French flags pls respond. Are you voting Macron or Le Pen?
What do the French think?
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Le Pen but I'm almost certain she's going to lose. Unironic 99% chance of loss.
I don't even think the french are gutless enough to allow macron to win
I'm not going to vote.
Macron is a leftist fucker as always, and Le Pen is even worse, she's killing our chances to see a true right-wing party coming in power. And she's a woman, so fuck her.
The once great french are now subservient to the germans.
They will vote Macron
not voting
both will ruin the country, to hope le pen will bring change is utter bullshit
Vote Le Pen, you want more muslims?
Le Pen doesn't want to leave euro and EU now that Dupont-Aignan joins her, even so she wouldn't, she is a from parisian bourgeoisie
come on you really want to let people suffer at work and let this fucker install a financiary dictatorship ? go vote for her
She isn't opposed to Islam.
This election is fucking bullshit.
You can trust Le Pen for what she wants to do but hey, many people don't want to leave UE ( at least change it ).
Macron can't be trusted. One year ago, nobody knew him. Nobody know who support him, where does the money come from, who's behind him.
Basically, we're fucked.
Vote Le Pen, doesn't matter if the rest of her program isn't great at least she'll close the fucking borders. I live in shitskin country and we have less bombing than you guys, I wonder how people in your country can still go for the left after watching your country slowly become like Irak, how much bombing do yoy need?
dans tous les cas je taff deja +50h/semaine en tant qu'ingé, la loi travail s'appliquera pas pour moi alors à quoi bon
Bombings are serving Islam and Muslims.
After each attack Muslims say: "look, we are peaceful, terrorists are not true believers".
Then people trust her and even convert to Islam.
There literally was a "Charlie effect" after the terror attack which led many people to convert to this filthy poison.
Most of terrorists do not come from outside the country, but from the inside.
Muslim immigration is a thing here ( ~10% of the population ).
Most of them are kind and peaceful, but the rest are responsible for insecurity and attacks.
He worked directly for the Rothschild's and likely still does
Shit is truly fucked...your people needs to wake up
Si c'est pour avoir Le Pen ou Melenchon dans 5 ans, autant en finir maintenant et voter Le Pen
On ne pourra pas y échapper, malheureusement.
Honest answer? I still don't know.
I voted Dupont Aignan in 1st round firstly because he's a man of his words, second because I despises Le Pen.
She's the reason why nothing can move in this country, because people are afraid of her shadow so they vote for the Right then the Left, rinse, repeat. We're hostages of 2 parties because the alternative is Le Pen.
Suddenly, a wild Macron appears.
Out of nowhere.
Millions of euros in the bank, thousands of spontaneous but organized fanboyz everywhere, people from the 2 Big leaving to come and suck his cock.
Litteraly my dream come true.
> Is it actually incorrect to use "but" at the beginning of a sentence?
But here's the thing, it's too beautiful to be true. He just seems so fake. Everything sounds fake about him. How he talks. How he changes his mind more often than I change socks. His whole success story. Shady.
Now Dupont Aignan is voting for her and I'm at a loss here.
I'll vote white or for her. Still, I dislike her greatly and the debate showed that she doesn't have what it takes to be a good President.
> Implying Hollande or Sarkozy had "it"
That was a hoax you dumb fucking idiot
Still, european countries shouldn't allow muslims to do what the fuck they want, the more muslims feel in power, the more they start pushing their dumb religion in their backwards proto human agressive way
pls le pen 4 gr8 justice
les gars vous oubliez le scénario soumission de houellebecq qui est de plus en plus crédible
macron a des gars des frères musulmans dans son parti, dans 5 ans avec les immigrés qui auront entrée libre en france, dans 5 ans on aura un parti islamique
Issou le rageux
There's way more to politics than your stance on immigration, you fucking braindead child.
Et donc ? Ça se jouera dans la rue pas dans les urnes.
>Now Dupont Aignan is voting for her and I'm at a loss here.
The same. I voted for him in 1st round. Blanck for the 2nd i guess.
i feel like you about lepen, but i decided to vote for her anyway, knowing that there is a high chance she'll lose, but by voting for her, maybe macron wont be elected with some 80% bs score
Unfortunately that's the almost-certain outcome.
If there's anything in the Macron leaks at all, it'll only be revealed to the public a week after the election.
Just make sure you french go out and vote tommrow.
that was an hilarious book but now i'm afraid it will become true. What the fuck is wrong with you France, please don't become a shithole country, like mine ;)
A person with the most basic pattern recognition skills will be able to tell that France became what it is mostly because of shitskins and immigration..people who will deny this either profit from France's degradation or are retarded
t'as pas compris je crois, y aura plus d'immigrés naturalisés et de converti à l'islam, donc les fnistes et autres seront en minorité dans le pays
Le Pen, for the fun.
So how long has it been in France since a woman was boss?
Could this be a massive slap in the face to shillary when le pen wins?
It's not that much of an effort, you know. Go out and vote for the losing candidate so that at least it'll dampen Germany's triumphalism when their vassal wins.
Le Pen, may loose double nationality
Stick to lurking, kid. You don't know shit about the world and the fact that you are focused entirely on immigration and know absolutely nothing else about either candidate proves it .You're embarrassing yourself.
I'm taking a screenshot and quoting you for future reference
Vote for Le Pen please
haha dans 10 ans vous payerez l'impot des infideles bande de pedes. Tout ca pour ne pas etre des "sales fachos". Je me rejouis de voir la France cramer. Quand ceux des villes seront tous morts egorges la France sera a nouveau vivable.
Le Pen of course. Tomorrow we meet History !
Macron will win.
Le Pen is a hack.
>voting in elections for nations where you do not live
roach level behaviour
You can't possibly be asking that question unironically on here.
Look at it this way.
If Macron wins 70-30, it'll be a big fucking party in Brussels and Berlin and we'll never hear the end of it from the media: "populism dead and buried in progressive Europe!"
If Macron wins 60-40, it'll be a party in Brussels and Berlin and the media will say "as predicted, populism lost in France."
If Macron wins 55-45, they'll put a lid on their enthusiasm because it's too close for comfort and the polls seem to have been underestimating Le Pen.
If Macron wins 52-48, they'll panic because this was the candidate they threw their combined weight behind and he only barely won over a candidate who's suspected of fraud.
What ever you say, subhuman :')
je suis métis, alors l'impot des infidèles pour moi t'oublies mec
you are aware not voting, is a vote for the leading candidate right
>all those french flags talking shit about le pen
Sup Forums was right, we are a nation of coward cucks. We'll keep being visited by trucks of peace thanks to all those faggots
America, pls invade
Please French brothers, Do your part.
Even with maccaroon buying illegal drugs over the internet.
Wew fags
no in france, people think that when you don't vote you make win the far-right
dans le fond, j'attends que la chute de l'europe
Im voting for Tredeau again
>Is it actually incorrect to use "but" at the beginning of a sentence?
No, just don't overuse it.
Britcucks will disagree, and that's why they're cucks.
Blind devotion to Le Pen makes you more of a cuck, not less.
This is the worst election ever. The two candidats acting like childs. Vote Macaron is like vote for Hollande 5 years more. Vote Le Pen is like playing russian roulette about international relation, economy and bullshitery like gay union, national roman (Revisiting history to the glorify France juste like after WW2 when all french are resistants).
It's like voting for the less worst of two.
Anyway, there are Legislative (national assembly) after that, we gonna make some shit.
>words behind frog proxy
How do I know more about french politics than you? She said she would hold a vote by the people and that will decide it.
kys fake frog
Ok kid.
I don't understand how one can NOT vote for Le Pen. Paris looks worse than it did during Nazi occupation. Macron is just more of that
>dans le fond, j'attends que la chute de l'europe
Et pourquoi cela Mohammed?
That is not blind devotion, that's simply not wanting its people to disappear. Youre a chinese anyway, your opinion doesn't matter
>It's like voting for the less worst of two.
Never NOT been the case ever
> Is it actually incorrect to use "but" at the beginning of a sentence?
Technically yes, you should try not to start a sentence with a conjunction, but it still makes sense, and pretty much every native speaker does it.
People in this thread have been mostly pro-Le Pen. You're crying that people don't think she's perfect and point out the flaws she has. Of all the French flags in this thread, you're the biggest cuck by a very wide margin.
Doesn't matter if Le Pen is bad, at least if she gains power people will realize that when a far right party is in power, the world keeps spinning, it will open doors to new options, and people will stop voting left right left right like cowards
Voting Macron is like guaranteeing the death of France within 5 years
Not to mention that she's not supposed to be perfect.
People who want to fall in love with a politician, think life will be a dream and then get disappointed - they are the Macron supporters.
We want to shake up the system, and Le Pen - like Trump - is only an instrument, a means to an end.
kys and go niquer ta grosse mère la reine des putes enculé
a referendum will certainly not be made because of dupont-aignan, even so the large majority will vote for not leaving
réfléchis un peu, y a que des fdp de décadents dans le pays
Good that there's some people like you, it reminds me that there's some decent Algerians out there, because holy fuck they're the worst piece of shit in France (loud and stupid). I guess you don't see the decent ones they don't make much noise.
For the election it depends of how much (((they))) want Macron their agent to win.
As for all the French that they Lepen is bad you're either not French or stupid as fuck. Yes she's not perfect but still the best thing that we have.
Funny, I can recall fellow burgers saying the same thing about trump.
It's a sad state of affairs when people would rather vote for more of their fellow countrymen to die (which is inevitably going to happen under Macron) than somebody who wants to stop it just because they're 'far-right'.
Seriously, this already happened in Austria and the Netherlands. If Europeans aren't prepared to save themselves we deserve to die.
We're pathetic.
Lepen IS shit , less shitty than Macron but still shit.
le pen
nothing would please me more than the media and elites in total despair
Trump x 10
Why do french people hate her so much? Don't say it's because of her father.
whatever le pen might do is reversible. Macron would ruin the demographics and economy forever
people keep saying that. I mean the "death within five years" part. Not happening anytime soon. When non-whites will be 40-50% of the total population then there will be a civil war. Just wait a couple more decades.
Macron is literally a better version of Hollande. France did not die 5 years ago, did it?
>voting for an anti capitalist to get rid of brown people
only on Sup Forums
Coming to this conclusion as well. We got
>tricked by the jews (politics and media)
>cucked by the blacks (sjws, antifa and white guilt)
>bombed by the browns while they are protected by the same people they target
We've had this in our face for so long, that it's long over-due. If we haven't acted by now then what exactly is there to save?
Don't give up, we have a little momentum but it all seems for naught some times.
this hedonistic society must stop, the better way for it is by letting macron will and let him lead us to chaos and islamization, with a strong religion hedonism will die
because of her father
Honestly, I don't vote. Out of principle. I still think the elections are mamipulated. Nothing changes. I come from the former East, and we had to put X where it belonged. I think that now somebody puts the X somewhere else afterwards. Really.
I will, not sure about the rest.
le pen could start a dynasty though. le pen version 3 or 4 might be a catalyst
Macron. He will actually fight terrorism effectively unlike Le Pen who's all talk and would only add fuel to the fire.
And unlike Le Pen, Macron will not destroy the economy.
>she's a woman, so fuck her
If it wasn't for a woman you'd still be in your daddy's testicles, you ungrateful piece of shite.
LePen are a scarecrow invented by socialists in the 80's
because of what they grew up with they all think far right are nazis and racists
I am voting Macron because fascism is against history.
The stupid cucked normies are pathetic.
They are a mistake and only exist for handouts, they're a evolutionary mistake that has only lasted this long because of the working class.
If or when the strong rise, they will fall.
Antifa will scatter like rats when shot at.
and the rest of the normies will cry and be triggered in their last hours.