Some 'red pills' are actually blue pills in disguise.
Red-Pill Debunking Thread
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The Alt-Lite in general. Civic Nationalism.
Gotta go deeper than just claims. Specifically what do you think is wrong with it, what can be debunked?
Religion. It used to be called the original bluepill here before the r_thedonald cuckservative faggs showed up with their ooga booga muh gunz ameriga stronk le based stickman. Fuck those obese kike puppet simplets. Pol is ancap, we don't want corporate cocksucker fox news boipucci goys here.
Civic Nationalism will still end with the destruction of our race, assuming you're white. YouTubers like PJW and Sargon act like they are leading some sort of huge revolution when they are worse than normie-tier compared to us.
I second this.
>we must be critical of redpills
Nice try, Frankfurt school. Because that worked so well with Classical Liberalism.
I'm just going to shitpost spicy memes in your thread instead.
That's cool too.
>Pol is ancap
The first "awakening" (and actually several after that) are synthetic, manufactured, and wrong.
For example, you find out about 9/11 and then the globalists. But, then you go read "World Order" by Kissinger and realize that they operate on a Westphalia model of rule through division and have no idea how to create a unified government and even find the idea repulsive (no more wars for bankers, military complex, etc.)
Same with religion. The strawman versions are easy to dismiss, but deeper investigation leads you back to an enlightened interpretation.
But what if that blue pill in disguise was actually a red pill in disguise all along?
Religion. It sucks, but it's the literal definition of a "blue pill"
All of the cognitive dissonance from religious people bragging about how they "refound faith" and "took the TRUE red pill" is just bullshit
National socialism and communism being the biggest ones
everyone knows hitler, stalin and mao didnt go far enough
No, it's not just you. I used to be le edgy atheist but even though I'm still largely a retard as I've become more well read I've come to the same conclusions you list.
I'm young and not religious either.
Without even going down the politics at play behind religion and the way institutional religion works, you can easily see how much bullshit and a bluepill it is. Basically serving the purpose of stripping all men from the "Gyges ring" aka their ability to do wrong if nobody sees them because "gods are always watching". It is a base for a moral society if everybody is a savage and an illiterate crook. Today the legal system is enough for keeping the stupid plebs at check while the elites no matter how much they believe will always bend their faith to keep business going. We are enough advanced and knowledge os free and accessible to everyone, if only the medias didn't pollute us with their bullshit to educate everyone and base our morals as a society in something more than an angry sky fairy, like justice, honor and not being a fucking nigger. Plenty of atheists have had some of the strongest moral compass while religiouscucks have their faith challenged and can go kamikaze every time their child dies or they lose their job. Those who don't fall into deep autism talking to their imaginary kike friend. As for atheists being cuck lefties meme, it's not being an atheist that makes you a leftie, it's being a lefty that turns them atheists not because they have thought about it but because the church is white male patriarchy oppression and being atheist is nothing more than a trend or a political stance to them. Everyone who turned atheist as a result of critical thinking is actually more questionning of everything and likely to see through the system's bullshit. The meme atheists are cucks is true about the faggots who are because John Oliver says it's cool, but in the same trend the faggs who spam convert to jesus the true savior and reply to every argument with bible verses are no different.
Civic nationalism is great as long as the economy is stable and there are no wars. The west is just a ticking time bomb until the next economy collapse. and when that happens people will instantly start siding with their own race over others.
>religious conservatives
>cocksucker boipucci
Oh, you spics just love to make no sense, don't you?
Rare flag
Pretty sure the whole red pill blue pill thing is a black and white fallacy. All information alt-right agrees with us red pill. All else is blue pill.
Enlightened atheism is the way to go for a truly redpilled person and the elite of the planet, not in terms of money or power, but in terms of knowledge and being wise. Everyday I see more and more religious tards and civic nationalists who appear to think being dumb and uneducated/not going to college is the way to go because the upper class yuppies think of themselves as such. People even claim reading is for faggots and movies are all jew propaganda. A strong minded person doesn't fear being brainwashed by propaganda and sorts it all out. I read 1 book a week and see 1 movie a day. Also learned 4 languages. My knowledge and understanding of the world has improved. I can see which part is smartly written, has a philosophical depth and which part is propaganda and so called "box checking" mandatory bullshit. You have to chose wisely though. Keep away from mind numbing blockbusters like Marvel and prefer author's movies or even big movies as long as the director isn't a straight up retarded moron. A movie from Nolan, the (((Coen))) brothers or Carpenter will always bring you something. Also another complaint, don't reject anything jewish. No Country for Old men is a kike product yet the deeper message is how fucked the world has become and how the latinos have destroyed the calm rural traditional life of the south, and how money isn't always worth it and worshiping it above your own life or your family's life isn't healthy. A Tom Ford's Nocturnal Animals is much more enlightening than a Moonlight muh fee fees faggotry or Guardians of the Galaxy children movie in adults format.
"Da joos did it" is the ultimate fake red pill that is really a blue pill. The world is very complex and the "elite" that exploits us is decentralized and hard to pin down. It's easier to just think it's DA JOOS. That's why Hitler was so popular. Make it simple for the common folks.
Supporting Israel because they are ethno-nationalist. The truth is that we cannot allow jews their own state since once they completely destroy the west with their multicultural experiment they can simply move to Israel meanwhile we will literally have nowhere to go. Statistics show that more and more jews in Europe and US make aliyah every year so they have no concern for us
Lots of us were involved in near cults like "southern Baptists" who believe the world is 4,000 years old (my church even thought 6k was too much)
Its left a disgusting taste in my mouth of blind hate.
>hurt durr all music is for the devil
We never even sung hymns because ALL music was satanic
>literally tells 4year olds they will burn alive if they don't say the magic words
Its pure brainwashing and fear mongering
>oh, it's not the guys who have all the money and power, the world is much more complex than that
0.2 shekels have been deposited to your account
>joos have all the power and money n shiiet
That is why european leaders are speaking against Israel. And make jews lable their products.
I don't know why it's considered red pill at all.
Also lifting.
Nazism is the ultimate bluepill.
>Yes goy liberty is degenerate
>You dont need guns
>All these conserva- i mean joos are dangerous to society and must be destroyed
Also don't forget
>church needs money got heres the collection plate
>forced kids to place a minimum of $5 in the plate some days
>pastor drove around in a beautiful BMW "the lord provided"
I had to deal with this for 9 years until I finally gotten myself kicked out of that school (rather hard to do since you had to pay to go here and they constantly bitched they were losing students/money).
Perfect pic. captures the average Sup Forums Trump supporter to a T
>because what's going on in politics, always takes place on the surface
I think you've OD'd on those bluepills, Sergei. Your country is the poster boy for corruption and subterfuge, you should know better than this.
>Some 'red pills' are actually blue pills in disguise.
All red pills are emotional poison which will make your existence into a kind of sickness.
You need to become super sensitive and open in order to reverse any of it - otherwise you end up as a lonely women hating repressed republican.
Literally irrelevant here in Russia. No one uses facebook, watches murican media here.
Stop pretending like jews control everything, while failing to provide any sufficient proofs.
It may not have 100% statistically causal effects but the correlation between jews and destruction of the economy/culture of the west is well grounded in reality. While not every prostitute has an STD you are much better off wearing a condom if you do have sex with one as it is better to take that precaution. Trusting all Jews is the same thing, you cannot do it and need to take precautions (i.e. deport them or ship them off to camps)
Thr human species is a hierarchical one, like wolves. Lots or people at the top of the pyramid conspirate, even against each other, sometimes have common interests sometimes opposing ones. Kikes have had a monopoly on money, jewels and banking because their stupid brainwashed goys, both Christian and mudslim couldn't manipulate money. Because they are sectary and ethno centered, like any good polack wants his people to be, they are over represented at the top of the pyramid. It doesn't mean that it consists only of jews, or that they are an indivisible group who never oppose each other, even though it is true the way their culture works makes them much more helping and close to each other. Ironically a jew is much less backstabbing to another person of the only group that should matter to him, another jew that say whites or indians or arabs. That is their key to success. The last redpill is that everyone can become part of that head of the pyramid, even though 90% of this board is so stupid they can't even pretend, which explains all that frustration that results in >white threads, basically people deeply insecure about themselves who try to believe they are superior because of an accident of birth to say any mediterranean etc. Superiority of cultures or races is real, but on an individual level superiority cant be inherited, you can have a good genetic starting kit but you have to earn it.
can you explain civic nationalism please.
I describe my self as a nationalist. I understand the importance of borders, pride in ones nation and the importance of preserving ones culture.
National IDs to identify illegals.
Sounds good in principle but then you see what govs can do to track you.
>moving the goalposts
I'm not playing this game.
Oh, you mean like passports are now?
>All red pills are emotional poison which will make your existence into a kind of sickness.
>because happiness is the goal, no matter the cost
Yes, good goy, go back to sleep.
>Joos controll the world
>They cant do nothing about neet austists posting on anime board
That is enough proofs for me.
>No one replies
Underrated post.
Dumb-fin-goy, you have caused me to switch sides (pic related)... anyways, enjoy the jewish red-pill puzzle. Keep focusing on it, not your emotional health. Thank you.
There is no atheist with a moral compass. One's sense of internal direction cannot be described as a compass.
None of this supports atheism in any way. Much of it condemns it.
Peterson taught me it's pointless to argue with people of radically different temperaments. Smug Sam Harris' of the world will remain smug Sam Harris' until the day they die, and trying to open their worldview - on the interwebs no less - is a waste of energy.
I mean, c'mon, he unironically opened that second post with the literal
>enlightened fedora
Looks like the guest list at a Bar Mitvah. Stupid bluepilled faggot
Pity Sam Harris owned Peterson in that second debate using basically one thought:
>Jordan, stories REFLECT truth - that's not the same as them BEING true. Ergo; the bible is a story.
Peter-dumb basically got in a loop after that.
MGTOW is a jew trick to keep you from havin kids.
MARIJUANA is a jew trick, because it makes you lazy and will hold you back.
(Medical, REAL medical is ok)
ANTI-DEPRESSANTS will rot your brain, rarely fix the issue (fat, lazy, anxiety, loser) and will.make you addicted.
>muh intellectual pissing contest
I'm not playing this game either. You go ahead and believe what you want to believe. It's your loss, not mine.
>citing wikipedia
Gtfo with this shit. Anyone who cites Wikipedia as a credible source needs to be gassed.
>accuses anyone with a criticism of being one of (((THEM)))
Gold is not a store of value and is not a better currency system.
this is an image board nobody gives a shit about that wall of text fuck off back to where ever you came from
Why am I not surprised? People who can't read valid citations should be gassed. The list is directly from Forbes you white trash fuck.
You seem to be fresh off the USS rebbit. Redpill here predates and has a different meaning to /r/red_pill (or whatever its called.) Lurk moar before you post, or KYS whichever is more convenient.
Not everything is a scientific discussion, thus the threshold for acceptable sources is lowered. Given Wikipedia has no motive to lie about the content (either their wealth, or their ties to Jewry) and has ample motive and historical precedence to hide the latter, I highly doubt there are any intentional inaccuracies.
Also kill yourself brainlet trying to seem intelligent.
I'll get a lot of shit for this but:
Don't get me wrong. I support it and I encourage everybody to support it because in current times it is probably the best option to take but there will be better alternatives in the future assuming we won't lose.
At some point we will have to implement eugenics on a global scale and when that succeeds resulting in a huge increase in minimum IQ in our species, nationalism will become obsolete and a burden. Also please don't mix it up with preserving culture because that is another thing entriely.
>You seem to be fresh off the USS rebbit.
Sure, let some (((group of people))) tell you about how great their pills are. How your emotions won't be damaged.
...and I'm the plebbit dupe eh? Oy vey.
You're barely lucid. Try to communicate more clearly. You intentionally trying to be vague and mysterious doesn't add to your message, it just makes me think you're a retard.
I love it how you skip right to it. Your choices are
>be a happy, blind idiot that's just waiting to get fucked
>get know what's really going on at a potential detriment to your mental health
The funny thing you don't seem to understand is, nobody's denying this. There's no such thing as a free meal.
Have fun with the fantasy while it lasts.
Just keep taking your medicine goy. We know what's best for you.
(bounce between the red and blue for ever and ever, unproductive, and with no emotional depth of sensitivity left)
Don't forget to hate feminism, and anyone who has empathy - because they're pussies and faggots!!
Most of them are. Part of the social engineering plan is finding stuff to make you get pissed about.
choose one and only one.
Did you have a stroke just now? Are you smelling toast? Because based on the contents of your increasingly incoherent and nonsensical posts I'd say you should call an ambulance.
>Also please don't mix it up with preserving culture because that is another thing entriely.
Out of curiosity explain why you think that culture can exist when the national identity that created it is destroyed.
All you do is make vague allusions to mask that you have no depth of understanding. You're a brainlet moron trying to emulate intelligence without actually possessing it.
As I said; KYS
Nationalism was always civic, there was no "races" before the french revolution, just toiling serfs under different kingdoms. F
Nation is a political act, taking sovereign power from the king and giving it to the people - popular sovereignty.
It had nothing to do with race since it's conception.
this thread
Civic nationalism means that anyone in your country is a national as long as they "assimilate".
Problem 1: people don't always assimilate. Just look at all the muslim terror attacks in France.
Problem 2: You're introducing inferior genes into your local gene pool. Niggers have an IQ 20-30 points below the average; arabs/turks have an IQ 10-20 points below average and are heavily inbred, which results in a host of genetic problems including night blindness. Jews are a genetic mess, probably more inbred than any other group on the planet, and have a whole host of genetic diseases. Outbreeding in itself can lead to new genetic diseases appearing.
(((Civic))) Nationalism is just rebranded Straussian neo-liberalism.
>hey guys wouldn't it be neat if we could promote neo-liberal economic policies, import (((legal)) non-white cheap labor, and do nothing about erosion of culture, but pretend like we were patriots?
Anyone who subscribes to this two bit scam HAS to be a double digit IQ retard or a Jew
So there was no idea of a "France" before the French revolution?
If you honestly believe this, then you just may be retarded. People were categorized into races since the fucking greek times, and each European race was described according to both culture and distinctive physical characteristics.
That's you on the right there (pic related) - good luck!
>Sup Forums is a mess of everything.
>calling himself a polymath
"Red pill": Trannies are faking it
Actual red pill: It is a in uterine hormonal disorder caused by maternal stress which results in observably different brain scans and digit (finger) ratios throughout the lifespan of the individual. AKA the brains of trannies are different than those of homosexuals
"Red pill": Niggers are violent
Actual red pill: Blacks are less intelligent and that explains most of the criminality. Stupid people are violent
"Red pill": Trump is based
Actual red pill: Assad is actually based
No. You're the only one here who doesn't think you're a blithering moron.
Slovenians are a detestable race of cowards. Every single person I've known from your nation are leftist scumbags with no principles. They repeat verbatim American liberalism ideology, yet they strut about as if they're God's gift to the Earth. Why do you even post here?
Digression aside. What you said is directly contradicted by genetic evidence on one side, and historical evidence on the other. Just because our conception of race might differ from the classical concept of it, does not mean it didn't exist. Please take your idiocy elsewhere.
Oh no, you have wounded me! lol I pointed out you have no depth and lack the intellect to form it in the first place. And your response is a prepacked meme? You are yet to explain anything you've said. But you are nicely proving my point.
Civic Nationalism is retarded. There used to be a very prevalent thought process amongst Southerners before the Civil War, and I think this thought process destroys Civic Nationalism. As Alexander Stephens explains, which I would recommend reading some of his writings, the entire basis of Civic Nationalism is that of a logical response based on false premise. They assume that the races are equal, and hence conclude that they can if united behind a nation cooperated and live together. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be logical, but their premise being wrong, their whole argument fails.
We have seen from America what happens when a population of differing races attempts to live together, and the outcome was predicted by our founding father, Thomas Jefferson, "It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state, and thus save the expense of supplying, by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.".
America was founded as a melting pot, and as an American this is my ideal. Though what many people not versed in history mistake by this, is they believe the founding fathers of America were for equality and didn't believe in borders, they would have you believe Washington and Madison wanted every negro from Zimbabwe to be able to immigrate to America freely. This is not the case at all, three times the founding fathers changed the laws on immigration, and what was not changed in any update was the statement that only whites were allowed to immigrate. America was founded as a melting pot of Europe, of Whites.
>Real men are cold, calculating, rational and smart!
If you are rational and smart etc., you have low test.
Learn the Truth
>"Red pill": Trannies are faking it
Nobody says that.
>Actual red pill: Blacks are less intelligent and that explains most of the criminality. Stupid people are violent
Explain the relatively low violence and criminality in poor white neighborhoods, trailer parks, etc.
>muh frencheness
I was never about France or "frenchness" in the first place - even more they hated it and wanted to destroy every remnant of the french history; the ancien regime - that's how anti-french they really were.
It was a bloody civil war between two influential groups fighting for power - the reactionary traditionalist side (Aristocracy), which saw France as a kingdom, and the republican one (Bourgeoisie) - the latter pandered to the huge crowds of merchant's and artisans, promising them more freedom and political rights - the radical wing of revolutionaries (Jacobins) wanted full equality for all people in the new republic - men, women, colored.
I'll just give you an example:
>coexistence of bavarian and prussian culture in Germany (those are currently endangered we all know the culprit)
What I'm saying is that as different regional cultures can exist in a nation they can also survive in an even bigger entity.
They are tied to people that pass it from generation to generation and not to state itself.
>being anything other than AnCap
>"Red pill": Trannies are faking it
Actual red pill: It is a in uterine hormonal disorder caused by maternal stress which results in observably different brain scans and digit (finger) ratios throughout the lifespan of the individual. AKA the brains of trannies are different than those of homosexuals
I don't know enough about this subject to comment.
>"Red pill": Niggers are violent
Actual red pill: Blacks are less intelligent and that explains most of the criminality. Stupid people are violent
Partial credit. While lower IQ is correlated positively with decreased impulse control and higher rates of violence, IQ alone cannot account for the rate of violence seen among western blacks.
"Red pill": Trump is based
Actual red pill: Assad is actually based
Not enough info on Trump, but this is likely correct.
Lifting is the biggest blue pill. It's a trap designed to get you addicted and sell you equipment, gym memberships and all kinds of fluff packaged as supplements, all trying to sell you on "health benefits" aka getting a body fags can jerk it to. Once you start, you can never stop, your body will turn on you the moment you do.
Calisthenics: basic body weight exercises, walking/running, jumping and climbing are all you need to be healthy and stay in shape.
By defending western notions of liberty, human rights, rule of law we are defending western civilization itself, from politically illiterate burgers like yourself.
Can't you see, it is the far-right scum that is endangering civil liberties, not the other way around.
>try to have your alt-right revolution, you fascist, and I promise you a bike lock to the head.
The black pill is the ultimate blue pill. It's the pill you take to go back to the normie world and eat steak while ignoring your responsibilities.
People who are actively spreading the black pill like the postmodernists and Varg are enemies of any productive enterprise.
I've never had a "far right scum" try to police my language, censor me or the media I consume, attack me in the streets, break things in my city, light shit on fire or conduct false flag hate crimes. When they do I'll be concerned with them.
>bike lock
You know that fag is doing 3 years minimum in big boy prison right? He's going to get turned out and/or murdered. If you touch me I'll just shoot you faggot.
Movies are mindless propaganda, you fedora. You have way too much time in your hands. Consider actually contributing to others.
The whole "man up, marry and have children" some right wingers often bring up is a good case of fake redpill. Marriage is chopping off your balls and handing them on a plate to some woman who will withhold sex from you in order to control you.
Monogamy in general is p fucking beta. It's proponents like to play it as the "mature", "non-degenerate" thing to do but that's because (the false hope of) locking down one female forever is better than what they would otherwise have been. Also the fact that monogamy is pretty much against human nature and it brings nothing but misery in the mid term and long run. You don't really need to sign a government-backed contract to reproduce, yet so many guys here assume it's the only way it can be done because this place is plagued with insufferable bootlickers that bow down to government authority.
In short, Sup Forums has an incredibly high concentration of people that believe in Disney-like fairy tales despite all the redpill charade.
>What I'm saying is that as different regional cultures can exist in a nation they can also survive in an even bigger entity.
They can, but only until a crisis arrives and shakes the entire foundation to its core. Whenever there are economic or existential crisis in a nation which harbours different ethnicities or cultures, there always develops a platform for these cultures or ethnicities to demand independence. One need only take a cursory glance at the rise of seperatist movements post-2008 Economic Crisis to examine the effects it had on them.
Multiculturalism can work only for a short time in a stable society, but no society is stable indefinitely, and the moment it undergoes a crisis it is magnified due to the inherent instability caused by its multi-ethnic and multicultural composition.
You realize most US citizens don't have passports right...
whatever fake ivan
I was already a truly repressed conservative who thought he was a libertarian but despised degeneracy before I found Sup Forums
Tradition is the natural selection of ideas
I will never, ever understand why eastern Europeans are so obsessed with communism after it kept your people in chains for so long and killed millions by starvation or punishment.
You really are hungry for punishment as a whole race. I will never get you guys.
Youre a fucking faggot.. libertarianism is best.. you are an edgy 15 year old.
There is literally nothing more degenerate than posting here and any of your national socialist faggot fantasies would involve punishment for anti social activities like posting on Sup Forums.
Wie läuft es in der Antarktis, mein Kamerad? Froh zu sehen, dass du jetzt Internet hast.