Should Scotland be an independent country?
Will a second referendum even be allowed?
Should Scotland be an independent country?
Will a second referendum even be allowed?
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i vote scotland fuck off
Surprised England's not the one having the vote to get rid of them.
If David Cameron knew that the first vote would come to a 10 point margin, England would never have allowed it. These people are eternal cucks and slaves to the English. End of story and they should fuck off, pipe down, and learn their place under the boot.
Unrelated question: why do countries like Scotland scream about 'muh English oppressors' while they have a devolved parliament and England doesn't therefore giving Scotland more legal power?
will not happen. They just voted tory by the largest margin ever
>Should Scotland be an independent country?
>Will a second referendum even be allowed?
>These people are eternal cucks and slaves to the English.
Tbh it was the Scottish king which ascended to the throne plus we get extra public funding.
>why do countries like Scotland scream about 'muh English oppressors
We don't. A few mongs and that's about it.
Yes and yes. Fuck the UK
>Should Scotland be an independent country?
>Will a second referendum even be allowed?
They haven't even had a first referendum to become an independent country. The referendum a few years ago was to become annexed by the EU. If you mean a second referendum of that? Well why should there be another, they've already made their decision that they didn't want to be annexed.
Because they're useful idiots.
There is no such thing as scotland anymore.
only 1% of the country could even be described as traditionally scottish. The rest have completely fallen to modern degeneracy. Drugs and getting drunk on a friday night is all they care about now
SNP are retards who will force it sooner rather than later.
And no they probably shouldn't since the UK is like a microcosm of the EU, that being the weak NIreland, Wales and Scotland suckle at the teat of the strong Britain.
Honestly, if I was English, I would want Scotland to vote to be independent. Scotland is a financial drain on the rest of the UK, and Scotland leaving pretty much guarantees the decimation of Labour forever.
Scotland will become a mixture of Sweden and Greece if they vote independence and they know this.
Should there be another referendum? Sure, will they vote for it? No.
2 of the last 4 PM's have been Scottish so they need to stop fucking moaning about being ruled by the English or fuck off
>muh freedom
>muh kilts n Claymore
The sad part is Scottish medieval history is actually really interesting but is completely ruined in Scotland by mongs with a modern political agenda and national stereotypes
>inb4 that expat cuck from spain shows up to shit up the thread
Scotfag here my constiency just voted Conservative for the first time in a century. What do you think?
Yes, Scotland will be free eventually from the anglo menance. Never forget the crimes of the anglo against the celt.
Sturgon is a fat cow that can choke on a sausage supper
>Scotland leaving pretty much guarantees the decimation of Labour forever.
Labours been dead here since the last election.
>The sad part is Scottish medieval history is actually really interesting but is completely ruined in Scotland by mongs with a modern political agenda and national stereotypes
Modern tourism and lack of education on the subject has ruined what used to be our rich history.
Wait and see I guess.
Last referendum I hoped the Scots remained with the UK, if there is another one I hope they vote remain again. That's mostly because half of my family is Scottish around Dumfries and Galloway. As far as i'm aware they all voted to remain.
- A Yorkshireman.
If Scotland truly wants independence they should consider giving England a vote on it.
i'm also a yorkshireman and i hope they leave.
i have family over in Edinburgh too and i'd want whats best for them. Scotland on its own is better off, England and wales on their own are better off. but together we'll just cause each other problems and delays on legislation.
It would solve problems for England and Wales but would create problems for Scotland.
Reminder that nobody in Scotland wanted a Scottish parliament
Reminder no one wanted the referendum to be held
Reminder Sturgeon is leading a minority government propped up by the Greens.
Reminder the Tories are going to fuck up Sturgeons shit in the GE.
Fuck off back to glasgow and stay there you cunts.
>Should Scotland be Independent.
Probably not, at least not without seriously thinking about what it could do for itself with the resources and space it actually has at its disposal.
I remember claims about the banks and oil being Scottish, with those being what were being used as selling points of the first referendum.
But then again, Scotland would would really need to decide on other things. They wanted to keep the pound for instance as opposed to the euro.
>Will it even be allowed.
Most likely.
No idea if it'll move on from where it was the last time though. just because they're going for another round doesn't mean the result wil be different.
I hope not.
Walking around Glasgow and seeing the refugee families out in full force in the city centre today almost gave me a heart attack and it's not because of my diet of Irn Bru and pizza crunches.
I live in Edinburgh, only the degenerate retards want independence, SNP thinks an army is unnecessary.
Nuf said, criminal stupidity
>I live in Edinburgh, only the degenerate retards want independence, SNP thinks an army is unnecessary.
>Nuf said, criminal stupidity
fair do's lad, but you probably know you're massively in the minority right?
Fuck I really hate that good for nothing money drain. All these disgusting subhuman scotch thinking they're all this. They ought to leave because I'm sick of them contributing nothing, getting everything, and complaining about everything. As a nation, they live off the dole and our hard work. Just eradicate them to the last of them and take their land. That's all they're good for, their land, and I don't understand why we didn't just genocide all of them instead of just the highlands.
Yeah practically everyone I know are socialists, that young mp with the mouth like a jeremy kyle contestant is considered a legend... baka
I'll be the one voice saying the nukes are ours if independence comes
this and i guess a healthy dosage of 19th century romanticism
glasgow you mean dundee its 10 times worst for that shit
whats with the SNP and their supporters and getting triggered by the army? i guess its the one institution they cant touch and they know it and a grime reminder that they are cucked and weak
They are under the delusion that if they are nice and don't want war, peace will prevail
I grew up in a seriously rough area and was in care for a while (ppl used to boast about being the stabbing capitol of uk) went to edinburgh uni was friends with people who were in princess beatrice's class at school.
I've seen both sides of the coin, imo upper class is a state of mind all it takes is a bit of discipline and direction to succeed
Don't ditch us, i'll be ruled by a bunch of directionless peasants who glorify their despair
What do you do though? I'm considering joining the conservatives to try and slap some sense into them...
Doubt it'll work tho. I won't abandon my peeps however
cynically i would say another war... but i dont think a mentality of weakness in the west in general can last for long its very nature means it will be replaced by those with a stronger ethos
All of these people have seen someone who didn't want to fight getting their ass kicked.. maybe you need an iq in the triple digits to see the connection
Only after the EU is destroyed.
>'muh English oppressors'
The only people who say this are English
who /votingtory/ to piss off salmond and sturgeon here?
Stir that haggis you irn bru demon.
>Scotland is a financial drain on the rest of the UK
Everything but London is a financial drain on London due to the way the UK is run
Scotland should be independent. The only way to purge the liberalism in Scotland is to push it to the point where it destroys the country, let the far right rise and cleanse the country of ilberals and pakis.
Have you ever been to Scotland Dag?
Yeah of course I love watching countries fail, like an independent Scotland
Pls no
We wouldnt survive on our own
>scotland votes independence
>SNP gets broken up into little parties
>country is run by a constant coalition of these parties under the PR voting system like Germany
>they bring in Wogs and pakis
>they collapse the economy after borrowing so much to pay for gibsmedats
>10 years later Scotland becomes fascist
worth it imo
Yes, but only if Orkney and Shetland Islands get to hold a referendum on whether to become a crown dependency of the UK when scotland leaves
No backsies