It's happening 5/12/17

it's happening 5/12/17

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Why do they assume this thing would explode? The last time it was thousands of years of flood basalts.

Fuck you.
False happenings have gotten my hopes up before and never happened. Im not falling for it again.

>the world ends right after finals
Fuck you God

because it sort of explodes on a somewhat predictable timeline...its a long timeline so margin of error is like 10k years or something

Rainier is more likely to blow desu.

The scary thing about yellowstone is how active it is...and the caldera is expanding, meaning pressure is building.

Also i think the basalt flows of eastern washington was a completely different event much longer ago than the supervolcano eruptions.

It's never happening. Stop it.

mfw when I live on the edge of Lake Michigan, just outside the affected area
not my problem

This Wisconsanon would head directly up to da UP to hide out. No way I'd battle the ferals down south fighting to get to IL.

Day before birthday.

Will not happen.

(btw, North Korea attacks on the 10th.)

countdown fags need to be purged