>Be me in late 2016
>Be a leftie kike who loves multiculturalism and socialism
>Meet a redpilled autist on some group
>Expose yourself to the right
>Find memes which call you a cuck for your current beliefs
>Get pissed and expose yourself to opposing beliefs
>Go to Sup Forums to get started
>Fellow lefties call you out and make you feel bad
>Shift to the right side of the spectrum as a result (still a lib)
>Advocate for freedom
>Witness degeneracy firsthand
>Go to Sup Forums for answers
>Start getting authoritarian
>Realize freedom brings chaos
>Become a full-blown fascist
>Realize degeneracy and progressivism deteriorates society
>Become a traditionalist
>Visit Sup Forums again
>OD on redpills and realize the rabbit hole never ends
>Friends confused that how tf did that happen so fast
>Smell the fear in leftie friends
>Mfw I'm literally Hitler
Thanks Sup Forums
Pic related
Be me in late 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
Based on true events.
10/10 based on true events
Just another brown shitnigger muslim speaking of stuff which doesn't even concern him under his glorified sharia
>Friends confused that how tf did that happen so fast
every time
I shouldn't laugh any more. But I do! Every time!
Mfw I'm not even a Muslim
So what, you could be the greatest redpilled being and yet you can't change a single thing.
OP should try to draw muhammad on some public square and lets see how fast his corpse will dangle from a lamppost.
>You can't change a single thing
I'm taking political science (for obvious reasons) so don't count on it. I can't make a change for now at least.
many such cases
Even if i admire your effort, you'll most likely will be stabbed or beheaded by your muslim overlords.
Pakistan is +90% muslim and known to repress other ethnicities and beliefs so good luck friendo.
So what are you?
what are you then ? hindu ?
Nah, it isn't as bad as you think it to be. 99% sure I won't get stabbed or beheaded. Pakistan doesn't have Sharia law.
>Pakistan dosent have sharia law
Top fuckin Kek
Inb4 I get skewered
Says a non-Pakistani
This happens a lot. Especially witht he ones who come here to shill up the board. They come in spewing liberal bullshit and just windup redpilling themselves. I bet a full third of paid shillposters from around the time of the Iowa caucus ended up voting Trump before the next November.
Reported to Sharia police
Search Pakistans rape laws you will understand how childish is your claim
for what exactly?
Yeeeeaaaaa right.
Even if your law is based on british common law you can't tell me a 90% muslim majority doesn't keep to qu'ran which clearly holds sharia law over any other law.
You're naive and you will pay for it
I went deep commitment.
My reasoning is as follows: I learned national socialism is so dangerous to the jew they waged war and subverted our entire history to cover it up.
There can be nothing more beautiful in the world than completing Hitler's dream. That is my reason for living.
Kikes are banned in the shithole that's Pakistan. Everything there is a Yahoodi Saazish.
This is essentially how ISIS 'radicalizes' Muslim your to right for their cause.
It's only a matter of time before (((they))) come for Sup Forums
Are you a fellow panjeet or a Katua?
>OD on redpills and realize the rabbi hole never ends
>>Be a leftie (((kike))) who loves multiculturalism and socialism
show us your nose
Aren't you committing blasphemy or something like that?
How is there left and right in Pakistan? I thought it was Blasphemy or Sharia.
But do you know the earth is flat? youtube.com
real talk famalam. what would actually happen to me if i visited pakistan? i'm white, middle aged, obviously american. would they kill me on site?
similar thing happened to me. came here by accident from Sup Forums as a leftie, i never looked back.
>Me, Jew, late 2016
>Thought Sanders was good
>look at plebbit
>ayyy redpill T_D
>Feel like there's more
>Come here, lurk for 6 months
>Besides shit calling for my lynching/gassing, the veil is lifted
>the world feels shittier, but I feel better
Is there any way I can continue to live in glorious Sup Forums world without being shot for being a kike?
>Be a mudslime
>"Hey, swedecuck, let me in. You're not intolerant, racist, xenophobic and islamophobic are you?"
leave paki nigger
Pakistan is pseudo-theocracy, not a full fledged one.
No but Jessie and Mike over at TRS would love to have you!
I'd rather stay and try to make Pakistan a better place.
you are fucking shitskin, fuck off
buy ak47 and fucking kill mooslems you faggot
you should dick a swed girl
might as well
good don't come here and fix your country good luck
This is my goal as well. Why settle for half measures if there is even a slight chance to change the course of our society
>leftie kike who loves multiculturalism and socialism
Thanks. I'll definitely need it.
Same here.
How do left wingers even exist in Pakistan? I thought Islam had socialist stipulations already so that should take care of any left-wingers (whom mostly just want free shit under the facade of social equality).
Pakistan definitely has west-loving secular liberals.
Libs here hate Sharia law. They want democratic socialism instead of natsoc. Also, they hate the very idea of a theocracy.
what % of Pakistan would you say they are?
I see, so just like left-wingers everywhere they want to be degenerates. Good luck in fighting them Pakibro.
Pretty sure my superior autistic tendencies will force them to call me a racist bigot, which in turn prove me correct.
A small %age but they're definitely making their voices heard. We also have a university (where I'll be going) which is s breeding ground for lefties.
Good luck.
True. I pity those who run away.
say hello to your future