We need a new Hitler and we need him NOW. This is getting out of hand. Every movie, TV-show, porno, ad, magazine has a black man-white woman couple. Ever wonder why is that? Why not the opposite for example(black woman-white man)? It's because women fall for (((marketing))) in extreme higher levels than men. Look at all the TV commercials. They are positioned to the female target group.

>Movie in pic related from Universal Pictures Belgium

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I watched that movie. The white girl wasn't in love with the nigger. She was luring him into a trap so her family could body snatch him and use his body as a vessel to live forever. (I'm not kidding)

Kill yourself, kike lover.

The movie will be released in a few weeks in Spain. I bet is going to tank hard, as every nigger movie here.

Get Out is actually pro-Hotep/anti-race mixing

do you think the class females let tyronhe smash for being a black teen?


at least that makes it a little better

At some point we need to realize it is far worse than just "the Jews", it is all Urban Liberals (my term for the type of globalist mainstream useful idiot Liberal voter who lives in cities and is completely controlled by the system."

Much of this is not made by Jews, but by people who share the ideology of White Genocide through race-mixing and cultural degeneration.

I wish it were so simple as being just Jews, but we are far beyond that now. Many people of different backgrounds, all united by hatred of the White Family, are working internationally to promote these ideas.

The only thing that will stop it is an international counter-programming agenda. And that starts with the White Race taking off its shackles of shame and starting to be unafraid to assert our dominance over the civilization we built.

That's rich coming from a Canadian.

>The Walking Dead
White MC porking a Black character

> tank hard
Spaniard, w-what do you mean?

i agree, nice post

This, this, this

>we need a another hitler
sorry to break it to you...sweetie, but hitler was blacked before it was cool. he pretty much started it.

>Why not the opposite for example(black woman-white man)?

Like this jeep ad that was already posted today dummy??

You behind the times, and you need to lurk more fagget.

1 example, congrats

Mate I know how cucked that movie seems and how easy it is to use an example for the Jewed media but it is a good movie with a good twist
>protip:the white girl is only using the big and her family are all liberal kikes who use brainwashing techniques to lure nig nogs into their house where they use their bodies as conduits for old kike brains whose bodies are dying

No one is going to go to watch this shit.

This. Hotep is our ally. I loved seeing the niggers in that movie freak out, using nigspeak, basically telling blacks to stay away from whites

So go find some more faagghet

>Every movie, TV-show, porno, ad, magazine has a black man-white woman couple
No they don't. Just the ones you like to complain about.

It's not even that, Sup Forums is just useing it.
They don't really care what he said, they are just useing it to get at him.

That sounds dumb

I saw this on Fox News and even they think it's retarded and they hate Colbert.

>big instead of nig
>phone user identified

the movie is trash and you should be ashamed for enjoying it

also here in america there are always white male asian female couples on TV.
(((they))) aren't even being subtle anymore

lel i went to londen 1 time and even in the metro there was a banner with a black guy and white female holding a mixed baby. you are deluded

Learn the Truth

> a regular, funny movie that is supposed to be a half-comedy, half-horror film
> Sup Forums freaks out because they (correctly) think their tiny, shrived-up white penises and shitty personality arent enough to attract women who want a decent man

>that pic
>still shilling this "Sup Forums actually got offended" shit
>using your enemies' rules against them is not okay
Here's a (You)

It's a black supremacists movie. My wife always said Key and peele was a racist show. I always told her to get the fuck back in the kitchen.

>She was luring him into a trap so her family could body snatch him and use his body as a vessel to live forever.
Reminds me of a joke. Why do chimps look so sad (pic related).
Evolution-- they know in five million years they will be niggers.

>Cop car to the left of the nigger

Niggers like you are incapable of having happy lives. Hence you posting in a place where you're not wanted.

naw, this tactic only gets the brainwashable and easily manipulated females, it is like a cleansing of its own.
bonus points, it slightly increases the iq of the spawn generation and pisses off females of other shitskins.

we have to vote with our wallet
niggers vote with their dick

That dad sounds so fucking done

Why would anyone purposely choose to live inside of a nigger for eternity?

lel i didn't notice

>At some point we need to realize it is far worse than just "the Jews"

It isn't the case in this movie.

>Why would anyone purposely choose to live inside of a nigger for eternity?

I thought american TV was bad but Brit TV is the worst when it comes to this shit. Literally every show is weenie white guy with bad ass dyke black chick(think Vod from Fresh Meat).

>black woman-white man

Is also common in the media.

completely agree my dude, i've already mentioned that (the fact thats its always black man + white women and never the other way around) to my friends and coworkers.

their answer: "thats just a coincidence!" how can people be so blind..

its the irony.. they're always being offended by everything, this is just a taste of the same medicine.

but when we do it its hypocrite right?
fuck this society..

This. It's all about the gross way liberal whites fetishise blacks. It's redpilled. Culture is gradually turning against race mixing more than anything.

Bait. Also, The_Cucks were the ones offended.

It's a fucking disgrace.

>only gets the brainwashable and easily manipulated females
so every female then

the kikes considered them super fit and stuff.

Also the lead was a photographer and there was a rich blind client who wanted to get inside him for his talent.

Their mind numbness shocks me every time. I know the programming is deep and extensive but if I and many others can realize what they're doing on our own, how can these braindead whites deny everything when 110% proof is shoved in their face? The way they justify it in their heads vaguely reminds me of how jews argue.

it's true but the funny thing is that brits are racist so they racemix way way less than americans

Never get over the fact about how uncomfortable those black kids look.

>how can people be so blind
cultural marxism. for some of them its too late to go back. we need to save the younger generation that is in kindergarten right now

Nothing going on here, goyim! Anyone else seen that USAA ad on YouTube?

I went to Bruges and didn't see a single black person.

I don't get it. Why be a gay Muslim when Islam specifically says to murder gays? The Quran specifically says that it's against God's will and you will burn for it. You can be forgiven but only if you never do it again. Allah isn't the Catholic God where you can confess your sins away an endless number of times.

Raw numbers are larger in the US but the percent is smaller. 2.9% interracial couples in US while 9% in UK.


100+ counter examples

go to Brussels and you won't see a single white person (except the tourists)

Love has no color, goy.

>implying they have the tiniest bit of brain to realize what you just said
they fuck goats famerino


implying every hollywood film plot isn't just a superficial mechanism to shoehorn a black male white female into your childs subconscious

post-racial post-national capitalism is ultimately what best serves the white race because, to the degree that we actually are better, we'll rise to the top of a now larger market and derive greater value for ourselves as individuals and as a race. It's also the most civilized way to compete with the other high-tier races of East Asia and North India

and Persia

And also Jews are an elite subunit of whites

but blacks go only for the ugly ones. At least over here. Because beautiful ones already get a lot of attention from actually competent men.

What? No.
That's one movie, and it attracted attention BECAUSE it featured a mixed couple.

Look around you, those aren't the norm, even in the MSM.

What angers me most is that the actors wasn't even an Afro-American ffs.

Sexy girl btw.

Eastern Europe also has a lot of Jewish interbreeding so that's been kind of grafted onto the population

>but foreigners go only for the ugly ones. At least over here. Because beautiful ones already get a lot of attention from actually competent Lithuanian men.

>those aren't the norm

I went in NY, and the couples black/latino man- white North European woman were the average...

Been there too, don't remember that

Seriously give me examples of those couples being numerous in MSM

Wait 1 minute


True, but it's way more less on how they show black men with non-blocking. Also for some reason they really love black people because you can't really see any brown or yellow men with non-brown or yellow female. They really love black people huh.

Fucking cucks.



Have you ever thought about the possibility that the media shows black males with white females so often not because they are doing propaganda, but because it sells? Because it looks good?

Black males are the epitome of raw, powerful, aggressive masculinity, while white females are considered more feminine. It's natural that they form a good couple, and this is good for media and marketing. A white male with a black female doesn't looks so good.

You don't even need propaganda to convince white females to give up themselves to be ravished by black males. Pic related. In the streets of Europe, white women offer themselves to homeless refugees at will. That's how it is. YOU CANNOT COMPETE.


holy shit. I know this woman. Jana Bereslavec. A coalburner. My life is ruined.

boycott the companies that promote the genocide of whites. That's the best answer. They love their shekels.

This pic is from Rome, and don't take this city as an example, because North Italy it's like Sweden, land of cucks.
Here in the south if a nigger try to approach a girl, the girl's father shoot to him.

>The mind of a cuck

This must be the elusive white Brazilian I keep hearing about.

Name the jew in public.

If you faggots did it every day to everyone it would become normal.

this would be true if whites were given an even playing field, but we aren't

affirmative action seeks to make sure whites can't hold a majority of jobs. the media seeks to make sure whites are responsible for everything bad in the world. welfare seeks to turn impoverished minorities into brown shirts targeting peaceful and prosperous whites.

given an even playing field other races would be a thing of the past after a century, even with the low birth rates of whites against high rates of others. but there is an orchestrated and direct targeting against the white race in all forms possible.



>It's because women fall for (((marketing))) in extreme higher levels than men.
This. They are normalizing it. So the women mistakenly see a human instead of an animal.

They've become fully attuned to the consciousness of the jew.

There in the South the Sicilian Mafia employs Nigerians as enforcers. How long do you think it will take until the Nigerians turn against the geriatric old fools of the Mafia and rule the Island themselves?

I mean, that's its entire history, with the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans, Aragonese etc. Always the ruling elite hiring foreign enforcers, who become the ruling elite themselves.

And what do you think will happen to Southern Italy when the Nigerians control the organized crime? The refugee flows will increase 10000%, the entire country will get flooded, and your women will receive them with open arms and legs, because they recognize a conqueror when they see it.

Are they really smart enough? Still stupid. They are race traitors.

They can't make an organized crime, because if they try to do it we will kill them all.
The rest it's just your fantasy.

I am convinced.

But be a realist: How many of these will last? Will they actually each marry & have a baby? Or perhaps the white girl will realize she wants to settle and will marry a rich white suggy.

At that point they are ruined.