Which one is better?
Which one is better?
I like CNN. At least they try to appear objective.
Fox is a 5/10, carried by Hannity and Tuck
CNN and MSNBC are not even news
The one with the most CIA funding.
Cnn honestly
Neither. Fuck the MSM.
t. CTR
t. rupert murdoch
"Better" implies you are comparing TWO things. Since there are three you should ask "Which is BEST?" Hope that helps retard
Please kill yourself
I only get my news from Breitbart, the sun and Sup Forums
t.Globalist Kike
t. trumpbot with breitbart as his homepage
t.Hilshit with Cnn on homepage
t. guy with trump bumper sticker on his laptop
CNN is the worse. They pretend to be objective but in reality they are big-business shills.
MSNBC and FOX are both openly partisan, even though the smugness of MSNBC hosts make them worse people in general.
kys ctr
While I consider it all to be corporate journalism therefor dubious, I enjoy FOX the most because:
A. I'm Conservative.
B. They cover what the other MSM outlets refuse too.
C. They're so obvious in their bias that I can respect their POV while the other outlets claim they have no bias, which makes me feel patronized when exposed to their segments.
Democracy Now ;)
Also Liberty Report
Definetly CNN then
Ebola, anthrax, malaria.
Which one is better?
the Wall Street Journal
None, Info Wars is better than all of them
Fox Business