>France bans Sup Forums
Is this true, can any French anons explain whats happening?
>France bans Sup Forums
Is this true, can any French anons explain whats happening?
*muffled screams in french*
(((Macroni))) being protected.
RIP France. You used to be the country of love... now you will be known as the country full of savages.
it isn't
Bullshit, Sup Forums est bloqué mes couilles
France will start the race war. We should all learn French and prepare ourselves for the day there will be international brigades. Probably less than 20 years from now.
fake news spread by jack prosobiec, the fake news man
No it isn't.
Am I going to get arrested
Fake news.
In case it actually gets "blocked", people can change their DNS to get around it, just like with hentai sites that get "blocked" because of loli content.
I don't know, nothing happens on french internet. Maybe it's just some rumors.
If its a fake leak why ban the site?
Normies don't know how to do that though. Nor do they care. That's why censorship is a problem.
On further investigation it seems that its a fake rumour. Nothing to see here
well i'm still here.
Nope it's all fake
I'm not using the standard DNS tho, maybe that's why I can still use 4leafs
The screenshot they posted literally says "Sup Forums BLOCKED YOU" not Sup Forums is blocked. It's what happens when your IP is ranged banned, usually because you're using a VPN or more rarely your ISP got blocked.
Either way, this is Sup Forums blocking users. Not France blocking Sup Forums.
I can confirm, can't post anymore.
I thought I was too retarded to do it but it took less than a minute after someone told me to google "google DNS".
fake news
takes four leafs to make one normal person. just like leaf currency to the dollar
You're not a normie, you're on Sup Forums
You overestimate the average person
If they don't go out vote le pen tommrow.Sup Forums be blocked across the whole Eu.
Remnber this french girl when you vote tommrow.
Picture very related
Oh, yeah, the advice was for other frenchfags on this board who don't already know about it. Tho if there was widespread censorship I'd also go change the DNS for all the old ladies in my village, fuck the police.
Getting nostalgic of the Reich?
Watch this video, it's worse than the picture.
Except retards on Sup Forums and normies that come here to shill, everyone here knows how to change a DNS in 20 seconds
if only
A civil war in Europa is predicted around 2025, we will fight together if it happens
Fake news
Close enough to sell some paper, far enough that no one will remember to call them out on their bullshit.
Can you leave out EU too, make your Germanexit ? I'm remember an other truck in christmas market.
>no more 4Channel for us
Why even live?
God alt-right media are retarded.
Sup Forums isnt blocked.
Takieddine, as much as a crook as he is, has no known ties to ISIS, and is as much a "weapon dealer" as a guy who introduce you to a girl is a pimp.
Nobody gives a fuck if a guy in Macron's staff orders some pseudo-coke.
I cant wait for tomorrow night so you dumb fucks stop pretending you know anything about France.
Someone forgot to merge the layers in the "pdf folder" about Mcaron.