Has he become /ourguy/?
> In December 2016, when asked "Aren't you an atheist?" in response to a Christmas Day post on Facebook, Zuckerberg responded, "No. I was raised Jewish and then I went through a period where I questioned things, but now I believe religion is very important."
Has he become /ourguy/?
never ourguy.
No. If he announces a candidacy he will share a head space with 5.56
Obongo thinks high of religion too.
>common sense makes you Sup Forums
I don't think that these days anybody believes in the supernatural stuff from the Bible, but you can't deny it has useful teachings in it. It's a pretty average and un-offensive answer. He gives a nod both to the atheists and to the theists (not necessarily Christians).
if you are a zionist globalist transhumanist who wants to enslave all non jews into mind controlled slave golems, sure.
Go milk a cow, Mark.
I cant wait to see the memes if he runs, itll be like shooting fish in a barrel
>I was raised Jewish
I hate nu-Sup Forums so god damn much. I'm adding /ourguy/ to my filter.
This, fuck all of the bullshit. He runs, im running at him with grape shot
There would be no greater threat to our democracy.
He is definitely white to me
Can stormfags distinguish Ashkenazim from whites by appearance?
>Inplying americucks won't just take it up the ass.
He's hiring 3000 new employees to monitor fb posts you know
Ashkenazim Jews have small horns underneath their hair and smell like sulfur. Its not hard to distinguish them from humans.
It's the same copout answer Obama gave when he was asked if he believed in Jesus.
"I have seen the healing power of Christ in Black communities" or some other bullshit.
>our guy
Bongs are retarded.
Ever since Sup Forums was tricked in to becoming enthusiastically pro-Jew, Zuckerjew if yourguy.
You retards love that Jew Trump.
>if you ever need dirt on anyone in Harvard, let me know
>I don't know why, they trust me
>dumb fucks
Not our guy, not societies guy, he's a prick.
Yeah and Richard Spencer isn't a plant.
Obama was elected because of facebook
What is zuckerjew up to now? It's way more popular than 2008. If he wants to put himself into the whitehouse he could considering anything anti-liberal or anti-s emetic is considered hate speech.
Its very important to be able to lie about your beliefs if you going to get the Dem nomination, huh mark.
>post on facebook "death to all jews"
>phone rings
>pajeet answers
>umm hello sir, joo cannot be saying dose tings on de internet, da joos hab done notting wrong
>hello my fellow Go-ahh-Americans
Jews and kikes are diff desu famalam
>messianic jews in Israel
>kikes in media and porn
You want to help the cause? Identify the enemy faggot
>jews and kikes are different
inb4 based black man
inb4 #NAXALT
I did. The enemy is Jew Trump and every Jew cuck that supports him.
Yup, hope he sends all Drumpf supporters to jail.
He tried to warn us.
Fuck that jew POS
Rev up those gas chambers
Fuck you, Jews arent muslims, muslims are all shit. Know the difference between jews you stupid faggot. Talmudic Jew= Satan. Messianic Jews= Christ love
is supreme leader /ourguy/?
No, but I respect him now more that he rejected Jewish atheism
Orthodox Jews aren't really the problem. All leftists ideologies come from Secular Jews Marxism etc..
-puts hand up-
i believe in most of it, and that there's spiritual realities which manifest in people's lives (healings, miraculous escapes etc) today.
Jews are Jews are Jews are Jews. Messianic Jews are the worst bunch of them all. I'm a Messianic pagan. I believe Jesus was the Messiah but I still give my enemies blood eagles and worship Odin. Fuck Jews. Fuck you and your civic nationalism bullshit.
>Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Jews get out.
>Judaism is a religion
Worst meme of all time.
Ashkenazi look slightly retarded or deformed from centuries of inbreeding. Very easy to spot.
Is Zucker(((berg))) our guy... let's see
a jew, racemixer, created goybook, in bed with CIA, in to cabals and further shady shit
yes OP, he is defiantly our guy... you braindead mong
I've read some dumb shit but this takes the cake. Full on Christ or full on hell. Sort yourself out kid
Didn't know they had iPhones in Moesia lol
Tell me more about BASED JEWS who are totally Christian and love the West.
He's a satanist retard. A freemason.
>is X /ourguy/
>is Y /ourguy/
If they're /ourguy/, you won't have to ask faggot
nice digits
Sauce on stone cutter connection?
Man the shills are out. this is a new offensive.
I think it is time to start a shit ton of expose the jew thread.
Can we have ip`s tagged with stars of david??
Hitler did nothing wrong
no, I am using telegraph to transmit signals and translate the site in to binary from my dilapidated bomb shelter and then convert it to english with a printed graph
Yeah, they're behaving like irc chat bots on timers
cant defeat the zucchini
Madeline Albright is Catholic too? Right?
this i'm an atheist but i think religion is important, i really wish i could believe in a god thought
He doesnt reconices isreal as a state, he is our guy, pol has gone so weak, they are tolerating these slid threads instead of starting a expose zucker berg thread