>This is life on $7.50 an hour.
Yet, those "burger-flippers" don't deserve $15 an hour.
>This is life on $7.50 an hour.
Yet, those "burger-flippers" don't deserve $15 an hour.
Other urls found in this thread:
why is she so fat if it isn't enough?
Boohoo, muh appeal to emotion.
Still thinking like a nigger, OP. It raises the price of everything else. Go get a $900 studio apartment in Seattle and make your 15$ moron.
she's living pretty good for $7.50 an hour. that's a nice apartment. she must be collecting TONS of public assistance
Works 16 hours a week and can't scrape by. Poor her.
Yup, they always are.
Why did she have a kid if she can't afford one?
>Nig husband in prison
And this is why black women fight for a white man
Just another selfish single mother that refuses to accept that she isn't intelligent or financially independant enough to care for children.
They should be taken away from her.
Learn the Truth
>she must be
She is
I don't buy fresh healthy food because I might waste some of it.
Yeah sweet fucking logic smart move to only buy disgusting frozen meals you can cook by pushing a button. Can't do that with non frozen prepacked shit!
>this is what awaits you if you are stupid and irresponsible enough to think its ok to have children before you try to get somewhere in life
Minimum wage was never meant to be "lived on".
Literally everybody but damn minorites understand that it's really just so high school kids can have some spending money.
get a better job then. retard
Yeah time to fap.
>she has a bigger apartment than I do
>her clothes are newer than mine
Imagine being a 40 yr old black or hispanic and genuinely believing working at McDonald's is supposed to support your family of four and put kids through college. Fucking delusional man.
>be the absolute poorest in America
>live in 2 story mansion
really makes you think huh
Because niggers are stupid and do not think about this stuff.
also how dare you use logic?!
Eating cheap processed "food" will bloat you up very quickly
>this is life on minimum wage plus welfare
>If only the big white man gave me moar money for no reason, den i can giv my son erthyn he need.
god fucking damn it
My appartment is way smaller.
I wish I had a garden.
>raise minimum wage to $15 an hour
>four burger flippers becomes one automated burger machine technician and three welfare recipients
Oh boy, this video again.
>$7.50 an hour
>16 hours a week
>Has her own house, food, smartphone and can raise her child
Minimum wage jobs are intended for high schoolers with no skills who need a job on the side. If you're a minimum wage employee and not in this situation, you're a retard. I can guarantee you that they fucked up their own lives somehow because since day one, they instill in your mind that if you don't study hard in school and waste your days away partying instead, this is what happens, and every time it's the case.
Fucking this.
You work a shit job like this while saving up enough to get a reliable clothing.
>single mothe-
Stopped right there.
Explain the biomechanics behind that. How exactly does a food's processing or lack of processing make it increase weight gain? What specific aspect of processing does that?
>Yet, those "burger-flippers" don't deserve $15 an hour.
Yet another "op complains about wealth inequality while having no understand of what causes it" episode.
Why don't these stupid niggers realize that it's their choice to fuck and have niglets? I feel no sympathy when they can't afford to take care of these children when they just go around and fuck each other like animals and give birth at the age of 16
It's delusional alright.
Minwage isn't the largest issue there is right now, but it's really been (((amplified))) as of late, and the niggers are taking it as a fight.
The real menace here is welfare culture.
>waaaaaaaah I'm an utter retard that doesn't know how to start my own business or make money for myself give me more free shit than you already do and raise prices for everyone else for no reason.
>has a kid
>single mom
>works 20 hours a week at McDonald's
>entry level job
>get gibs from government
Let them starve.
It's true calories are what makes you gain or lose weight but processed foods have less nutrition which causes your body to be less efficient at it's normal functions & burning calories. They are usually loaded with sodium & sugar which further makes you unhealthy.
I'm not saying it's the only cause but it's certainly a factor
>the average nigger in America lives better than a eurocuck in a massive welfare state
>lives in huge house, probably on section 8
>probably gets food stamps
>gets EITC every year
>single mom, where's the dad
Im not saying life is comfy working at McDonalds, just that she gets tons of taxpayer support and can feed and clothe her kid. On a job that a literal retard could do.
Processing can rapidly reduce the quality of food. Think of an apple; it's probably as healthy for you as food can get barring improper use of chemicals and pesticides. Now get that apple and tin it with sugary preservatives, like jam or tinned apple. An apple may cost 30p but a bottle of jam £1 and lasts much longer. What is fatty going to get, especially a broke ass one?
In-n-Out pays 15 bucks an hour, store managers get over 100k yr, and the owner is a billionaire.
That webm.....
Free will was obviously a mistake. Women should never have been given voting rights or control over others.
We must go back
This, what the fuck how can she complain when she isn't even close to full time work, Jesus Christ what a ridiculous video, bitch complains about not getting a raise, well maybe if she was a full time employee she would.
she lives in the best country in the world and is still crying.
Should pay a visit to Eastern Europe to see what poverty is.
Highly calorie dense while completely lacking in micronutrients. Contains many hydrogenated oils and other artificial macronutrients which the body cannot break down fully/ correctly.
>processed food have less nutrition
I have been eating essentially only processed food for most of my adult life and last year I was 190lb at 5'10 benching about 300lb with visible abs and good bloodwork. So where are you getting this information? What aspect of processed food "removes nutritional value"? What "nutritional value" from, say, chicken is lost due to processing?
>go to mcdonalss
>just want breakfast sandwich, egg and cheese
>cashier charges fries and coffee separately instead of a combo, making it a bit more expensive
>forgot to add egg
>want 15/hour
real problem is too high of a supply of workers. need immigrants to fuck off and population to dwindle. just pisses me off how they ignore simple economics and just resort to screaming at the evil rich guy
There is a certain type of sweetener they use (I forget what it was called) that lowers your metabolism so you don't feel as energetic after you eat the food and you store more fat.
Also no shit if you eat less vitamins you get more fat because you have to eat more often to feel full.
I hate how they see themselves as unsung heroes, "sacrificing their lives" for the betterment of their child.
They don't realize they wouldn't be in that situation if they didn't have a child so early on while their life is shit.
The kid will also most likely endure a hard life as well. Endless cycle.
Let's say that I am a the owner of an apartment complex and the average rental I charge is only $300 a month. If the average income made by my tenants doubled, I would double the price to live in my apartment complex from $300 to $600 so that I could make more money.
The free market is based off of competition. The value of your labor will always be competing against the value of other people's labor. If you have more valuable labor then you will simply make more money. If you provide labor that is not very valuable, like flipping burgers, then you will remain an economic pleb.
Everyone is as rich as they deserve to be.
>only in america poor look like all they do is eat all day
Gluttony is real.
>sad music
>single mom
Never seen an employee assault a customer there either yet I've seen it multiple times at waffle house, mcdonalds, church's chicken. Almost like they hire more qualified employees almost like in and out are in wealthier areas and customer services is a marketable skill if you don't speak ebonics.
Earns 240 dollars every 2 weeks = 120 every week = 16*7.50, so only 16 hours of work a fucking week
What a fucking mess, a fucking system wonderfully engineered to enslave people. She is stuck, she is kept is this limbo state, she will never see the sunlight. But she doesn't know it, she still thinks there is a way out, she doesn't understand how it works
Gee, I wonder who's making those niggers scream at rich guys?
fast food isn't cheap you fucking idiot. its way cheaper to go to grocery store and buy raw food and cook it at home.
>she lives in the best country in the world
>best country in the world
>make excessively poor life choices such as but not limited to:
>not getting higher education or trade
>not using/improperly using birth control
>having a child in light of above
Yeah but they hire college grads and they make good food unlike McDonalds. This means they always have a constant stream of customers so they can have less mark up due to increased turnaround.
>muh feeefeeez
>muh entitlement
>muh lack of personal responsibility
>niggers gonna nig
Their choice to sell and do drugs, steal and destroy shit, etc, to get a record and generally fuck their life up. They alone should pay that price and nobody else. How about they dive head first off the top of a 15 story building.
So why the fuck is it a bad idea to raise the wages and get people off governmental programs?
You burgers are the stupidest group of people ever, even abbos have more common sense than you guys.
>be so unproductive that the state has to set a minimum amount your employer can pay you
>get more than half of your income directly from tax-payer money
Wew how unfair. Vacations abroad is a human right.
You can get a home just by having a kid while being single and unemployed, if you know how to fill out the right paper work, then they rent out rooms in the place. .I've seen a few people that figured out how to live nice of this system.
Why do people have kids when they can't support them? Have some sense of responsibility or forward thinking baka desu senpai
Makes 7.50, hasn't gotten a raise and gets sent home by her boss.
As a manager of a gas station I know exactly what kind of employee she is. She's the kind that shows up 5 minutes late every day and then does the bare minimum and constantly claims her kid is why she is too tired to work hard.
No. It's because all of the chemicals in the food. Which is why Americans who go live abroad talk about loss of weight after leaving America.
Working full time will put your income to high for government assistance, I work for my states social services administration and all day long people come in and ask how many hours can I work and still get my stamps. By reducing their hours and qualifying for more public assistance it actually increases their income, more kids more income. That's why our system is fucked and government assistance needs to be gutted and reimplemented in a way that government assistance isn't an incentive to not work and try to better yourself. They're slaves and too stupid to see it.
Niggers aren't people
The government. The dad is in prison likely from dealing drugs and not even violating the NAP.
>Single black uneducated mother
Gee, what a fucking shock. Nigger men need to be punished more than just child support payments
Of course you can, but the problem is that she wont, because she is too stupid, she lacks the knowledge
>processing can rapidly reduce the quality of food
[citation needed]
>think of an apple, it's probably as healthy for you as food can get
Not at all. Apples have barely any nutritional value. They have about half the sugar of a can of coke and less than 100 calories. That's not healthy at all. Their micronutrient profile isn't great either.
You're basing this on arguments of intuition when your intuition is just wrong.
Where is your source that processed food inherently has less micronutrients? what process do they do that removes the micronutrients, and what is their motivation for doing so?
Fyi the body stores both saturated and unsaturated fats. They aren't "artificial macronutrients", most of them are made from shit like corn.
Gonna need a big fat source on that because you're just making claims here.
There's an artificial ingredient that they add that speeds up your metabolism 100x, can't remember the name of it though.
See why that's bullshit? You don't just accept "hey but I heard from my friend who heard from his mom" type arguments without sources because people are terrible at interpreting science.
while its true kikes pushed for diversity propaganda, itd be easier to convince normalfags of simple economics rather than blaming the kikes
She could even go in the fucking wood start cultivating fruits, build a house and live an easy life. But she won't because she has no fucking idea. She thinks the world she has to live in is there in front of her, she is kept in the dark
They always do this shit. Live in shit conditions, never bettering themselves. No money and shit job, but plenty of nice clothes and shoes.
Niggers are not as bad as spice though. They have things strewn all over their houses and fat dumb women as well.
That is what accepting handouts does, makes you dumb ad fat. Just like (((they))) want you.
shit pissed me off. i worked for minimum wage for a few years... actual full time hours... zero public assistance. regularly had no electricity or hot water
this bitch acting like 200 dollars a month worth of free food is nothing... in america
wtf. fucking niggers
Can confirm.
>work at shitty call center
>they hire niggers all the time
>niggers show up and don't do much
>niggers will work up until the point that they won't receive gibs
>will quit on the day
I suggest you start a business and pay your employees $15 if that's how you feel. Don't force your virtue signalling on others.
Not true. I'm skinny as fuck and gaining weight is all but impossible if you can't afford mass amounts of food.
Her reason that she "only buys frozen garbage food because fresh food would go bad to quickly" is complete bullshit too.
Potatoes, rice, eggs, dairy products + some fresh vegetables and fruits are cheaper and more nutritious than whatever the fuck it is she is eating right now. You would actually need to learn how to cook though and not just push a button on your microwave...
You would think this waste of air would plant some veggies there to feed her kid. Oh wait, that would be smart.
You were saying nigger?
Instinct, it's usually strong with subhumans and it overrides logic in order for survival to occur and these people survive on gibs so more kids = more gibs, right?
*shits out 20 children while living in a slum*
Cool story fat boy, we have the same cheap fast food as you do. Only difference is that our poor are actually poor, not "first world poor".
If we raise wages then McDonalds will just automate and fire all of these stupid niggers and then libcucks like you will just gibe them more free shit instead of letting them die. Fuck you.
that WHITE MAN did not relax around blacks. As a result he made it home that day without getting murdered in the park by feral vibrant disadvantaged youths. Bravo, white man
Where is her husband? Oh wait..
That's why the left also wants rent control.
16 hours a week!? Didn't catch that. Wonder what she does with the rest of her time? It ain't working out or gardening!
Most likely down at the fake hair shop gossiping with other welfare queens.
sauce on this webm kino?
I'm becoming convinced welfare was a mistake.
I wish this would happen honestly. It's hard for me to go to mcdonalds to get a delicious mcchicken and fries when I know some niggers hands are all over it
Because we can just cut them off government programs they don't need?
I ask something simple: Cedar on my burger. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NEVER PUT IT YOU FUCKING MORONS???
It's notl ike I'm doing a more fullfilling work (I clean people's clothes), but for fuck's sake, it's not rocket science.
>energy is fucking magic
>I can't fap to this!
>bragging that your entire country is worse than niggers