Why is basic biology now considered controversial to the Left, Sup Forums?
Netflix edits 1996 episode of 'Bill Nye the Science Guy'
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fake news
I really wish posting unarchived links to MSM was a bannable offense.
>that pic
>1 post by this ID
>blatant clickbait without an archive
What the fuck.
Pls dont click guys, its fake and stupid !
Just leave Bill Nye alone.
holy shit is this real?
if so it would be perfect for the "victory sign means only two genders" thing
The Blaze? Archive you stupid nigger!
I'm sick of people farming for clicks
>Only 2 possibilities
>XX or XY
I've met at least 15 XXY's
It is frightening to see Netflix sending "controversial" topics such as 2 genders down the memory hole, though
Bypass the stupid link in OP and just watch the source vid
How about I not and you just not go there if you have this big qualm about it?
>Post link
>Wahh, you're giving them traffic!
>Don't post link
>Nice source, faggot!
That is not the issue Netflix is referring to, though.
Delete this right now you stupid goyim!
That's why we use pastebin or even quote the article. I'm done. I don't want to derail this thread.
They are just trying to promote goodthink, what's wrong with that? Your post comes of as doubleplusungood.
How fucking new do you have to be to not know about archiving?
So they actually added the static?
why is archiving so damn important? So you can deprave a media company by less than a cent?
The left fears the truth.
Fuck this gay world!