>ruining the continent of europe for the 3rd time in 100 years
>not muslim
He's got a tan dude fuck off. Honestly these X aren't white threads are getting old. Fucking Saged
Tan skin = Not White?
Who made that horseshit up?
Real handsome shitskin you got there
By that logic arabs are also just white ppl with a tan and dark hairy body. Ohh right, just like wops
>Not Semitic
Lol bruh that's a spic.
Meaning, skin TONE, is not a sole identifier of RACE. You fucking MUPPET
Lol, neither germans nor italians are white.
>shitskin """Italian""" americans in tears
60% is a huge overestimate
LOL, Jesus fuck, now GERMANS?
This is hysterical
OP pic looks more SICILIAN than anything else. There's a difference.
But to say Italians are not White/Euro...then what are they?
Looks white to me.
White means human, noble, civilized, angelic, holy, superior, etc.
This guy knows whats up
Good one.
this desu
>Italians not white
>white ppl master race
Pic one
Read the sticky.
Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Are X white?
>somehow related to romans
You baka or what
"Tbh the only whites are Anglo-Saxons" – Benjamin Franklin
Then Ben Franklin was a fucking Moron