I'm sorry to our France people. Macron leaks are real.
Sup Forums is blocked in France right now
Other urls found in this thread:
Makes sense desu, Sup Forums has only relayed fake news for the past two weeks. The French are smart enough to not let Russians influence their elections like what happened to you Amerifats.
Fuck Yanks
Boohoo, I wish we could black every euro.
Also with we could block them to ;)
Shut the fuck up. You aren't even a country.
I like you Belgium :)
it is not.
I just tried a French proxy, it works. Stop spreading fake news again, Sup Forums.
> Macron leaks are real.
need a quick rundown pls
Thats what Russia bos want you to believe. Le pen is financed by Russian jew banks they dont want to drop there investment.
lmao, vpn's very much alive there along with other venues they can post relevant shit to. Shows how much they fear us there.
lmao, this retard is as intelligent as the rest of the sheep tat get their sole intelligence from CNN.
Sure OP, they shut it down
Why do you cunts peddle so much fake news here?
Cant wait for the next war we have i am going to shoot all of you German Shills.
rumor spread by FN shills, it's BS
Because they're desperate for LePen to win to justify their small minded calcified worldview
You should ask for a raise. You almost convinced 0.0000005 persons that your lie is true. Only problem is, you are that 0.0000005 person, so...
NSA. (CARNIVORE and ECHELON to be specific.)
So you are saying that it is pure chance that the
>Clinton campaign was hacked
>Macron campaign was hacked
yet Trump and Le Pen, who both are (or were) pro Putin didn't get hacked?
No seriously, why do pro Russian candidates never get hacked?
What ? No it isn't.
Nobody got hacked, faggot retard.
Nice try Russia VPN.
Я люблю aнaльный ceкc
Cos they are clean honest good hearted innocent people who dindu nuffin. Why do you hate honest politicians?
hey look another faggot that wont amount to anything in life and will continue to use "japanese culture" language because hes REALLY a jap in belgian skin, right? right?
I think its time you head back to r/the_cuckold
You reddit is showing
You do know that "t b h" is automatically replaced with "desu" on this board, right? Or are you this new?
o shit i can't go on Sup Forums anymore
Probably doesn't know about baka either
Quality bait you faggot.
macron leaks
>Fake news
That's LIBERAL media
this is a lie
Globalists are massively corrupt and have a lot more dirty laundry.
Can someone PLEASE explain why people are mad that "Russians" leaked documents that showed political corruption?
Can someone PLEASE explain how anyone in America doesn't already know the DNC leaker Seth Rich was responsible for the emails being leaked in America. He died for our sins.
God rest Seth Rich, the hero we didn't deserve.
fck what could I do without Sup Forums oh no...
We need to kill the journalist and the fucking politicians that permit this, so now the free media is not free, and the greenpeace can put a message anti-Lepen in the Eiffel tower.
We need to kill a lot of bastards, son of bitches, jews of shit to fucking clean this world.
these 'hacks' are made up so (((they))) have a justification to shut down the internet
No it's not. I'm in Paris and I can go to Sup Forums. Pic for proof
>French people are supposedly blocked from Sup Forums
>there are tons of them posting ITT
when did russian shilling become so sloppy
Where is the info from the leaks? I tried to dl it but its all in sql. What have we found out besides cocaine and rigged election?
>If fake news why censure it?
>Faggots would prefer to ignore a story, rather than face it
>Thought police acting so blatantly, and no one calling this shit out?
Youre a cock sucking faggot. Anyone in agreement with you are fucking cucks.
Good goyim
RIP Seth Rich, you dirty faggot.
nice trips
French anons, Im trying to find this cartoon that someone made awhile back. Its a detective who has to find out about a murder or something. It was in french and black and white I think. It was also anti-semetic.
Anyone know what Im talking about?