How do I get over the inevitable fact that my descendent will all become mixed with brown skin...

How do I get over the inevitable fact that my descendent will all become mixed with brown skin, brown eyes and black hair in the future? I just don't think being sad about it is going to do me any good.

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As /fit/ would say, you could try doing some chin-ups?

Live for yourself, hedonistically, don't worry about what you can't control.

Have a lot of blond ones and do it in a part of the country where they'll find blond mates and teach their kids to do the same. Multiply yourself before the shitskin hits the fan. Accept that some will be lost.

Actually race-mixing does not happen as much as the Jews tell you. That's why there's still marked genetic distinctions within Britain. There's hardly any viking DNA for example, and many varying genetic populations.

Read about Kalergi Plan and get even more depressed

It's not, really.All we need is a major war, internal or external. The nigger mass graves will be yuuuuge.

I vaguely know about it. It's just that it's all orchestrated, right?

that would just make me more depressed

could help bettering myself I guess

shitskins hits the fan?

>The nigger mass graves will be yuuuuge.


stop resisting