Why are millennials more willing to have a pet and invest in him time and money, rather than having and investing time and money in a child?
Why are millennials more willing to have a pet and invest in him time and money...
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They're brainwashed retards.
>why not both?
I mean they're not even on the same scale aside from "emotional investment is something people have both with animals and children."
So much more goes into a child than a fucking pet you retarded slav. Also if it all just goes tits up you can palm it off on family / shelters without going to jail.
t. neckbeard with a cat
The "Le epic dog" meme needs to fuck off already. Bunch of city kids spending way to much money on an animal.
nb4 "But muh doggo xD"
can't have a child if no one wants to fuck me.
Yeah i bet you pay tens of thousands of dollars (or 20 slavbucks) for your pets to go to school don't you.
Fucking mongoloid.
this roastie will probably let that thing sleep in the bed with her and one night she accidentally rolls over ontop of it the thing will bite through her neck
Most can't afford children without going on some sort of social benefits program, so a dog is a substitute that allows an outlet for emotional needs while remaining financially independent.
> a dog won't ever quit college, be transgender, or marry a google
These days, dropping money into raising a kid is a crap shoot at best, unless you have so much money that you can insure they are never exposed to what you don't want them to be exposed to that will ruin the kid
At worse, the dog will bite you, and if so, you take it out back behind the house and put a bullet in it's head.
Your flesh and blood screws you over or "bites" you....at best you can disown them, but you'll never get your money back.
What's wrong with having both? Last time I checked, a pet is actually beneficial to a child's development. (Dog owner here)
Why are they always fucking pittbulls?
This thread is a perfect example of faggots on pol being faggots about every little thing. Get a fucking life dude
Cause they don't want to take care of another millennial
Why are people so unimaginative when naming pets?
Hopefully it chews her throat out in 2 years.
Fucking saged baitwilling Serb. Willing to have his life destroyed as fast as possible, instead of seen what responsibilty is like, before you throw youself into an even greater ammount of it.
t. spergelord.
Tell me more about how you have 10 children and why we are getting outnumbered by shitskin albos 5 to 1, ill wait here
Dog is man's best friend and mine is my only friend
Because they don't want to be ass raped like their fathers by some woman or the divorce courts for 18 to 21 years of pain struggling to find any job in this economy to supply cash. Who in fuck would expose themselves to this impossible economy?
Most millenials don't have the money to raise children like their boomer predecessors. Deep down a lot of them realize the world is going to shit and there's no reason to follow tradition anymore.
Dogs > Humans
My cat can't divorce me and take half my shit.
good goyim
remember, reproducing is against your own interests
Americans spend 60% more on pets than on children every year. But this includes old farts and young impulsive people who don't have children.
Americans are crazy about their pets.
Leftist governments make it very expensive to raise a child servant for the state unless your a immigrant.
>implying there is anything wrong with getting a dog
I found the muzzie guys.
It probably is in this political climate.
Remember, you are by default evil if you are male in Australia. Just go watch ABC TV news in the evening to see what the gynocracy running this shithole think.
Cause my dog won't fuck a nigger
Don't sass me, goy! Didn't we just agree that reproducing is evil and not economically viable anyway?
i'm not fit to be a parent, but i'm capable of owning a pet
just because someone can have children doesn't mean they should, and many people who do shouldn't have
Cause half the dogs in shelters are pittbulls.
I have a pittbull. She is such a fucking pussy though. Likes to play tug of war and catch Frisbees though.
If you screech at people enough that having a kid is super expensive and you will live in a sea of shit and not sleep for the first year, then they are going to fucking avoid that shit. Blame the old fuckers who kept stressing how horrible having a child is.
Plus adults today act like fucking children.I'm 24 and I'm disgusted by people past 17 who still live the party life style way into their 30s.
It is morally ok to leave a puppy for a whole night while their wasted ass parties. Not so much with a human child.
If you look at the direction this world is going and decide to bring a child into it, you are an asshole. It's as simple as that.
on average dogs have about 1/7 the lifespan of a baby
It's not just city people.
Video games
this kills responsibility
Post modernism has diluted any sense of peraonal responsibility. Very strange times we live in. Unprecedented
>dogs cost on average about $1000 a year
>dogs require far less of your time
>If I don't have a gf or wife (like now), my dog will still turn out fine
Nothing is wrong with that... this thread is meant for people who are in best years for having a kid and they rather choose a path of having a pet than making white babies...
Oh because of your experience all pitbulls are good and should be around children.
I relish the fact that antinatalist worms like you will die out willingly
Why don't you kill yourself now?
Every culture has been extremely diluted as well.
>Every time I adopt a dog from a shelter I have to go through a retarded training seminar and let my pets gets used to each other before fully adopting
Anyways, it's trendy to adopt pets that were abused and neglected. It's like a pat on the back without going through major sacrifices.
>rather than having and investing time and money in a child?
It provides a simulation that hit's the right visceral point but requires relatively minimal investment and risk. Pets instead of children, porn/sexbots instead of sexual relationships vidyagames/TV instead of life.
yeah cause dogs are a new millennial fad that haven't been around for thousands of years
>getting a dog
Mudslime detected. I've lived with dogs all my life, I cannot imagine living anywhere without one. I will have a dog by my side on my death bed.
He has a point though. Catastrophe is coming within decades. There's already a grotesque overabundance of human life on this planet. What purpose does reproducing serve at this point other than to serve the ego?
whats the point of doing anything?
haha actually my dog was in a shelter cause someone said she wasn't good with kids. Which I can see. She was like less than a year old when I got her and they said she jumped on a kid. Cause they does that when playing.
Pitbulls *can* be sweet animals, if they are raised good. If i were to get a dog, it would almost certainly be one capable of ripping a throat out, but i'd consider it a weapon to a certain degree.
Most young people are having a hard time growing up. When you have a child's mentality, creating a life is frightening. Just like if I tell my 4 year old son that he has to drive the car one day or go grocery shopping on his own it's frightening to him because it's not within his grasp.
Most also have no experience with a wholesome family and so they don't have a blueprint for how even begin their own journey.
Then you have the excessive hedonism, and nihilism, and the excuse I hear constantly "the world is too fucked up to bring another life into it".
Young people are all about the here and now, about me me me me, and don't understand how to live for the next generation.
Nothing, life is pointless and we were all put here on earth to suffer.
>niggers *can* be sweet animals, if they are raised good.
What makes you think that you personally not reproducing will achieve anything at all? It's not about overabundance, the key tenant for them is the "cruelty" of existence. All it means is that there is going to be an even larger ratio of blacks and yellows to whites. I think that if antinatalists were serious, they would kill themselves in protest to the inherent struggle of life.
It's simply natural selection in action, they are weak and so they die.
if you're a true nihilist than not having kids shouldn't bother you as much as having kids
it's the same shit
you can raise a pit "well" and it could still snap and kill you. The breed was bred to fight and be aggressive.
Is that a pitbull? Hope she gets mauled to death.
>Catastrophe is coming within decades. There's already a grotesque overabundance of human life on this planet. What purpose does reproducing serve at this point other than to serve the ego?
Which is why you breed super-warrior children to prepare them for the upcoming onslaught.
Well city people would rather want to party and be degenerate. then when they want to settle in 30's they cant find anyone, while hard working honest Serbian families from villages and small towns live in poverty, they still make 5+ children, but city people would rather want to help and give money to ''refugees'' than struggling hard working Serbian families in smaller villages...
they would trade their life for the city life
>pit bulls
Had coworker swear off children but still jumps into conversation between myself and other coworkers about our families.
Love the line "my dogs are like my children". Orly? You teach your dog morals and values while at the same time trying to emulate said morals and values to show them parents/adults aren't hypocrites? How much you docking away each week for doggy college? When you come here to work, do they have proper doggy care?
The answers: No. Zero. And a crate.
However, yes they are just like children.
For the record working married white guy with a white wife with 3 kids, cat and a dog. Volunteer a few times a yeat at pet refygee adoptions so I love animals too just not people who buck responsibility to humanity and then minimize others dedication through pet ownership.
Of course there is the notion that to create life is to subject it to inevitable suffering. The racial argument is going to mean fuck all a couple generations from now believe me. We will all perish eventually.
There is a reason almost all niggers have them as a dog.
Because pets provide the same emotional satisfaction from raising a kid but a lot easier and less expensive, they also dont grow up
>Why are millennials more willing to have a pet and invest in him time and money, rather than having and investing time and money in a child?
Go ask them:
Is the pitbull humping the pillow?
Raising a child is incredible expensive and will permanently fuck your career if you don't have a housewife taking care of it. Especially since most woman think they're empowered, the traditional role of caring for the child shifts more and more to the father. That crippes financial success in the family.
Also they're disgusting. I hate everything about children. I hate how they look. I hate their sounds. I hate everything about them. Children are acceptable once you can let them unsupervised for most of the day earlier they're a fucking chore that will eat your relationship, money and happyness.
I was being facetious.
If you have a dog, you'd realize how difficult it is to have a child by extrapolating dog behavior.
You're kind to them, they get spoiled and demanding.
You're strict to them, they turn psycho.
Fuck having kids.
>it could still snap and kill you.
Sure, I consider it a weaponized dog. Seems irresponsible to have around kids.
It's more economic factors than anything. It's becoming now a problem that unless you're born into a family of a good financial situation, you're chances to move upwards out of your strata is minimal.
Now combine that with a generation that understood their parents had more opportunities to move upward and came to expect the same kind of trajectory and their outlook is bleak. In most cases they are finding that they are going to end up on a downward trajectory.
So with being raised with a certain standard of living and having the mindset that they won't be able to raise a kid on that samelevel, it's not unreasonable to see that most millenials disengage.
On the other hand, you see immigrants still having kids because usually they come from environments where what we see as a bleak situation, is far better than what they would have gotten back home
It's been my experience that niggers are usually afraid of dogs. Figure a big reason for anybody to get a dog like that is to try and stop niggers from stealing their shit.
White women swear off having white children and have dogs instead, while the numbers of white people dwindle every year in our own homelands. They cuddle and love them like they're little babies. They take "family photos" with their husbands (if they have them) and dogs. They call them their babies. They put all their maternal instinct into raising and loving a creature that isn't even human. It's so very degenerate.
If you have dogs, you're a degenerate. Spending time, effort, money on raising a non human creature. You should be spending that time on that beast on raising a white child instead.
We need to be spending effort on increasing the number of whites, not caring for a retarded beast. The problem with us whites is our pathological empathy for lesser creatures. The reason why you love dogs is the same reason libtards love rapefugees. Sympathy and compassion towards our inferiors. You need to root out this pathology as it's only a bad thing. This dog obsession, teaching whites to love and give gimmedats to a retarded, violent creature is basically priming them for being a liberal that supports nonwhites.
If you have dogs and aren't on a farm where the beast pulls its own weight and lives outside all day you deserve to be shot.
I'm sure you appreciate your parents not feeling the same way. You have brothers that feel the same way?
If so your family line ends with your generation. (Not speaking for cousins that reproduce; your immediate family line that has generations behind it that led to you.)
Something to kick around, but I doubt it will hold much weight given the selfishness and defeatist attitude of your post.
Suffering, or conflict is the driving force of existence and is clearly inseparable from it.
If the nihilistic notion of "we will all perish eventually" was the whole of it, then it should not matter if you have children or not. This means that antinatalists have given measure to suffering and the inverse, and found suffering intolerable. But if that suffering were truly intolerable, would they not die themselves? It's a weakness of the mind and a misperception of reality to refuse reproduction on these grounds
I don't know, my dog has made me want to have kids even more.
watching her grow and her behavior improve was really special.
Another part of the (((white genocide))) agenda.
They've made raising kids so hard and time consuming that no one wants kids anymore.
That's why they have those articles about parents getting arrested for letting their kids play at the park.
You have to watch them 100% of the time until they are 16 and you are not allowed to let them be kids. Boys must be medicated, are not allowed to roughhouse or play, nothing but sit in front of the Jewish indoctrinated box or be brainwashed by (((schools))).
On top of that they have made marriage impossible. Women are giving 100% of the rights and men are stript of any power. Look what those kardashian cunts did to Bruce. He literally chopped his dick off.
Studies have shown men with domineering mothers turn gay. Is it anywonder that society is turning gay with all this misandry.
So yeah dogs. (((Death to whites!!!)))
Pets dont grow up to be atheist faggot commies that dissappoint you and take all of your resources and destroy everything you worked for.
Pitbulls ARE good dogs. They are just strong as fuck.
They shouldn't be around children until they are older, and they need to know how to respect a dog and how to treat it when it misbehaves.
this is a generalization.
and who gives a fuck if people in yoyr area want pets over children?
>I hate everything about children.
I bet your parents had the same opinion :)
for guys, you don't need to do it with the same group of people that are known for divorcing and getting 50% of your stuff, cheating much more liberally and having high standards.
i live in Eastern Europe and I think modern urban women are trash. for every decent woman there's 10 worthless sluts, and they all have high standards
>What purpose does reproducing serve at this point other than to serve the ego?
To improve the world by producing quality children.
Which is why I've not had kids.
>it's impossible to have kids and dogs
>dogs haven't been bros with white people for thousands of years
this place sometimes
Why are they conceiving children they obviously cant support? Why is that?
>Had coworker swear off children but still jumps into conversation between myself and other coworkers about our families.
Wew lad, those people are doomed man. I know people like that though, like my previous supervisor, would make over a thousand a week, had a wife and everything, decided to leave her because she wanted children. He would complain about not having money, yet he had no trouble spending money on new cars, concert tickets he would go to every week. Yeah bro you cant afford that child cause you're buying stupid shit.
"G-gg-g-guys! Don't have dogs! Dogs are unclean! They're DEGENERATE"
t. Achmed
Probably because people suck and kids don't pay their investment back until a few decades.
We know noble immigrants and people of color are here to replace us. They can have kids, I can have doggo memes! XD BORK BORK HECKIN MAD!
cuz they don't trust each other enough to get married or have kids
the millennial generation is the first gen to have majority dead-end relationships.
Our planet is way over populated.
nah. not really. just an excuse.