy to this thread on 4plebs

Guys say Hi to Grant for when he sees the thread

The image that is being projected is insinuating that it is a small child. A larger hand on the shoulder ---
Fuck, why am I even arguing?

At the end of the day, doesn't matter if you think that depiction of that particular individual person is 56 or 6, it resembles a small child.
And it still proves that if you just choose a number at random, you aren't attracted to the age, you are attracted to the physical form. So, what's to stop a pedo from taking advantage of a young person? Because, I don't know any 18. 34. 22 56 etc. year old's who look like that.

I think you 'aint' thinking bedazzled stars and streamer stripes.

that's what NatSoc is about, isn't it?

No, you get out of MY country you vile Christ killing heeb, go pedal your pornography else where

Serves him right, paedophilic gook toons are one of the highest form of degeneracy.


There's a debate about cartoon pedo porn going on and it's morality in society, this thread is relevant


most cucked denomination, I really feel sorry that you'll burn in hell for such a simple mistake

it is you plonker


>gook toons
Nice, haven't heard that one before
Yes, yes it is

>but at least during the election
You mean when all the T_Dfags poured in?

Idk, the head shape looks a bit off
God tier b8 user, when do you have to be in Synagogue btw?

thad had one eye on the waifu the other eye on the cp.

that nigga was special

is there an anime to that?

>There's debate about cartoon pedo porn going on and it's morality in society

Alright, fine then

>user fantasizes about fucking kids
>It's not actually fucking kids
>the intent is still there

Go to some middle eastern shithole where fucking kids is okay or do it where you are, get busted and have fun getting raped in prison.

yeah it's "Eromanga Sensei"

have fun

>we're the Sup Forums now

I completely agree with that, try telling that to

>But the court heard a psychological report concluded Thiel did not use the images for sexual gratification.

aahaha and he still got sentenced

>ITT ameriburgers railing on DRAWINGS when they're completely fine with real porn, featuring real people engaging in real degeneracy
You faggots are retarded, even the most fucked up hentai imaginable is a thousand times better than vanilla real porn.

Lol, okay buddy, keep following your antichrist pope, meanwhile i'll be sippin sweet tea in a southern baptist church reveling in the glory of god the true christian way


>At the end of the day, doesn't matter if you think that depiction of that particular individual person is 56 or 6, it resembles a small child.

that won't hold up in court of law..

Read the reply chain retards.
Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that they represent the changing demographic of Sup Forums.


>Southern Baptist
>Pedo Cunt
It makes sense now, I didn't realize you were mentally deficient.

What do Sup Forums?

NYPA cunt

Hahaha, do you personally know this Goy user?

No, I sell weed to his friend in the cover photo though.



Don't throw stones in glass houses :-)

Stop beating around the bush, literally, and figuratively.
Changing the subject won't change that you're attracted to children, or the idea of having sex with one.

>He shitposted
>Had drawn images
Rake yourself.

White Sharia, when?

this thread

>using your shitpost folder in public


Kek, what's you're endgame here Bruce?
>be southern baptist
>can't understand metaphysics
>have baby tier """theology"""""
>advocate for child pornography
You have absolutely no right to talk about this

I don't understand how you can actually get arrested for a drawing.

You fucking bootlickers. They are fucking cartoon pictures.

What do you mean "he used it in public"?

>opening its mouth about irrelevant shit

Eat shit leaf

To make a friend :)