I have seen black people get shot and then we see mass protest and the Black Lives Matter movement steps in but why not this guy? This guy was a Mexican fatally shot but cops while trying to escape but at the end he gets shot what is your thought on this guy dose he deserve being shot because of his action or he just a criminal
Miguel Chavez-Angles is shot dead by Oklahoma police on video
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Will they send his body back?
Because this is oklahoma. I live here. You donr fuck with cops. The last race riot was in tulsa and they bombed the niggers neighborhoods. We dont fuck around here. They know better than to try that berkley shit here. We stand up for our police and we are loud and proud about it
where is the video faggit?
After seen the video I have one question ¿ Why are female cops so useless?
You're either retarded or 12 years old. Learn to fucking spell, formulate a sentence and get out of Sup Forums.
>get arrested
>get deported
Yeah, great plan.
The Tulsa 'race riot' was actually niggers just destroying their own city. It started with a nigger groping a white woman in an elevator, and when the niggers wouldn't hand over the perp, shots were fired.
From that point forward, everything you've heard about it is complete lies. They just made up a false history based on nigger-babble. They all made up some stories about some massacre that took place, when in fact it was just them rioting like they do.
Oh and it was 'black wall st' before they burned it all down. Suuuure, niggas tradin' stocks n sheeit.
white people on white criminals made good
>fucking white trash deserved it
hispanic people on hispanic criminals made good
>fucking spic deserved it
black people on black criminals made good
>he a good
>dindu nuffin
>need mo money
>das rayciss
blacks have a pathologically need to protect the degenerates that bring them down as a people. whereas other races separate the wheat from the chaff among their own kind
>one less spic
> I have seen black people get shot and then we see mass protest and the Black Lives Matter movement steps in but why not this guy?
Mexicans have to go to their jobs in the farms, that's why there are no Mexican protestors
Because hispanics at least have enough synapses to recognize and own up to acknowledging that one of their own are massive fuck ups. There is no honor in defending malcriados.
Mexicans > Blacks
he deserved it for trying to grab the gun
fucking retard
fucking female cop nearly shot the bus driver by accident.
Why do you lie so much?
yeah pretty much
>dose he deserve being shot because of his action
Cops don't shoot because you "deserve" it. They shoot because they consider you a threat.
Fuck off Australia
why, because he has a point you cant argue?
He is completely right, cops aren't like in judge Dredd were they decide what the punishment will be on the spot
"Deserve" being shot?
Deserve doesn't really cover it.
He seems like he's mentally ill.
But he is attacking a cop and trying to take her gun, so it was the right thing to shoot him.
Like, let's say someone dresses up as a fake suicide bomber, then walks up to a state leader, meaning it as a joke. Do they deserve being shot for that? No, but they should get shot for that. We are beyond the scope of the term "deserve".
He was clearly crazy but the only reason he died was because that woman wanted to play make-believe as a police officer, and a man had to step in a rescue her.