coming here is not a right
Lets take immigrants with engineering degree only
Other urls found in this thread:
>let's take inmigrants
>being this blue pilled
>ignoring the real red pill
Sup Forums is shit
Cant americans grow and teach their own engineers?
We nees to reduce our populations FAST
Automation is going to fuck us ovet.
I'm an engineer and I don't want my wages going down you asshole
what about don't help them at all and let them live if they manage. Criminals to jail ofc
First world populations cause the most pollution so you'd think environmentalist wouldn't want people flooding into our country
Americans are notoriously dumb. They don't even have public universities.
> lets take immigrants with engineering degree only
You don't literally need any.
The "problem" is that companies are seeking young, experienced people who work for peanuts, not that there aren't enough engineers to go around.
Yes, because we don't already drown in engineers or something. We definately need even more.
We have the best universities on the planet you fool
Fuck off, it's difficult enough to get a job as a white male engineer as it is.
>let's take immigrants that will take jobs that natives can do just to drive down wages
True, but not even 10% of engineers are actually good engineers
they are chad engineers
Umm, sweetie, thats where you are wrong
...that Chang, Raj, and Chaim get to go to.
>glorified dating/hookup service for Chad Thundercock and Stacey
>best educayshun!
>ctrl-f: Austria
>no results
How does it feel to not have any top 100 schools? You'd have to go to another country to get a top 100 school.
fuck off faggot, we don't need more H1Bnigger-engineers; stop talking about something you know jack shit about
>Country X surprisingly has the best universities according to an assessment made by country X
who the fuck said you third worlders could speak? learn your place
post a list you consider reliable/unbiased then faggot, it's not an easy thing to pull off. I'm sure these are even leaving off top tier foreign schools, but how the fuck would we know
>inb4 1000000 African engineers from the university of Somalia turn up.
Fuck that, how about those rich tech companies start training Americans? I'm finished with immigration unless you're white or otherwise a fucking genius.
>post a list
No, it's enough to note that
- you didn't manage to solve the nigger problem (not so smart then, I guess)
- you actually lose money when going to university instead of making money (wtf, can't get more jewish than this)
>you actually lose money when going to university instead of making money (wtf, can't get more jewish than this)
>socialist education, bashing capitalism
so you want your bridges build by niggers?
how about you only take people willing to serve 5 years in the military on the FRONT LINE.
I'll be up front because I am willing to die to get my children out of this socialist hellhole.
Yeah, why would your employer pay you - that is pure socialism. Better pay the company you work for :^)
>trusting 3rd world standards in education
>According to a study by employability assessment company Aspiring Minds, only 4.77 per cent candidates can write the correct logic for a programme -- a minimum requirement for any programming job
>take shitty engineers
No, how about we start throwing money at white kids who want to go into engineering? If money didn't go to the lowest rung, we'd be producing the best of the best again.
your education is so poor that you think this is a valid supporting statement, let alone comprehensible
White EE here
What do you guys think about me immigrating to the states for work? It's more lucrative for me there than it is here.
Engineers report in!
>t. Industrial E.
EEs seem to always be in demand, I fell into the ME rut and am seemingly stuck doing HVAC work. You should be good, leaf.
I don't know if you can ever get your PE though, not sure how ABET considers maple degrees
>Industrial "Engineering"
>Jewnited States
top kek
>when pay taxes for roads but think people who can distill tar or design a roadroller are expendable
America fuck yeah.
jews can't be engineers, unless you consider pyrotechnics as engineering
Yeah sounds like a plan
Where the fuck do you even live?
Quite irrelevant
Do you want poo? Because that's how you get poo.
>jews can't be engineers, unless you consider pyrotechnics as engineering
I agree with you on this one
Enjoy your compsci pajeets.
when did I claim otherwise? None of my educators were Natcitizens, and I was surrounded by poopiskanis/chinks all through school. Our engineering schools are completely cucked, OP is a massive faggot for wanting to make it worse
Coming to fast-food restaurants is MOST CERTAINLY a right.
>Quite irrelevant
but sadly not wrong
Yeah bro haha lets bring in more people to compete with us for our jobs and resources haha
>they are chad engineers
but they are not. I've worked almost exclusively with foreign engineers. I will give you one example
I work with a Russian who has a Ph.d. He was tasked 6 months ago to make a robot arm probe a point on a board. He still can't do it. There is documentation everywhere and they will gve him any amount of resources to accomplish this. He still cant get the arm to move to the right coordinate. He asked for my help to do a simple cartesian-cartesian coordinate system transformation. The math was too complex for him.
the t_d mindset
fuck off Rajesh, your shitty engineering degree is worth nothing. Go back to india
How about we just don't take ANY immigrants that aren't white?
>How about we just don't take ANY immigrants
it's a management position, you know, not to be cucked behind an assembly line like a blue collar nigger
Most good Canadian universities are ABET recognized, as far as I know.
HVAC isn't necessarily a bad way to make a living, I know some guys who do it back in Alberta and they make bank when the economy is good, certainly more than I do right now.
It's a fancy business degree lauding as engineering, kys
Yeah it's easy to find work in at least, everyone needs some sort of air system.
Good, take the FE asap and do everything you can to find a PE to work under. The positions are harder to find, but getting your PE will repay you tenfold over the course of your career
kek, german engineers are welcome here (if you're white)
Leave that overcomplicated VAG mindset at home though, we prefer maintainability over quality here since we have so many dumbasses working on our shit
Liberals must learn that accepting immigrants is morally abhorrant. You're siphoning useful young minds away from countries that have that spent a considerable amount raising and education them, causing brain drain just so cheap labour can be enjoyed. Let them stay and improve their home countries and instead train our own youth to make the most of themselves and improve things.
>a fancy business degree
so? having a "fancy business degree" is the best entrance card into a plethora of high paying comfy jobs, instead of working in a factory like some EE cuck faggot with no future.
You can work in finance, big data, IT, systems analyst etc etc..
now you kill yourself
Seriously though, start a business. You will see new employees cost you money because you have to train them in your specific field.
Nobody is going to come if you hire like "Welcome aboard, lad. Wire me 100000$ to get you started, you will earn it back during the first 10 years you are in the company, assuming we don't fire you".
>So that they can take the jobs of all your technicians and engineers for half the wages or less
Good call.
Fuck off. STEM fields are full.
We do, and the sad part is most new graduates can't find jobs because globalists have been lowering wages by filling these jobs with h1bs.
Americans are, in general, the dumbest people on the planet. So, no.
>implying ME isn't the broad field master race
kek, now go make me a sammich, my chair isn't ergonomic enough and it makes my ass itch too much to get up
When the CS/IT/EE "cucks" fall, so do the management degrees. That only benefits people with connections who have assured positions.
>globalists have been lowering wages
srs, where the fuck are the jobs that actually correlate with COL other than cow towns. Tech centers are all taking advantage of millennial engineers that want to move out of the shitholes surrounded by morons that they grew up in
Speak for yourself, moron. Engineering is the most difficult major in the US. At least 5 people in my classes dropped it and became doctors because it was easier. An American engineering degree is invaluable and we have the best in the world. Can't say the same for canadiens. You do produce good hockey players, though.
>teach a generation that manual labor is the devil and they need to go to college to get one of the endless supply of high paying skilled jobs
>don't hire them and bring in a bunch of illiterate shitskins that can barely perform instead
ME syllabus lacks Economics, Organizational theory and Operations research to sat the least
that's agreeable but not my point, specialized Engineering Bsc will never be able to get a job outside the manufacturing and production sector whereas Industrial E. lets you literally enter any field which requires analytical and organizational capabilities
While we have American Engineers that are unemployed? Neck yourself motherfucker!
fuck off we're full
need an engineer
train someone already here
>Economics, Organizational theory and Operations
lol wut, keep larping faggot, those are all pre-req requirements for every ABET school in all types of engineering
Yep. The worst thing about engineering is boomers though.
>don't want to or can't retire
>don't want to do any work, just consider themselves consulting engineers
>have high pay checks and a pension (before they were eliminated)
>try to encourage management to bring in more h1bs for "cost savings"
>get an entire branch in India for drafting and fire all the draftsmen, and when the drawings come back fucked up they expect young engineers who are "good with computers" to fix them
The list goes on and on but seriously we need a boomer genocide and to send back every h1b. When I was in school everyone told me "get an engineering degree! The boomers are going to retire and you'll always have a job!" I do just that and every company wants to turn you away so they can get an h1b instead. In fact, some of the job postings they make are specifically targeted to get an h1b sponsored. You'll notice:
>speaks 4 languages
>knows a laundry list of things (Indians lie on their resume)
>salary sub $40K
>masters degree
ok keep thinking that honey