Why does Sup Forums hate this based man?
Why does Sup Forums hate this based man?
Because they don't know shit about him.
If they knew many idiots here would like him.
>he was a paranoid mass murderer though, worse than Hitler
Ugly Semite
Not all Sup Forums
he didn't kill enough people
please die
wew lad
>Why does Sup Forums hate this based man?
Because he was a great leader of great country that was hostile to capitalism.
Who on the earth will allow to praise their enemy?
USSR was state capitalism.
>Because he was a great leader of great country that was hostile to capitalism.
He dealt with starvation problem by killing off starving people. Truly mark of a great leader.
Pinochet was cool in the sense he fucked up commies, but he was also corrupt, too brutal and CIA puppet.
statist cuck
literally Nazi spy
>so Sup Forumsguy
Because he was a fanatic who destroyed most of Eastern Europe to consolidate power.
>wore metric shit-ton of medals, yet never fought on any battlefields.
>sold off grain supply to fund cold-war arms race with the west, while his own population suffered from starvation and severe malnutrition.
>paranoid twat who destabilized his entire airforce based on suspicion. This was the cue for Hitler's invasion.
If you want to mention Stalin's atrocities, use some that actually happened.
10/10 would starve again.
>this from a German of all people.
>wore metric shit-ton of medals
That's Brezhnev.
He led armies though, during civil war.
Also, he did more than destabilize airforce. He outright ignored Germans invaded for quite some time.
>Heльзя идти пpoтив иcтopии. Яcнo, чтo ecли в гopoдaх Укpaины дo cих пop eщё пpeoблaдaют pyccкиe элeмeнты, тo c тeчeниeм вpeмeни эти гopoдa бyдyт нeизбeжнo yкpaинизиpoвaны. Лeт 40 тoмy нaзaд Pигa пpeдcтaвлялa coбoй нeмeцкий гopoд. Ho тaк кaк гopoдa pacтyт зa cчeт дepeвeнь, a дepeвня являeтcя хpaнитeльницeй нaциoнaльнocти, тo тeпepь Pигa — чиcтo лaтышcкий гopoд. Лeт 50 нaзaд вce гopoдa Beнгpии имeли нeмeцкий хapaктep, тeпepь oни мaдьяpизиpoвaны. To жe мoжнo cкaзaть o тeх гopoдaх Укpaины, кoтopыe нocят pyccкий хapaктep и кoтopыe бyдyт yкpaинизиpoвaны, пoтoмy чтo гopoдa pacтyт зa cчeт дepeвни
You commies are so fucking retarded, really. Every self-respecting Russian must hate this piece of shit and other soviet scum.
dirty commie
The single largest ethnic cleansing in human history.
Prussians --> Germany
Poles in what is now Ukraine and Weiß Russland --> Prussia
Ukranians from eastern Ukraine to what was Poland
Russians from God only knows where in Russia to what is now East Ukraine and Western Weiß Russland
He was a madman.
cuz he killed alot of slavs :(
Because Stalin killed few commies.
Based hohol. Good to see not everyone in Ukraine is retarded.
Well he liked moving people around for some reason, I guess he was weird like that.
Like he would wake up in the morning and think "Hey, what if I packed the entire Chechen nation into trains overnight and dumped them in the middle of Kazakhstan steppe? Prank of the century!"
Remove Russian
Praising anything good Stalin did is like praising a man who gave you a prosthetic leg after amputating you leg with an axe.
I guess on the bright side he had good aesthetics and was not a liberal. Still he was awful.
Had he not treated more or less everyone like complete cattle and didn't have all of his half-decent economists executed, the USSR would have won the cold war.
Hitler was even worse yet some here praise him.
That's my point though. If same idiots knew really how Stalin was like, they would love him. He was like alpha Hitler.
7/10 Gulag trains were late
>Hitler was even worse
You got the source on that, sork?
How would you rate wrecking your nation in 12 years?
Stalin's biggest vice was his intentional ignorance on the basics of supply and demand.
Had he not executed every single economist that didn't confirm his notions on how an economy should have run, the world would be materially different today.
Fake pic, THIS is Djugashvili
because Sup Forums is edgy teens brought up by CIA propaganda and Hollywood kike-filmmakers
Why would such trash of people like at least someoe decent?
I don't like it when leaders use government power to kill innocent people, let alone their OWN people.
Nah, in my opinion as soon as the world revolution idea was abandoned, the end of USSR was a foregone conclusion, because capitalism is by nature more efficient that socialism in consuming resources and converting them into goods. They cannot co-exist.
Stalin did things both right and wrong. I see no need to praise or demonize him. THere were dozens of leaders like him and dozens worse. He is only notable because USSR had such a huge impact on overall history.
It's not like he was known for having pock-marked skin or anything either....
Stalin's biggest vice was being a paranoid maniac.
He unironically believed that German mobilization on western border was somehow an Anglo plot to push him into war.
He literally shot people who gave him information contrary to this.
You see, for Stalin an Englishman was what Jew is for Sup Forumsack.
I fucking loathe the CIA and anxiously await the USSA's downfall as it turns on itself. Literally. Cannot. Wait.
That being said, Stalin was a truly one of the worst human beings to walk the planet in the past century. He had and still has lots of stiff competition.
Jew puppet who destroyed the Third Reich
What's to Like? Nothing
Though I'll give him credit for being the best communist
Technically he's correct
It's just commies miscalculated the type of culture Ukraine should have been exposed to. They started to push this regionalism, like there is """specifically""" Ukrainian culture and not a more broad perplexed Southern Russian one, with its own freaks and geniuses, and submerged Ukraine into a self-collapsing bubble.
I just post the pic previously posted by other
Easy there user, you replied to edgy teen brought up by KGB propaganda and Russian state run media
>He dealt with starvation problem by killing off starving people.
lies spreading by (((them)))
>Right thing to do was industrialize sustainably without killing millions.
And how would you do it? Not trolling, seriously asking.
Because the original plans, made during NEP, came crashing the first time Kulaks started sperging in 1927.
no wonder why Russians love him. Stalin made from bydlo nuclear nation.
Socialism as it was employed in the USSR was (and still is, see DPRK) clearly a defective model.
Had he not fucking executed everyone who tried to tell him otherwise, you would have had a Perestroika in the 30s.
But yeah, free-market capitalism (not the bullshit we have right now) is the best economic model out there to-date.
>He unironically believed that German mobilization on western border was somehow an Anglo plot to push him into war.
Well, he was correct in a sense that Anglos did in fact intend to use Hitler as a battering ram against USSR. Things went sideways, however.
What's this bullshit about "Russian state media"?
Russian official position is that Stalin was a paranoid mass murderer.
You're confusing tankie minority and Russian state. If you don't believe me just go to RT and read Russapedia.
came across ths one while fannying around for funny stalins
quite a cool pic.
WTF I love Stalin now
>No.. I can't even do it ironically.
You can review the Parliamentary Minutes from the House of Commons from Jan of 1871. The English were in full melt-down as the new unified Germany was twice their size.
They wanted to maintain power, and one chap suggested getting the new Unified German and Russia to fight one-another. (Russia was growing at the time and would have presented a problem for the English as well).
Needless to say, instead of the Germans and the Slavs getting along, they decided to kill one another off.
We're both countries run by morons.
Jews get the helicopter
They hate him because he was not a martyr like that faggot loser Adolf.
Stalin was badass & based as hell AND he won and rekt everyone opposing him, an alpha that rose from literally nothing to one of the most influential and strongest people that ever lived.
Дa здpaвcтвyeт тoвapищ Cтaлин!
alright lads, conceded.
what is this young Stalin ting I'm seeing then?
Anycunt read it?
Because degeneracy that USA forced down the Europe together will Marshall plan were too lucrative in comparison to the "bleak totalitarian state".
It's now that we know that it's degenerate, but mark my words. If for next 100 years conservative society will be established, it will crash and burn to the same degenerates that preach "tolerance and diversity" now.
>from bydlo
oh c`mon, there were many good russian scientists, but yeah stalin was pretty good as leader
I did not in fact say capitalism is better. I said it's more efficient in rapidly consuming available resources and converting them into goods, aka "economic growth". In my opinion that's a bad thing, because it's a wasteful and unsustainable system. However in an economic competition it will always win against any kind of socialism.
Soviet socialism was flawed because 1) Marx mistakenly thought a managed society was possible on 19th century tech and 2) Lenin and his bunch of retards thought that forcibly implementing socialism in a comparatively backwatds agrarian country during a World War was a good idea when even Marx wrote that it should happen in most industrialized countries first.
>Pro Zionist CIA backed neoliberals
Reported you to Moscow prosecutor's office for gay propaganda.
Trick question. You can't because collectivization as well as Soviet socialism was retarded.
Even when you ignore Stalin, Gosplan literally told leadership since 60's that Soviet economy doesn't work and needs to be reformed. Yet no one did anything until it was too late.
He wasn't correct. It was pure paranoia. British didn't even have a residency in Moscow, yet he saw British plots everyhwere. He was paranoid.
>We're both countries run by morons.
True on our side at least.
Yeah fear us otherwise we will cut the money drain and your neetbux Antonio
>He literally shot people who gave him information contrary to this.
That contrary information was "Poland is going to attack USSR to take the rest of Ukraine".
USSR was true communism.
>what did he mean by this?
Let's be honest: how many information about Stalin you uncritically accepted from jews media, and how many critical information you got from reading a specific literature?
You guys just unironically parroting (((their))) opinion on Stalin without thinking. Stop it. You really have no pride?
>was raised in the west
>wtf why is she a degenerate whore?
You have been tricked by Eternal Anglo.
Fair enough, although there is no means to have a sustainable economy based on consumption (as opposed to what ... survival) on a finite planet.
If you are to have socialism, one must have a few things:
1) Nationalism
2) constantly growing population
3) capped max payments.
This buttfuck system we have at the moment, world socialism mixed with croney capitalism is complete bullshit and I cannot wait for it to burn to the ground.
>You can't because collectivization as well as Soviet socialism was retarded.
So leaving shit as is and pumping money hoping that Kulaks will oversatiate and stop.
> treated his people as meat
> based
kill yourself pal
German leadership got it all wrong after Bismarck.
Yet sadly Wilhelm II gets all the blame even though he wasn't as bad as pop-history makes you think.
For example, he didn't want WW1 to happen. Who plans to start a war and then goes on a cruise on his yacht as war looms?
It was part of German leadership that started it, along with retarded Austrians who tried to salvage their dead empire.
Alliance with A-H was a catastrophe.
No it wasn't. Communism is the communal ownership of the means of production. In such a system, everything is free (including your labor). Thus, there is no need for money.
The Reds tried this in the early 20s. Obviously didn't work so they reverted to traditional-run-of-the-mill authoritarian involuntarily socialism.
Stalin was Georgian. Not a Semite in the slightest.
What's wrong with communism?
Stalin's kid is clearly larping as Tank Girl.
whereas Mussolini's bambino is posing on the cover of Playboy.
I don't expect real socialism to happen until we make real breakthroughs in fields like energy generation, automation, etc. Basically another happening on the scale of Industrial Revolution.
The current neoliberal world system is awful, but I think we are seeing the beginning of its end.
Order 227 maybe
>defending (((Judeo-Bolshevism)))
Imagine being this cucked, Ivan!
Worse than hitler