post the original
Seems pretty legit to me
Only originals have been coming out for quite a while. I think the trolls have stopped.
But Macron works for the Rothschilds. What would the Bogdanoffs have to say about these terrible edits?
don't forget to vote tomorrow, pierre
What could this be?
If you dont open up the image it looks like thousands of cockroaches are entering the door. Nice
We at GrrrGraphics convey our best wishes to Marine Le Pen in the French election. The so-called ‘centrist’ Macron represents the globalist bankers and submission to Islam. LePen represents traditional France. We need more nationalists such as Le Pen, Geert Wilders, and Nigel Farage in Europe to help stem the onrushing Islamic tide as well as end the tyranny that is the European Union. We need politicians who aren’t cowed by political correctness.
Americans elected a populist president to drain the swamp and make America great again. France can do something similar by electing Le Pen. Make Great Britain great again. Make France great again. Protect Europe against the Islamic invasion and start standing up for western civilization again.
—Ben Garrison
Also holy shit did not see it
Learn the Truth
It looks like there's something written there as well, but Ben scribbled over it.
I can see an S, and two letters that might be Es or Fs.
Ben Garrison is literally shit tier. Political cartoons for people who need labels on the picture. Sad!
is this... the blood of the Dark Soul?
>look ma I posted it again
Posting the truth over and over again? Cool sign me up
Everybody can't spend all their time cyber-NEETing about jews obongbong.
>I think the trolls have stopped.
or possibly Ben is now /one of us/:
Le Pen will win
Hahaha spicy the Artist has done it again