What is the meaning of life?
Other urls found in this thread:
To fuck traps duh
To find happiness
not getting a dick in the ass but most importantly to have fun
Cant have fun? no problem! Just quit drugs and exercise more often and the results speak for themselves
We exist to pass on our genes.
There is no objective purpose for us past this.
Make your own meaning up.
hey, its that cat girl trap
Alright Adam Sessler
Would fulfill our own nature through "being a man or woman" be the ultimate objective purpose of living?
If you give me sauce I'll tell you.
Gay sex is like fucking a nigger.
Don't do it.
A more interesting question could be, "what if there is NO grand "meaning"? And, "can ones life have purpose even if there is no underlying meaning?"
I think if you brood on THOSE questions, you may find what you were looking for when asking your original question.
haha epic :D posted on /r/Sup Forums :D
If life didn't exist then, for all extent and purposes, neither would anything else. It sounds metaphysical, but really think about it: If a drip of water dropped somewhere in a cave and nobody was there to witness it, and it didn't cause any effect that would later be witnessed (e.g. water on the ground, tiny microbes living where the leak is), then for all extent and purposes it never happened. If you apply that to the entire universe, if there is no life then there may as well be no universe.
There are also some applications to this in Quantum Physics. If you look up the Delayed Erasure Experiment, you'll see that light can decide whether it was a particle or a wave based on whether or not it will be observed *in the future*, which seems to indicate some retro-causality (we don't actually know what's going on though). Still, lets say you rig up an experiment that shoots light in a similar fashion, but the light isn't decidedly observed/unobserved for 10'000 years. What happens here? Does the 10'000 years happen, then get rewritten because life saw the light?
There is also one TOE ("MyBigTOE") that theorizes that this can be applied to the macro. Similar to Minecraft, the universe doesn't "load chunks" unless life it there to see it -- it doesn't care enough to process and load areas of itself and doesn't decide what's there unless something is looking at it. I think this TOE is a little nonsense but the idea is interesting.
Thanks for sauce.
You know more about reddit than I do.
know this from expiriance??
Mind that edge kiddo
You Chechen son of a bitch. I'll kill you for that!
saging and reporting gay threads
I think they wear those things so they can get fat and nobody can see it.
Their husbands have 3 other wives and rape the non-believers as needed anyway.
> you'll see that light can decide whether it was a particle or a wave based on whether or not it will be observed *in the future*, which seems to indicate some retro-causality
So the ancients were right all along.
please come to brazil
how was that edgy?
>2 years
>same dude
thought traps were worse than women when it came to relatonship
Traps are less degenerate than woman
Give me a Brazilian tranny over that thing any day.
Here's your average brazilian tranny: youtube.com
The meaning of life is life itself.
There is none.
No god, no greater goal. Someday all of humanity will cease to exist and it will be as if we never even existed.
So just relax and do whatever you like, bro. No one has a right to tell you otherwise.
I am convinced that America is about 10-15 years from being Brazil
Probably. Brazil geographically has large majority-white places, just like we will continue to have, but we're going to be a mudbath inside of a generation.
Traps are better than women at everything.
to manifest.
>We exist to pass on our genes
Why do you think that?
To immortalize yourself in a positive way, whether it be inventing something useful, creating a master work of art, founding a business to pass on, solving a political issue, etc. If no one remembers you after you die, or if no one gives a shit, then your life has been a waste in my opinion.
It's interesting that non-whites get so drawn in by nihilism desu.
Dear god. What have I done?
Pro-tip: no one will remember you after 500 years anyway.
You know I've heard this question more times than I care to think but I really never put stock into the word "meaning" when being asked.
What is the meaning of life? I honestly think that has to be up to the observer. Even is their were to be a god, the existence of free will still dictates this idea.
The meaning is what you put into it.
tfw no qt gf (male)
>immortalize yourself
how childish
Traps and especially trannies are shit.Twinks are better desu.
Sauce on that is Lanita Hot
Pic related, she has same tattoos
To find happiness in traps.
I can't stop laughing!
Passing our genes into that boipussy.
Clever responseson a Virginian aquarium review forum
sage and report this faggot
to crush your enemies
Nothing better then breeding hot sweaty boipucci during a summer's eve
We have a shitposting board now
Mods pls ban people that bump shitposting threads here. It's time.
>There is no objective purpose for us past this.
To survive.
>liking sweat
Sauce please, I love *female-to-male* trannies (male to female sucks because it makes me feel gayo)
What am I supposed to do with this number user
>tfw you love musky men
blaire white is no trap, he is a twink with tits and disgusting gay voice.
Google it.
First link