In a scale of 1 to 10 how sick of the society are you
In a scale of 1 to 10 how sick of the society are you
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About a solid 7. Fuck the police
Every day I am a little bit closer to either falling into abject nihilism or starting a one-man reconquista. I spend most of my energy trying to keep myself grinding along as a good little wagecuck but it just gets harder and harder.
Can't believe they made Bismuth yell at Steven like that tho tβh fαm
Niggers pretend like White history is irrelevant and pathetic but they're literally dumb ass shit. Can't wait to slaughter all these negros in the new Reich.
Not sick of my society at all.
Good on ya, mate. Stay white, Macedon.
>900 AD
>Using late 14th century amour
Don't blame me for not caring at all
I'm on about a 6.5 now, senpai.
1 is the ideal society, which has never existed. Freedom, decency, progress, honor. Gilded Age frontier US got close - not close enough. 10 is total stone-age commie society-collapses shitfaggotry.
Yes, the degeneracy is rampant. But I don't think Sup Forums understands just how bad it can get. Remember, unless there is some kind of miraculous intellectual revolution, the only thing that'll stop the plunge into the abyss is the full, actual, Mad Max collapse of civilization. Following its cultural bankruptcy (with the first shitty Emperors), the Roman Empire took hundreds of years to exhaust its stock of human capital, fully destroy the values which had made it great, and wipe out the remnants of its past meteoric rise to wealth and power.
The rise to wealth and power of Western capitalist civilization during the 18th and 19th centuries was infinitely greater than that of the Roman Empire. The culture and values which created that explosion of success have been destroyed and undermined, but consider how much longer it will take for degeneracy to kill us. The healthier the patient, the slower and more agonizing the death from plague and decay. Industrial technology, a vastly more powerful force than the bonds of duty which supported the Romans, will support the rotting corpse of Western culture for God knows how long before it is drained.
You think we've reached peak degeneracy? Oh boy, they've only just started. We could be here for hundreds of years. Every generation poorer, more hopeless, while the wheels of industry struggle under an ever heavier burden and the arteries of civilization - its culture - turn to sewers full of vomit and semen. It's gonna be a wild ride, boyos.
>1 is the ideal society, which has never existed.
III Reich?
Fascist Italy?
Roman Empire in his best time?
10. I go to bed everyday wishing to die while I am sleeping because I lack the balls to kill myself
Every female or male is tolerant of genders/transgenders as long as you do it privately, even so there aren't that many of em or any at all. The girls are based aswell wanting to date only people of their own colour rather than others.
Also don't associate me with Alexander, everyone(young and middle) know that is just propaganda.
Society: a solid 9.999
Life: a 2, there is still hope
Roman Empire was all about the collective and stability. They conquered, but they never moved forward. They had minor technological and cultural advancements in the fields of civil engineering and law, but otherwise they were utterly stagnant.
Fascist Italy was a meme. Hitler's Reich, had it survived, would have ended up like the USSR - leadership schisms and economic inefficiency would have rotted it away.
10. this is by far the worst country in the world. even sweden has nationalist movements and its people are rooted in the soil.
I feel like I'm marooned on an isolated planet to watch my people die like spock in that shitty star trek remake
1 hunnid /10
I want to start over, but not in an edgy anarchy kind of war
bonus points: I'm black
Coming from a nigger it's almost hypocritical.
There are still too many racists and conservatives (rural and suburban retards) that prevent us from going forward
Looking for land to eacape society/10
>small town illinois
>yesterday there was street festival
>literally stripper poles set up in middle of street
>women literally poledancing half naked in the street
>no one sees any problem with this
>it's just a fun form of artistic and gymnastic expression
>white liberal dreadlock scum cheering and applauding
>encouraging young girls, like 8 and 9 to try out pole dancing moves
>8 and 9 year old girls watching literal strippers in the middle of the street with envy and admiration
I'm starting to understand why sandniggers want to blow us up
Lol hi Mr. Treudeu
Honestly society its self needs to go. I'm not even racist OP.. humanity its self must be eradicated. Prove me wrong Sup Forums, im sick and tired of society slowly imploding. Fuck all conservatives and liberals.
South African whites are whiter than you'll ever be Tyrone.
You're blind, there is no way humanity can live 100 years from now. Waste your time giving hope. Just fuck and live it up and if you run into the corner. Nuke yellowstone
Your still a piece of shit like the rest of us whites. Just wasting time on this world killing eachother.
You're a good example why humanity fails, no pride nor goal. Fuck off
>Implying that country even matters in todays era
When's the next asteroid coming? Just fucking destroy this useless space rock already.
>Fuck all conservatives and liberals.
It is irrelevant, it would be oppression if you thought it was relevant fucking hypocritic
You're a weakling and a faggot.
Then join ISIS
You don't have a migrant crisis over there so what is the problem?
Go on
Actually thinking the history of an entire race is irrelevant is oppressive, literally by definition.
"Hypocritic" is not a noun, it is an adjective, fucking retard.
Keep dwelling how the white race "use to be" the best
Come on faggot
What he says is true in a certain way. Even if you don't believe in the reality of climate changing, that wouldn't stop it from existing, and science already told us: we have only 100 years left.
we need to kill the jews and the niggers, them the world would be perfect O
No you fucking penis queef, eradicate human race
How is your country even relevant?
Really depends...
Just took another anons hint and went to the beach today...
Everyone enjoyed themselves. There were so many coupels, parents and grand parents... I felt alone... but also accepted and happy in the sun..
I am going out again tomorrow desu....
Just answering the question, referring to society in general
>we have only 100 years left.
why? Is that the day the jews kill us all?
>segmenta loricum
Watching it all collapse gives me pleasure
The rate of birth and and low resources is the end game. "Climate change" is just something push to live below your current lifestyle
We are probably at like a 3 now. It will get much, much worse.
first day on Sup Forums huh?
Don't choke, if you do we wont mind
you're right, we still are the best.
What town homie? I hail from somonauk, il.