Post them.
Political Compass Thread
What race are you?
Quite satisfied with this.
I always get around the centre
This one is good too
Looks like we got ourselves a radical centrist.
Fuck off, ANTIFA scum
creampie joi is my fetish
lmao you fucking idiots think that the political compass quiz accurately represents political beliefs, u fucking pieces of crap are worst than astrologists. no wonder Sup Forums is called the shithole of the internet hahahahaha
Fight me.
Also this because why not
no such thing as libertarian left kill yourself
>implying that centrism isn't the only political ideology that isn't inherently retarded
Datamining thread. Sage.
What happened user? ;c
I was honestly quite surprised by this result.
Tfw you are literally Codreanu but you get this
Literally me
Also this
Someone is sad about being cucked by ahmed
It's scary beacuse it's so accurate
The sad thruth is that most people are left wing even on pol. They just don't realize it.
Used to be a little further south
Even most 'extreme right' parties/people in Europe are economically more left leaning. Sup Forums probably hates this, but in a majority white country things like universal healthcare are a pretty good idea. Subhumans coming in thanks to (((them))) just fuck the whole thing up.
Economic Left/Right: -4.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.31
what up bitches
Some of the questions were very ambiguous.
This is my political compass chart
>oppose all war (except for funding Assad against ISIS as ISIS is our fault and responsibility)
>cut all foreign aid to Israel, redirect it to Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Libya as reparations
>expand the freedom of speech so that no opinion may be illegal, allow people to incite violence
>strip human rights from those who do not respect human rights, execute warmongers
>defend against pollution and climate change
>ban pornography (but it's far more important to remove the demand in the first place)
>require rigorous physical and mental conditioning in schools, ensure the young are healthy Aryans with good genetic hygiene, take the hormone-loaded processed poison out of school lunches and punish parents who give their children soda just as we would punish parents who give their kids cigarettes
>remove all references to race and racial identity from the census and educational curriculum unless in criticism of people who identify races (racists)
>fund unavoidable campaigns against promiscuity and laziness, encourage citizens to shame the apathetic
>establish a meritocratic hierarchy based on virtue on the road towards equality
>expand food stamps so that no American may go hungry, but limit them so that they cannot purchase junk food
>universal healthcare for people who eat healthy, are not fat, and do not use drugs
>deploy massive oversight on harmful chemicals/hormones in environment and food, thoroughly control food and water
>regulate big business, deregulate small business
>sanction or seize businesses which defy the public interest or corrupt society
>separate church and state, abolish marriage and make it a religious decision
>nationwide stand-your-ground and concealed carry, encourage every citizen to own a firearm and use it against criminals and tyrants
>build a wall, but only deport illegal immigrants that have committed further crimes
>publicly fund elections, end lobbying
>build a space elevator
>santion or seize
you dont sound like a burger
tfw racist ukip voter and not even that right wing on this shitty american thing
Literally me
Wait, how would that even work?
Yep, pretty much exactly what I expected.
lol kikes
Not a kike. Also, not getting raped by sand niggers.
But taken around the same time.
I got Neocon on that.
ayy lmao
I was a bit surprised by this
Japanese or inferior Asian?
>that like/dislike ratio
shit, I posted a non-meme version of a political compass thread. This map should be for memes only.
im almost centrist scum
Spekr says libertarian-capitalist, pretty accurate.
forgot cap
Right in the middle of the blue, what they call "Right Wing Populism"
Don't have a pic, here's a Pepe instead
Beat this.