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real life is shit
Fuck off. You can't tell me what to do, OP.
The graphics are good but the content sucks.
I experienced real life all week, now I'm going to mow my lawn and have a few beers.
Its fuckn raining twat
Nigga I live in suburbia wtf you think I'm gonna do
>went outside
>graphics were shit
Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Sup Forums is hated and despised. Called a racist, a traitor. Most people are rational and goodhearted, and they know a board like that has no business in society. To say nothing of the marginalized and persecuted minorities who will flock to support to the woman who promises them a brighter future. Go to your neighbor and tell them you visit Sup Forums watch as they slam the door in your face.
I'm serious. Go out in public and see what happens when you make your political views public to your social circles. Your family, your friends and your co-workers.
You will be an outcast in days while liberal views are accepted as the norm.
What are you doing outside? It seems like you're just staring at a view of the sea. The same view I am now enjoying from couch thanks to the beauty of the internet.
I can't experience real life, some cunt's fenced it off!
I'm going to the bar tonight to celebrate my birthday.
I'll be sitting in the dark corner, pretending to care about the sport game on TV.
I'm really just going to see the qt Ukrainian bartender who doesn't even know my name.
She'll say, "Hey, you, Miller Lite?" I'll nod yes, and she will never realize that she just spoke the most words to me that I have heard all week.
>be me
>get offa innanets
>go outside
>niggers everywhere
>go back home
Real life looks shit
what do you do in real life? just sit there and look at nature ? for how long? is there some kind of enjoyment from this?
>falling for the nature jew
Can't dude, there are niggers n shit outside.
If people acted like Jordan Peterson or a civilized human being without trying to impose their pathetic "alphaness" on everyone, I would.
waiter, this pasta is stale
back 2 reddit
No im depressed
So I go to that place in your pic, then what? Fall asleep?
I've got everything I need in this world right here in my room, fuck the 'real' world
hey bud. happy birthday! i didn't have anyone to celebrate with last year when i moved to a new city. it sucked
What exactly what I do outside????
You've just described all of my weekends for the past 8 months.
>shit graphics
>shit draw distance
"good" example, op
You sound like a creepy rapist faggot.
(Which is most of 4Chins users)
miller lite?
kill yourself
>its hot and gives me butterfles when Chad does it
Femanons GTFO
happy birthday man! wish you many more years of redpills!
same here, i moved from sweden to escape the rapefugees, thank god my mom re-married to a leaf (wish it was an American if im honest.)
Graphics are pretty good though.
Thanks. I haven't spent my birthday with anyone in over 5 years.
Pretty much my routine during hockey season. In the Summer, it switches to the patio of a different bar.
No, she's just the only person who is even remotely nice to me.
Real life doesn't exist anymore, mans natural life as been destroyed; You can only see this through external observation.
>go outside
>get shot
gameplay is really boring though
But I like it here better.
too many niggers out there, sorry
Repetitive as well once you get to the mid game.I hope it gets more exciting soon or ill just quit playing.
I'm not falling for your Jewish tricks! It sucks outside.
Slide thread, Focus on memeing Le Pen
>broken marriage system
>shit graphic
>currency is broken
>merching too op for starters to compete
>no private server
>mods and admins only think about a few p2w (((players)))
>most of the players turn into npc by mid-game
>some players receive booster packs and free zone-change because of their cosmetic
>other players in the same situation are forced to become npc or they can't progress because they didnt start with the good color
And finally
>all players have to follow the meta or they can be booted from the main server and respawn in a closed server ran by npcs