Find a flaw!
This is literally perfect and opens up the best commercial shipping route in the world. Cutting down shipping times and costs by probably more than 300%.
Just like that! Funny, isn't it?!
Find a flaw!
This is literally perfect and opens up the best commercial shipping route in the world. Cutting down shipping times and costs by probably more than 300%.
Just like that! Funny, isn't it?!
Other urls found in this thread:
Flaw detected.
The Middle East is still on the map.
>sudden rain of US bombs on their head stops
>middle east is happy again
all good my dude. I have fixed all issues in the world.
The western sahara province exists.
remove it oyurself
Remove it.
Its okay, but you got the border of russia wrong.
Without the US, the border of russia should include all of europe, middle east, some of africa
Border of china should include japan, korean peninsula, all se asia and oceania, and parts of africa
Once you fix that, its okay
Remove Russia
Why would you keep Africa, Kraut?
kek, this
The best source of BBC to satisfy Deutschland
To import their males to rape their women and out breed their culture...ofc...
I'm pretty sure that kikes and muslims were a threat to the world WAY before the US was ever founded, my cuck friendlich.
Israel is on the map.
"killing 220 Million White People is somehow good for the world"
I really hate Kraut posters
Crimea is still Ukraine
>Cutting rates and times by 300%
I thought you Germans were supposed to be proficient at basic arithmetic.
You can't cut something by 300%
>Germany still exists
Also, why not remove Mexico instead? Same result, all while keeping the world's largest economy.
>the Falklands are still ours
Unless you want your product to arrive months before you even decide to ship it
I cut your wife's Hard Cock deficit by 300%, Cletus.
>Find a flaw!
Its using a shit-tier projection.
improved map, world peace
>World peace
>muslims still exist
>Africa still exists
Try again, muhammad.
This would actually be the best solution.
>Try again, muhammad.
Germany is still there.
This guy gets it. You win. Here, have a pic of a Swedecuck sissy, my dude.
Wouldn't this fuck with the water and shit and really fuck things up?
You seem to confuse america with Israel and jewish interests.
remove canada too
Best map so far.
what a wonderful world
You forgot to blue over the entire middle east.
A big sea from Egypt all the way to bulgaria
Find a Flaw
Sweden exists
error world not perfect sand niggers detected
I'm edgy. I only took out New Zealand. Cos you never hear anything about them. I suspect it's because THEY are behind everything. Prove me wrong losers!!!
> Find a flaw
Germany and France are still there.
China and Russia power grab would destroy all other countries with their commie bullshit. Even though they're "totally not commie bastards anymore"
Didn't even notice that something was missing... and im usually good with geography.
Improved version.
Nice try russia, trying to have easy access to the ocean from the black sea ports eh?
Learn the Truth
Improved map for efficient global trade
*All Americans will be relocated to forced labour camps in Alaska
Chinks still exist
the option to remove spain is one of the best ones that i've seen on this post
Once Phase 1 has been completed work will begin on Phase 2
umm.... try again, sweetie ;^)