Some people steal jewellery or cars, and other steal a whole country. How can you defend this pol?
>inb4 mohammed
no im not a muslim
Some people steal jewellery or cars, and other steal a whole country. How can you defend this pol?
>inb4 mohammed
no im not a muslim
Other urls found in this thread:
Israel is tiny. Why the fuck do people care so much?
because they are so fucking mad :^)
Ar*bs are jealous as fuck
Who cares about this tiny strip of desert?
They own most of the world through central banking, media control, and political corruption.
molon labe
They constantly cry because they start hostilities and then they get absolutely destroyed
at least we make profit of the conflict.
Get fucked kike.
Germany is an important ally of Israel. Thank you krauts
here's a basic rundown
>jews won the right to exist in several wars, but would have never won without 'muh holocaust' appeals to the UK and US
>arabs have a rightful claim on the land but can't win a single war so too bad
>israel is a parasite
>palestine is a cancer
>both should be nuked or starved of aid permanently
shlomo you realize we also sell weapons to your muslim neighbours? We are no ally for us, just another war mongering idiot who buy other weapons becouse you are to dumb to make your own.
you are no ally for us*
Yeah, if the ragheads ever just ran in a bunch of tank columns and fighter jets and destroyed Israel, more power to them.
But they can't. They literally fucking can't. It's embarrassing how incompetent they are.
"Insurgent warfare" is like the militarized version of this
Do not worry we can make our own systems of defense and weapons, but it is good when krauts sell us equipments for cheap price because of 6 gorillons
> millions of replies to the usual map of lies and propaganda
> 0 replies to the unrefutable truth
OP's map is a blatant lie and you people swallow it hook line and sinker for the sake of Jew hate. Hate Jews all you want, don't lie.
they have the rightful claim
get fucked hans
Fuck OFF SandNiggger
rabbi you are not fooling anyone here.
how many world wars have you won?
ahmed you are not fooling anyone here.
Good refutal. GG
I hope i see another shoah soon. Would be funny to see your muslim enemys unite together to firebomb the shit out of your country. This time there is no USA to help you.
schlomo, please leave.
Sup Forums is not anti israel. it's just a meme.
they are working with israel to get jews to make aleeya.
they are only saying mean things to get you pissed of.
like calling black people nigger or argentinians "white"
Last time they tried there was no USA help, fag
this was win enough.
the usa didnt support us more in the six day war of in the yom kipur war then the USSR supported the Arabs
Get gassed jew
Let the kikes have it.
They are better than you Muhammad.
Good post.
So this isn't a fake?
they are worse, becouse of them muhammed is in our country.
remove uk from that
they just seem like a fucking feminist con
look at their faces
There seems to be quite a lot of pro Israel threads today.
Is today some Jewish or Israeli holiday?
Anyways, Israel is a pretty based country.
What I learned growing up, from my (God-fearing) Oupa, was that Israel is a country that stood by us during Apartheid when no one else did.
He also told me that it's a white country, with white people facing the brown hordes - similar to our situation here.
If Israelis are white, and our allies against the Muslims, then why should we hate them?
>he fell for the jewish women meme.
> instructor at the Infantry school according to markings
POG cunts who instruct marksmanship for future infantry NCOs. All hot, all fucked multiple times a week.
jews arent white. Their white skin is there to fool us.
germans arent white. Their white skin is there to fool us
>Israel is a country that stood by us during Apartheid when no one else did.
Just goes to show what shitty warriors islam produces. They outnumber Israel a thousand to one, bitch about the Jews constantly, but never actually do anything about it. Fucking pussies.
Then they cry "muh USA is protecting you"
But they miserably failed while Israelis were alone in 1948.
but everytime they are in danger to get exterminated they ask USA for help becouse of muh holocaust which never should happen again.
your days are already gone here, christians and muslims realized jews are the real danger.
Did he build settlements on their lunchtable?
Probably tried to loan some lunch money with usurious interest.
Full on kek, GJ nipple
>christians and muslims
lmao, now this is mudslime-tier rhetoric
WTF i hate Palestina now!
And you don't see a problem with that? Literal 14 year old kids taught to hate at such a young age? You still doubt ahmeds are a hateful bunch?
well what you think would happen after you stole a whole country?
Nice meme, ahmed. You're trying too hard.
>kikes keep reposting the slightly inaccurate labeled map eveyone knows is inaccurate but doesnt change anything about the truth it tries to convey but no one gives a shit about in muh palestine vs kikes threads only kikes keep repostomg
>kikes always "respond" to themself with the same usual "debunking" images full of lies and propaganda
>kikes go full projecting "refuting" the truth with blatant history revisionism, dishonest deliberate spins omission and lies for the sake of Zionism (and credits from their university)
>bohoooo we are the victims here stop lying about us :^)
Nice projecting on projecting, ahmed.
When are you going to stop the mediashill war and actually fight like a man instead of like BLM?
i'd rather be called nigger than denying that your "country" is a fucking crime
Shhhh, no one knows about Britain owning the land.
Here comes the pro-Arabs and commie SudamericANO :^)
>talking about stealing whole countries
Germans won't be white anymore because you fill them with refugees. How does it feel that the whole world hates you?
You know that old meme with the guy putting sticks in his wheels and blaming someone else?
That's you right now. And you're not even worth looking for the image.
Nice meme. How much do you wish things had ended differently right about now?
stay cucked france.
can't wait for france to be +80% brown in two or three years.
They started the war
>caring about muslims
>not wanting jews to have a national identity, and therfore be less likely to interfere with european national identity movements
One day, we´ll shut your dirty, lying jewish mouths!
>Who cares about this tiny strip of desert?
>Who care about a strip of desert plus a bit of vegetation
>Who cares about a piece of desert plus a bit of ocean
Fuck off american fat nigger
You wish, isn't it?
Not going to happen though
This is bellow-average looking cunt in Romania
>arab and turkish descent
>even more explosive
>These women actually have sex
How desperate can you get? I guess Sup Forums desperate.
Post Romanian qts
We've got a word for the pink glasses you get after 3 weeks in the shit, and we call it the 21-glasses. 21-glasses are dangerous shit.
>muslim Kurds literally did the same thing against Christian Armenians, Assyrians and Chaldeans and are currently doing it also
>Sup Forums is too busy carrying about "muh poor religion of peace Arabs" in Palestine to care about their "fellow" Christians
so much for all that "deus vult" LARPing, when some of the oldest Christian communities in the world are on the brink of being removed and you are too busy crying about muslims
t. mgolo bongo
Exactly. The Arab lands around it are massive. And yet the Arabs keep fuelling their cult of death and brainwashing their children into insane violence.
Islam is the problem and it will always be the problem. I might add, "unless it is radically reinterpreted", but the problem is that Islam cannot be reinterpreted because the model Muslims are Muhammand, his immediate followers,and by extension the first three generations of Muslims. Hence Islam can never be reformed into something compatible with sanity and peace. The only peaceful Islam is cultural Islam that ignores a lot of what Islam actually teaches and the example Muhammad and his pals showed.
Very good post.
Also, the Koran is the word of God, so it cannot be changed or interpreted differently than it is written in the book.
the people on Sup Forums that hate jews ARE muslims. they are not "aryans" theyre LARPING.
islam is jewish lite.
> the guys who literally go out of their way to kill infidels even at the cost of their own lives are the lite version of the guys who invented compound interest
Why are you whining about something your ancestors are entirely responsible for?
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? Did you fap yourself silly?
PS: This one's mine.
ISIS=Isreali secret intelligence service.
Because Sup Forums are Jew shills.
into the oven you go.
are you saying hes to blame for what his ancestors did?
you are responisble for it, since you allowed the jews to settle there.
Bad ahmed, you have to play it like we descended out of nowhere and kicked you out.
How many world wars have you existed for
If you racist krauts hadn't tried to holocaust them and then lost the war (again) then none of this would have happened and by the way, we can allow anybody we want to settle in our land.