Redpill me on Saddam Hussein

Did he do anything wrong?

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try to copy off stalins mustache

He bluffed when he should've folded.

He didn't stockpile WMDs to defend against israel, it's why they're so deadset against Iran.

He dindu nuffins was a good ol middle eastern dictator went to jihadi school an everythang was gonna be a big ol boss one day

Yeah he did some bad shit

But we shouldn't have fucked with him

He defied the jew.

He kept terrorists under control.

He was your average typical sociopath sandnigger, nothing more, nothing less.

He did it better

He tried to fuck with the US oil supply in 1991


He tried to sell oil in Euros and therefore represented a threat to the petrodollar, similar to Gaddaffi and his gold-backed Dinar.

He was the US's cuck puppet in the 80s to fight our enemy Iran. When Saddam got sick of being our bitch, we invaded him in the 90s. He still didn't learn his lesson - so we had to finish the job in 2003.

He did, he trusted the West.

He had them, then when 9/11 happened and it was pretty obvious that we were going to go rip the middle East a new asshole he sent pretty much all of them away

Saddam was a sadistic piece of shit there is no way around that, but he was doing alright at a tolerable level for years until he broke the rules and started causing trouble again despite the CIA telling him after Kuwait that if he did we were going to kill him
It's his own fault

Except since the late 70's 60% of our imported oil comes from you Canada

>Selling oil
>Same as making Africa self sufficient and non-reliable on Rothschild paper

>> 124358943
*Got backstabbed by America for going ahead with an invasion that they gave the green light

So in other words:

His biggest mistake was thinking he should handle military affairs himself when he had zero experience, everything kind of domino'ed out from that.

>be Saddam Hussein
>lust after Kuwait's oil fields
>Kuwaiti dogs are slant drilling and stealing my oil
>see a valid pretext to go to war
>call up my old friends in the US state department who gave me my chemical weapons and helped me defend against Iran
>ask if it's OK if I conquer those Kuwaiti swine for slant drilling, plus Kuwait should be under Iraq anyway and was inappropriately granted independence
>State Department gives me the wink wink nod nod go right ahead
>defend my oil, conquer Kuwait decisive and with little bloodshed
>US government says, "OMG Saddam wtf did u do."
>be flabbergasted cuz they said I could
>institute new era of piece and prosperity in Kuwait as an Iraqi province
>Kuwaiti diplomat's daughter pretends to be a nurse who saw my soldiers suffocate premies
>congress's feels are triggered
>congress and state department and my old friend Bush are all flipping out
>they offer me the northern oil fields if I let Kuwait go
>they said I could have the whole country! fucking Native American givens.
>Gonna keep Kuwait. Those pussies wouldn't dare. Plus we have a good thing going.
>oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit

One of the critical justifications for the first war was an utter fabrication.

>The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H.W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيره الصباح) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign which was run by American Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.

He asked the US for permission and they gave it. Not his fault the ambassador was utterly incompetent.


>He asked the US for permission and they gave it. Not his fault the ambassador was utterly incompetent.
He was honestly kinda justified. They WERE slant drilling. It's what they get for using Chink petroleum engineers.

Those beautiful babies, oh vey!

Oh sweetie, he was an evil man who tried to larp as The Godfather and got BTFO by the CIA-media complex when shit got real.


I honestly believe that Saddam was posturing that he was close to developing effective nukes as a deterrent against further conflicts with Iran, Israel, and the United States. But because of the post 9/11 nationalistic fervor, Americans were flipping the fuck out and we were willing to go along with our government's insane plan to destroy Iraq even though they knew he was no where close.

Not true, it's more like 40% as of 2016, and it varies especially with the price of oil, and it certainly wasn't true in the late 80s. It's been increasing since 9/11 since an obvious interest in reducing US dependence on middle eastern oil.

Canadian oil (which mostly comes from bitumen) is very expensive to extract compared to the conventional deposits found in middle-eastern countries.

Oil sands extraction is only viable when prices above $70/barrel.

Hey, question - the Kurds he gassed that resulted in sanctions. What was the deal with that? Was that possibly justified and blown out of proportion of a false flag?

just know he was a bigger threat the the US than the UK is/was/ever will be.

It's simple. The Turkroaches are mortal enemies with the Kurds. We are allied with the Turks. The Turks were likely responsible for the gassing -- via iraq

Lame joke. I'm not... impressed.

Fucking a. There should be enough resentment of former Ottoman provinces to form a coalition of the vengeful to liberate Constantinople.

I believe Saddam was a piece of shit and would have been a terrible leader in the west.

However someone like Saddam is literally the only way to have any kind of functional state in the Middle East. It is the nature of kebabs to kill eachother for stupid reasons and the best you can do is have some semblance of control from a strongman dictatorship. Democracy, at its core, is asking the people to let you rule them. To kebabs someone who asks will always be weaker than someone who can just take power and that will make them a worse leader.

At the very least he was
>good at picking competent staff instead of running the gov't with all of his second cousins
>very strongly opposed to Al Qaeda and other radical elements

>Was that possibly justified
No. He gassed a village of like 5000 people that weren't even combatants.

It was also a very clear cut and dried violation of the Geneva convention.

>false flag
It wasn't a false flag because it wasn't considered cassus belli for the first gulf war, that was the invasion of Kuwait.

>>Was that possibly justified
>No. He gassed a village of like 5000 people that weren't even combatants.
>It was also a very clear cut and dried violation of the Geneva convention.
Thanks for the clear answer. This gassing of the Kurds was before my time.

So he was literally like 0.08x as bad as Hitler?


Your sarcasm aside, Baathism as an ideology and its implementation takes a lot more from Stalin than Hitler.

He did have a centrifugal enrichment facility, so I would think he was pretty close.

Do you know what the fuck you can do with aluminum tubes?

I didn't want to have to tell you this... but that nigga tried to buy some yellowcake.

>slant drilling
What is this and why does it matter?

>t. GenZ

Across borders, genius!

It still had to do with the American dollar and OPEC nigger. Ghaddafi wanted to MNAGFTFTE (Make North Africa Great for the first time ever) which was strike one. Strike two was not having a centralized bank, and strike three was the gold dinar. Saddam was similar in that he didn't have a centralized bank and wanted to use the Euro instead of the American dollar. But he was actually a piece of shit that didn't care about the ME just power. He actually deserved to die a thousand deaths (but we shouldn't have invaded).

dindu nuffin

ruthless dictators is the only way those arab shitholes can even remotely function as states

take away the dictator and they immediately turn into 24/7 civil war and jihadi hot spots

Pic related explains why he had to go