What is it actually like to live here?
What is it actually like to live here?
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Kinda like reddit all the time 24/7
Nice beaches, warm sun, beautiful blonde girls with tight, tanned bodies and really good weed.
Also Mexicans. Lots and lots of Mexicans.
Shitty. Expensive. Its my home state but every day that passes I have less to say about it that is positive. Its over populated, the people are fake, everything costs twice what it would anywhere else, the food is good but that's about it. Everyone goes on and on about the weather in the southern parts, but sunny and 70 gets old after a couple weeks.
So what you are saying is that it is like hell?
Can't forget about about cheap tuition at my dream school, UC Berkeley.
Image you are in Mexico. Thats 100% of it.
Depends. It's a big place. Urban CA is quickly turning into either a Chinese or Mexican shithole though. Rural CA, well, rural Murica is pretty much the same wherever you go these days.
The desert is deserty. The mountains are cold and snowy in the wintertime.
Way too much bureaucratic bullshit wherever you go though. So much, it's not worth it for me to live there.
Liberals everywhere. Beautiful women and perfect weather. Los Angeles is mostly a shithole. San Diego might be the best kept secret. San Fran is worth seeing at least once. Traffic in SoCal is br00tal it can take hours to travel 10 miles depending on the time of day.
It's like living in Europe. San Andreas Fault explosion when?
>telling a brit that sunny 70 degree weather gets old
Just play GTA: SA or GTA 5. They exaggerate but they also get quite a bit about the place right.
Like being locked into a mental asylum.
I made it just under two years before I had to move back to Europe. In that time two of my coworkers transitioned, and I had to listen to countless degenerate faggot tales from everyone.
Never again.
The libtards are slowly turning Urban SoCal into a Third-World shithole. Much of L.A. and Santa Ana are already far gone. The San Francisco Bay Area has completely lost its mind. They are steeped in Hippie Douche-bagness from birth and are so insane that even talking to them makes you instantly dumber. California would be a paradise without libtards. Can we please remove all libtards and kebab from Califoria?
Taco people gangs, shit loads of other throw away
assorted 3rd world peasants, over priced, shitloads
of gays and other deviants, 99% communist in the cities, lot's of nigs, "assault rifle" ban on weapons
that aren't assault rifles, antifa dreadlocks people, etc.
It's pretty shitty. It's hot as fuck, everything is fake, and there are too many minorities. Still better than the flyovers tho.
Huge state. Urban areas are filled with lefty zombies that can only feel whatever Occupy Democrats post to Facebook. Less Mexicans as you go north, fantastic food and stunning scenery. Low six figures and you get by alright.
San Diego SUCKS. Do not come here EVER.
>Still better than the flyovers tho.
Yeah, no. I'd rather live in my 99.8% White town than Commiefornia
Really? In what way is it better? I guess if you're a hipster interested in nightclubs it's better.
>Still better than the flyovers tho
Nightmare. Rent is unaffordable, taxes are nuts and the worse part is gap between the rich and the poor is so high so the leaders here will raise taxes and claim it's to help the poor when it just breaks 90% of the people's back here. Spics everywhere and they don't speak English, hard to find a chick that's decent (last date I went on the chick was stabbed by her meth head boyfriend and she still lived at home, I'm in my 30's by the way), traffic is the worst, I'm paranoid about my guns and have to keep them in storage away from me (I miss them), you'll never own a house here unless you inherited one. Jobs fucking suck, it's hard to get one and hard to get fired so you'll have fools working with you, LA is a wasteland, only people in LA or young kids around the rest of the US think it's cool, the rest of us avoid it at all costs. Fuck, there's more man. I'm just done, I'm trying to move to Arizona. There's a free old guys here that I'll shoot the shit with, they always ask what I'm still doing here. I feel like that French family in Apocalypse Now, it's time to let Cali go. I hope this place does a CalExit one day and we invade and just start wiping out most of the people here a d start over.
>tfw flyover states are so irrelevant the jews don't even bother ruining them
The weather is the only good thing. There is no other argument for it. Poeple will say beaches and mountains, but to deal with the traffic to get to them or to even have the money to afford it is basically nill.
Whites, again, don't move here, let this place fall.
>he's proud that Jews are ruining his state.
I see the indoctrination process is complete.
I went to visit once. If it wasn't for the absolutely insufferable people and the pants on head retard lawmakers it would actually be a pretty comfy place to live. Weather is very pleasant and the scenery is beautiful.
Granted I did only visit San Fransisco though.
Citycuck spotted. Bet you've never changed your own oil, can't drive a manual and take Uber everywhere, right?
They are shipping refugees there so they are trying to ruin them.
I'm still waiting for a Mexican flag to pop up and tell us.
a degenerate no gun hell overrun with slave labor minorities.
Rent is unaffordable... get a fucking skill and you'll be paid a living wage. Alabama needs cucks too.
road rage
high dollar rent fee
everything is crowded
phone idiots texting 24/7
mexicans errywhere
tons of traffic
impossible to buy a house unless you and your wife are making $150k
insanely liberal politicians with no fiscal responsibility
schools and unions are the true power holders.
It's very hot.
If you're going to move there, make sure you got a really compelling reason to other than "teh weather and skiing". If Google's offering you a job to do something that's interesting to you, or Tesla's offering you a job to design some widget that'll give you a leg up to somewhere else - sure, go for it.
Anything less than that? Stay the fuck away. You'll lose more than you'll gain. Better opportunities elsewhere.
How is the high rent high house prizes part true?
I go on zillow and see low prices everywhere compared to here in London or surroundings.
So: very liberal, mostly polite, leftist, compassionate, futuristic, transhumanist, lots of beautiful girls and intelligent people, geniuses in their respective fields, most are geeks, even the beautiful girls, many people chat about old console games and 90s/80s nostalgia... wow, sounds like hell! /s
If you are starting a family do NOT stay in CA! Not a family friendly place, you'll do better for yourself and your kids to leave.
>Food is good
>All water has to be imported
Your pizza will never be good you nigger
t. Jew Yorkfag
pretty much this
I had the air co on yesterday, and now I need the heater on. It's fucking weird, mate
I remember January in SoCal. I slept with the window open and no covers on the bed. That's how comfy it is down there.
Where I live now? Not so comfy in January, but frankly I don't miss it, compared with all the other bullshit I had to put up with, I'm much happier now than then.
many rich people
4/10 people on the street have Apple products, atleast those that look like they're worth stealing from
but little pocket change, most have cards
Well Sacramento and Long Beach could have both good bread and pizza.
They don't but they could as the water in both cities is treated in a manner to allow it.
San Diego has better Italian than most of NYC. never understood why.
Fuck JewYork! All your ghetto neighborhoods arw being gentrified so all the poor people are ruining the surrounding states.
Also, NY pizza is fucking garbage. Fucking thin slice bullshit. CT's pizza places are superior in every way.
its so fucking terrible spics and gooks galore
>>All water has to be imported
lel no
>Image you are in Mexico. Thats 100% of it.
^ they will steal you front door mat and your bbq grill off your patio before the sun goes down.
Dont talk about politics to 90 percent of ppl lest you realized they are cucked. The girls are QT and the weather is nice though, plus lots of stuff to do, shit ton of Mexicans though.
The big city areas are a living hell with crumbling infrastructure . Rampant muti-cults crime ,Illegal aliens stealing everything under the sun, out of control drug and alcoholism, highest prices in the county for everything ,regulation to the point you have to be a multi millionaire to do anything. The people are mostly rude liberal selfish snobs anywhere near the coast. Outside the leftist city's its great.But very expensive to live here.
>All water has to be imported
Don't say something unless you know what youre talking about fag.
it's multiculti land
my immediate neighbors in my condo are asians, spics, niggers, lesbians, muslims with some whites sprinkled in to keep us from realizing we aren't in America anymore.
Connecticut pizza is fucking trash. I'd take Jersey pizza over that
It's like living in a rich Mexico with really nice weather
Depends where you live:
Norcal bay area - Indians, chinese males errywhere. It's like 7 to 1 male female ratio due to tech companies and the women are mostly pretty ugly foreigners. There's an underclass of mexicans and vietnamese who serve the tech workers. Bars not worth going to, because it'll be one 4/10 with 6 guys around her.
Socal - Fair amount of hot chicks move here because they want to be actresses or models, but really they're washed up waitresses so it's better than norcal in terms of ratio. Same as norcal really on the class divide except instead of the tech industry it's media shit so more rich white people. Underclass serving them is all mexican.
Everywhere else: Mexico. Like for real it's basically mexico. I challenge anyone to tell me the difference between wandering around in Salinas and wandering around in Ensenada.
I have no clue what its like.. Ive lived within 20-30 miles of Sacramento all my life, but im not normal.. im a NEET shut in that has never had many friends. I have gone out enough to get some perspective. Before the late 90s it was a totally white place without much politics no different than what it seems like idaho would be like. Ever since then a very strong movement has been going on to push political correctness. About 2004 i would notice that hispanics came before whites in any social views. Now when i go out i see nothing but chaos. Everyone is playing rap music and nothing else.. The white guys who are republicans are very fearful and rigid and cant even act naturally.. They have no point. Every other person is walking around feeling buttfucked and wound-up. Its hard to call this a civilization because it is an obvious war. Its literally like living in an insane asylum with a race war and the hispanics have clearly won.. They know this. Shits humiliating. The level of disfunction in the government, judicial system, society, rules, corruption etc. Is utterly unreal. Its like a sci-fi novel. Nothing functions to serve anything but what the most dominant aggressor is.
>>Still better than the flyovers tho.
>Yeah, no. I'd rather live in my 99.8% White town than Commiefornia
^ This.
I lived in Redwood City/Palo Alto/Menlo Park most of my life. Got sick of it, sold my parents house when Mom died. Moved to the midwest. Bought a house with land and workshop.
Now I weld up yard art and patio benches, drink beer and shoot guns.
You can have mexifornia.
Don't listen to these faggots on here who don't live in California. There are many Counties in California which are mostly white, and right wing. Only in your big cities like San Diego and L.A. do you have liberals and niggers.
As far as life in California goes, it's very expensive. Gas is pricey, housing is expensive, jobs are scarce, gun laws suck, ciggerettes just got a $2 tax to house welfare niggers. It sucks.
Monterey is 15 mins away from Salinas. That's something, I guess.
San Jose? Palo Alto? I have a job offer up there
Desert Commies from southern California steal our water, Gay Commies from the north steal our money for their cultural marxism. Exeter, CA master race; we got the food, water, weapons.
not planning to move there, just interested in what its like living there
San Jose is huge. Big areas of beaners. Much cheaper to live in than Palo Alto though. Palo Alto is where many rich people live. Its nice but expensive and crowded. They are about 3 miles apart from each other, if you count south Palo Alto and Sunnyvale.
You will need to make 60-80 k to be halfway comfortable, but you will not be able to buy a house until you are making 150k or more.
It's nice. Sunny most of the year. Nice scenery.
But, it's expensive and there are a lot of shitskins and liberals.
Lived in Encinitas in the 80's. I remember back when they had the Olympics equestrian stuff going on in Rancho Santa Fe. In those days, it had a sleepy beach town kinda vibe. Used to go to Swami's, a beach the next town over, all the time. Lots of Mexicans, but whites were still majority. It was perfect.
In San Francisco there is alot of hippies
Los Angeles libtards and stupid beans
High desert typical 1488 jamal took my white daughter people
San diego copypasta of los angeles
Expensive and brown.
Jefferson when?
After I became a born again Christian it's worth being tempted/triggered by damned people by everywhere
I've always dreamt of living in California ever since I saw that movie Sideways. Seems super comfy.
The farther north you go, the better it gets but yeah, we're infested with beaners and great weather.
>chat about old console games
Considering games now are SJW cancer, how is this a bad thing?
school is free, housing costs $4200/month plus utilities
Depends on where you live. Not all of the state is liberal shit hole full of aids infected homos. There are tons of mexicans everywhere you go, so that is a constant.
People are shit but the weather is great
Is there anywhere besides CA with Mediterranean weather in the USA? I'd like CA weather without living in CA. Is that impossible?
>Awesome weather,
>the best produce in the world (Fuck you Florida oranges)
>Girls are total airheads
>Mexicans are very violent except for the boomers becaue they are the ones working their asses off in their 60's
>Majority of Mexican food is shit tier so I make my own in my kitchen
>I love seeing the mountains and oceans together
all in alll the 805 area is a comfy area
how it feels driving in LA in my Cherokee with the 5.7 hemi
2-3 hour drives to get 20 minutes during rush hour in LA
>San Diego has better Italian than most of NYC
Made by Koreans
mexicans are the best minority, they actually work
Nope. Not really. You can try the intermountain states for "it's a dry heat", or you can go further north for nonstop cold and rain - and people that are just as douchey as in CA.
You in Roseville, bro?
I'm a Commiefornian. It's not that horrible compared to what you'd expect. After a while you learn to ignore the idiots, pay the retardedly high taxes, and make due with the stupid laws. It's worth it, imo, to live in arguably the most desirable place in the world, location wise anyway.
And the traffic never stops in SoCal. I remember 2am with traffic almost bumper to bumper. Get a small car with an automatic tranny and get used to listening to audiobooks.
That's what I've noticed. CA is a naturalist paradise, and the problem with Mexicans is overblown. Mexicans don't make cities like Baltimore or Detroit. It's not the same as East Coast problems. Truly CA is the best state in the USA, on all measures.
I was gonna write a big greentext but fpbp per usual
>the problem with Mexicans is overblown
How far south have you gone? Go visit San Ysidro and you tell me Mexicans aren't a problem. It's literally the same as downtown TJ. If you can't speak spanish you're the outsider. Go up a little more and you have Chula Vista. Again the demographics is Mexican. Go up more and it starts to even out at Otay. Let's not even talk about National City. The problem with Mexicans is that they don't learn English and expect all services to be given to them in Spanish. Plus a lot of them don't care about improving the looks of their buildings,houses, cars. If it's ghetto but functional, it still ok in their minds. Go up further north and you can reach Spring Valley/Lemon Grove. It's getting diverse but still ghetto. Go up more north and you have El Cajon which is a muslim retreat. North east is Santee (Clantee) which is a good white area. Rancho is also a good white area. Past Santee further north you continue to see mini populations of white areas in good condition and see pockets of Mexicans in poorer conditions due to the lack of wanting to improve the looks of their cars, houses/buildings. They carry that mentality over from Mexico. There are exceptions without a doubt. I met a based Mexibro at an insurance place where we talked about Assange and the leaks before Trump was elected.
>The bear will leave its cave forever.
It's fucking hell here, I need to get the fuck out.
Super bad traffic, homeless everywhere, and degeneracy everywhere. Taxes are insane, cost of living is insane. I wish it would get nuked or have a hug earthquake and fall in to the ocean. I'll never go back and I'll never visit there again. It's FUBAR'd.
A nice state. I live in a gated community so the spics are kept out......for now. Live in a nice white neighborhood. But I don't really care, since I'm Indian. You might see other asians around, which is fine by me. As long as they're not committing crimes.
Just don't ever talk politics with people. It's mostly leftist garbage, which I either just play along with or ignore. Change the subject quickly.
I visited rural SoCal and LA in 2015.
People were friendly, the countryside is nice, and the overall attitude seems relaxed but enthusiastic. Prices for some goods were a bit high though, and it's annoying for the toilets to only be flushed half the time because of water shortages, despite people still going to well-watered golf courses.
It's the most beautiful state run by the worst people
I live in the central valley. its decent. not too many SJWs. But goddamn its infatuating how the government is ran by ultra liberal fxck heads
Can you Califags r8 Sacramento out of 10.
I rarely hear about it when people talk about Cali, its normally LA, San Francisco and San Diego.
I agree with you.
> Sup Forums can't afford to live there
> Don't have the skills to compete for better jobs
> Blame liberals
>I go on zillow and see low prices everywhere compared to here in London or surroundings.
We're comparing it to the price of housing in order states not compared to European nations.
This, stay away from San Diego