With the French election on the Horizon its starting to become rather puzzling as to how we got dumped and bombarded with Gigabytes of classified information. With the recent Macron E-mail leaks, code revealing Russian typing leaves us to suggest: have we been used by the CIA?
My theory is that they have taken advantage of /pol to discredit MLP or Nationalism as a whole, or to use this to further justify conflict with Russia.
I thought the CIA was a meme and they get all their info from Sup Forums
Liam Murphy
I thought CIA was a bunch of bronies.
Kevin Robinson
We're using the CIA, not the other way around.
Nothing personal, kid.
Angel Jenkins
And Shariablue, you're so stupid for coming out immediately and saying you went through the leaks and it was "the Russians, no need to look further"
Juan Butler
>implying its not just a blame game, and they are shitting their pants
>implying they didn't make an entire meme warfare division and got BTFO by a bunch of NEETs
you are giving them too much credit user.
The kikes are losing their grip hold on western perception and they are freaking the fuck out.
Chase Foster
>We're using the CIA, not the other way around. >Nothing personal, kid. quit larping you dirty jew
Adrian White
is the most shilled website in the internet infiltrated? surely not, who would think otherwise?
there was especially no flood of shills once the last US election began, all those new users are simply authentic Sup Forums users who just did not post before
Jayden Davis
I think the question is, has the CIA been infiltrated by Sup Forums