Why do Americans hate illegal immigrants who take the jobs nobody wants????
Why do Americans hate illegal immigrants who take the jobs nobody wants????
Because most Americans would rather work in a slaughterhouse than at a Walmart. A larger labor pool lowers wages and takes away power from the workers.
It's just a meme
I guess mexicans cause the drunk driving deaths we don't want to do either
>How would you like to work in my slaughterhouse doing hard labor for hours in a disgusting environment. I'll pay you $8 an hour with no benefits.
>Uhh, could I get at least $12 an hour?
>Oh wow, it looks like no one wants to work in my slaughterhouse, I guess we need to import more immigrants.
We can't automate the process?
Hiring immigrants on low wages is modern day slavery.
>Being this dumb
They drive down wages moron
If there wasn't hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars being wasted on welfare and gibs, there'd be plenty of people who would want those jobs.
I bet every European in here would totally be cool if we trade our muslims for your Mexicans.
Muricans complain too much. The damned Mexicans at least work, here in Europe the muslims try to push their agenda with their religion, live on welfare (literally, in America you complain but it's not even close to how things are here), and cause most of the crimes.
Best thing would be to have none of them here tho.
>leaf using a tired libtard meme
Get some new material.
Because, without them, the jobs would pay more
The base of the Statue of Liberty should say, "Keep us supplied with cheap labor so we can destroy unions" because this was the reason for letting in so many
Leaf pretends to know what jobs Americans will and won't do.
>Jobs nobody wants
This meme needs to stop
Who do you think did those jobs before mexicans came? Your parents, grandparents, hard working white Americans.
Jobs americans dont want: low paying agricultural jobs like picking fruit and veggies.
We have enough slave labor to do that.
Other than that, most of the work illegals do are jobs that americans would do if they paid a reasonable amount for the work done...which is usually unpleasant work.
So the socialist business owners say no one will do it, because no one will do it for slave labor rates, and so they import people to do it for slave labor.
Youll find that if you pay people enough to own a home and a car, and raise a lower middle class family, people will do just about anything...problem is the companies dont want to pay that amount because they will have to sacrifice their 4th home, yacht, and $500 a day eating habit.
Look at the income inequality gap thats been increasing since the 60's...they just up and decided to remove free markets from labor via importing slaves.
people dont want those jobs due to the wages being depressed because of all the low wage illegal immigrants working for pennies to the dollar.
Jobs nobody wants is a fucking dumb meme. Those jobs are not offered to our citizens. I challenge you to try to get into construction as a non Spanish speaker.
>Undercut White American wages
>have 4+ children who are automatically "American citizens" and can therefore be used to apply for welfare
>get subsidized by welfare system
>don't bother learning English or applying for citizenship like everybody else
I can't fucking wait until America implodes and Canada is immediately invaded by the beige horde.
It's more like
>Will you work for me for below minimum wage in body ruining conditions that will fuck you up by 50?
>No, that's illegal and there's easier jobs that pay more, legal minimum wage
>Alright, time to hire Pedro and threaten turning him over to ICE if he speaks up about the conditions and pay
And then the industry stagnates because rather than relying on robotics to automate the job and keeping the prices low for more efficiency, they hire a brown person in terrible conditions. Then robotics don't get the advancements they need because of a lack of investment.
Is the American really that lazy or do employers not want to pay them enough to buy their precious chicken tendies? Should have voted for Bernie. Should have made tendies a human right at the UN. Sad!
>No? I can't live on tha...
Americans will do the job. There's a price for everything. The (((Chamber of Commerce))) brings in the shits because they work for less, and businessmen will destroy our people to save a few shekels.
This is why capitalism is not much better than communism.
He's right you know
No, modern day slavery is still slavery
There are more slaves now than any other time in history
And by slaves, I mean people held against their will and forced to work for no money
Yeah like if you couldn't make more money you wouldn't because of moral reasons.
By the way, how many kids with less than 25 you think would be going to work in agriculture in general?
Here in Spain when I said I've been working as gardener in summer to pay the uni my colleagues freaked out. This newer generations think they diserve to work in nice offices Google's style, they would NEVER go to the fields or work the land.
Shut it down!
A friend of mine recently got put out of business by illegals
He was a tile setter getting into his fifties, now he can't find work because two illegals will do the same job he did for less
I don't have a problem with job competition, but what that means practically is that a job that use to support one person living on their own or with a family is now a job that can only be feasible to do if you live in a shack with four other Mexican families, and it will only go down from there
Tl;dr it's not that they take our jobs so much as they make the jobs we do completely worthless because they will do them for pennies and still do a crap job
we need to just send them all back to where they came
>blacks back to africa
>mexicans back to mexico
>muslims back to whatever shit hole country they came from
>india indians back to india
>chinese back to china
>japanese back to japan
>whites back to what ever country their ancestors came from
After every single race from around the world goes back to where they come from with the knowledge and technology we have now we go to war. From there we see who goes where
Why is every liberal understanding of economics literally second grade level. The job market is a completely normal market ,supply (workers) increase ,demand(emplyers) can drop down wages ,thats why so many jobs pay like shit in the us ,not because no american would di it ,but because there are 100of pacos competing and the employer can drop wages to almost zero ,
tldr kick pacos out wages will rise
t. economic student
Its more than "dere takin ar jurbs!" idiot!
There are plenty of lower caste whites that are either unwilling or incapable of holding a white collar job. Illegals are desirable as employers have more leverage over them than your average citizen.
Cool slide faggot.
First of all, I doubt NOBODY would take the job.
Second, if there were no illegals to hire they would have raise the wages for that job if they found they were not able to find enough people. What a concept.
It's amazing that people want to take about a $15 minimum wage then unirioncally support illegal immigration.
>implying you couldn't solve Detroit's problems by offering decent money to move to Arizona and pick fruit or whatever the fuck it is they do
This. Also a lot of the shitty jobs are meant to introduce young people into the work force.
Once they gain a majority at any company .They never hire a white guy again . Try getting a job at at disposal company or with a road construction company.
I hope Trump fixes this. He has some of the worst of the worst in his cabinet but hopefully he can see how things work in other countries. Japan is a good country to emulate on this issue. America could do so much better, it could do so well it would be scary.
Seriously? Fuck man up here construction is all white dudes and pork chops
Fucking leaf.
Heres how it actually goes.
Boss: U wanna work in my slaughterhouse for 10 dollars an hour?
American: No, its gross and dangerous.Ill do it for 15 dollars an hour.
Illegal: My country is a shit hole and 100 pesos an hour is a great paycheck so ill do it for 5.
Then that American has no job,the mexican sends his money home and then guess what...eventually no one can buy the meat from the slaughterhouse because every factory is hiring assholes. Basic Econ dude.
Oversaturaion of cheap labor that have no identity to this country
t. every left-winger in the entire world
Young people in America don't work in slaughterhouses and pick stawberries.
Yea I find that with construction here. When people find out what I do they're like "oh...but you're smart user....not much money or future in construction".
People are dumb asses. I make more money than most of the people with that attitude. Problem is it's tough as fuck work so few people want to do it. Which is fine by me because it raises my value. I wear my scars like a badge of honour man, it represents the hard work I do, which I think is something to be proud of, not ashamed of.
Have you tried getting a job at either occupation? Not that difficult.
I like it better when the leftists us the "lol if mexican can work your job you're a fucking retard" meme
Nothing says "I'm an ardent defender of the proletariat" like calling them all retards
silly bourgs
>illegal immigrants who take the jobs nobody wants????
Becausr thats a lie of the Jews.
My union UBC 9144 San Jose Ca. is full of illegal aliens that have fraudulent SSN numbers and claim 9 on their W2s to dodge taxes.
Wages are $50 an hour plus full benefits.
I am a foreman and I hand put thier checks. They dodge $1000 a week in payroll taxes, and their unmarried wives have anchor babies on Medicaid and draw food stamps and welfare.
Fuck you, leftist scum. Kike rube.
>jobs nobody wants
Search the great depression. Anybody wanted any job. A job is a job, and people will want to do them even if they are terrible.
Before you kill yourself, kill as many of them as possible
Greetings sir, would you like to work for me?
>Sure, what kind of job is it?
>You'll be picking cotton in my field.
>That sounds like a good job, what's the pay?
>1 cent per hour
>Uh, that doesn't seem fair.
Many here will say shit about me but I say it's normal that migrants are taking those jobs and that it's such a shame. The fact is that the Western people in general are raising such a bunch of crybabies and pussies, these kids, less than 25, will never go work on the fields. Many of the larpers here would never accept it either.
I've been working both in the fields and in the gardening stuff, and shit, you fell realized when you finish up your work, a work you did with your own hands.
People in the uni kinda look down on me since my family don't have money like them and we have those jobs, but I'm proud about what we have and that I pay my own stuff without need asking "daddy".
If our young people were like the old timers there wouldn't be such a need for foreign workers, but with all the PUSSIES there is in the West nowadays, it happens.
How do you expect muslims to work tho you dont even have a job yourself
This, the only tax they pay is sales tax, and that's only on the money they don't send back to Mexico
Nice graphic
This is a liberal lie. All the worst and dirty jobs are done by American. Just watch the TV series Dirty Jobs, it's all Americans not a single Mexican.
Wages go up when there is more of a demand to fill a position. Less illegals working under the table for below minimum wage, means that companies will have no choice but to offer more appealing wages to those looking for work legally.
>hey do you want to work minimum wage
>What no
>good thing Paco here will or else I'd have to pay more
>increase wages because they have no choice
In some cases, but sufficiently large companies will just invest in machinery/other tech to replace the lost labor, and then the jobs will be gone for good.
Well maybe the product shouldn't be so cheap if they can't afford that little labor
>companies will have no choice but to
Yeah nobody wants them because the pay is shit and they can convince the dumb border hoppers to work a shit job for a shit wage.
In other words
>the economy is being held back by illegal immigration because companies are not forced to invest in labor saving devices.
Those jobs already don't exist for american workers. At least this way we can actually get the price to come down.
>jobs nobody wants
This is a huge meme. Most white kids would rather work a decent job than be neets or work a McJob. Lots of white Europeans and Americans go to Australia or New Zealand to work at farms instead because all the jobs here go to illegals instead of locals.
Well thats a very complex question, Timmy.. There isnt enough word count to explain it all to you.. You'll learn about life, more when you get older. I dont personally hate anyone. What im wondering is why you pitch such a complex question that is so hard to answer. The question you ask is as important as the answer. If you want to be educated you must also be educated about why you think the way you do and why you ask such a question.. If not you will just get cheap shallow ansers that wont satisfy you and will either react with agression and sarcasm or you will try to ignore the world and endulge.
And machines don't rape and murder people
Yeah, that too.
It's kinda sad really. Leafs have for so long been a laughing stock on Sup Forums, known only for being America's bitch and "that other place with French speaking faggots" and when they finally come into their own it's only for being known as obnoxious smugposting libtards who everybody hates
Because they also commit the crimes we won't too.
>hey would you like to work in my slaughterhouse goy
>sure I'll need $13 an hour for an above entry level job that requires a modicum of skill in driving cattle and animal processing and that government mandate insurance as a full time employee
>one round of lobbying later
>more work visas approved for the "job no one wants" because it was advertised as contract work with an effective salary below minimum wage
>paco does it poorly instead
If teenagers will flip a burger in some run down fast food joint for 7-8 dollars than they'll pick fruit for the same money. Only lazy entitled smug liberals have a problem with this.
B8 but this line of argumentation is stupid with H1B visas and the like.
"LOL Only immigrants take jobs no one else will do!"
"LOL! Americans don't want high-paying salaried white collar positions in IT!"
I'd gladly work at a slughterhouse for a reasonable wage.
I have to maintain an American family paying American prices for my American food and American house with American utilities you see.
Oh, it goes to Jorge who can feed 17 of his kids with 7.50/hr?
and when he complains at all you'll threaten him with deportation?
And I'm a racist for wanting you to stop exploiting the shitty state of immigration, putting me out of a job and putting Jorge's health and safety in constant jeopardy?
I better get to my state-mandated sex change operation.
>Why do Americans hate illegal immigrants who take the jobs nobody wants????
When this meme started?
Its not that illegal inmigrants do the job nobody wants, its that they the job nobody should do.
There is a reason inmigration leads to lower salaries and working conditions, when you have to compete with Mohamed that is willing to get payed off the table without any kind of contract or agreement, for less than 50% the median income or minimum wage, for 12 hours a day and a constant smile for every shitty thing he has to do, simply because he doesn't even has a house.
Unless that is something leftards are cool with, then they shouldn't even complain.
>slippery slope
not an argument
They make the job unworkable by US standards, by driving down wages to exercise-in-futility levels and remove worker negotiating power by increasing competition, so there can never be organization for benefits or vacation, the worker is just a cog to be replaced as soon as it wears out.
So yes, importing foreign workers does rob Americans on jobs.
Here is why I don't understand why nationalism and socialism are currently at odds.
I think we should rage minimum wage by a lot so that even pretty dreadful jobs like crop harvesting or slaughtering would pay enough for a decent living wage. These jobs should go to our own citizens and not people we just import.
I actually grew up in upper middle class family and have a good education. I got into this field kind of accidentally not thinking it'd be for me. But after a hard day's work I feel good about myself. I can look at a tangible thing and say "I fucking made that today". I do the kind of work that allows these people to have the comforts that they have. And I get paid well for it and it's satisfying.
Who worked in the slaughter houses before the Mexicans arrived?
wanting to pay people less= socialism....wat
In that case, China would probably win.
that isn't a slippery slope fallacy Pedro, you've got to go back.
I thought Mexicans were scientists and doctors of best of best migrants. Now make up your mind.
>one thing leading to another which leads to another
>not a slippery slope
wew lad
>implying any of those were jumps in logic and not what spics do every goddamn day
it isn't a slippery slope when it is demonstrable. "spics don't pay income tax on their illegal income" isn't a slippery slope.
nice fallacy fallacy pedro, nice to see the public school you parasite'd on didn't stick.
My neighbor with lots of nukes will like your idea
Because it's global socalism you leaf.
>be boomer
>work in slaughterhouse
>buy house, car, have wife and two kids
>be millennial
>work in slaughterhouse
>live with mummy or pay 80% of your wages for a caravan
House prices is pretty much everything.
>Why do Americans hate illegal immigrants who take the jobs nobody wants????
Because american culture actually has merits and it provides incentive to automate.
Menial labor has been obsolete for over 30 years.
i'd rather have the muslims, imagining whats going on under those burkas makes me hard af
If you're into hairy fatties, why not marry a greek? They are absurdly less shit.
its more like what they might be wearing or not wearing under that 1 layer in public, buttplugs, kinky underwear, leathersuit, nothing at all
I did (maintenance).. We called it white slave labor but it actually paid decent. Then we were told to put up signs in Spanish even though our largest ethnic group in the plant was Thai and Vietnamese, then large numbers of Mexicans started getting hired and to be a supervisor you had to be bilingual.