Obama's legacy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Below Average President who was black
Obammacare is dead. Cry nigga bitch ^^
Terrible president
Destroyed economy
Destroyed overseas influence
Raised taxes
Abandoned Israel
Whipped blacks into a frenzy
First black president
Obama is white.
last negro president
No habeas corpus, legal to declare war with no congress and popular approval, increased spying. Just off the top of my head
first black president in jail
putting men into girls bathrooms.
obamas legacy = shit and piss.
Let ISIS take over and ethnically cleanse Christians, Yazidis, and pre-Islamic culture.
Let domestic terrorists like BLM kill cops, mostly white, and insulted the police at their funerals.
being a nigger
Chew soap
Communist scum who legalised gay marriage
Press "S" to spit on legacy
who is this pecker wrecker
Chimney in Chief.
Obama = David Dinkins
Trump = Guliani
if you don't know who David Dinkins is, that's the point
First nog president that destroyed race relations
A pretty good president compared to the before and latter.
Helped push the British public towards voting Leave by being arrogant enough to publicly support Remain.
>Terrible president
>Destroyed economy
Dow is up. The economy got better, but the money went to the rich. Something that isn't going to improve under the current administration
>Destroyed overseas influence
Most of the world laughed at America after Trump got elected
>Raised taxes
Fair enough
>Abandoned Israel
That a problem, leaf?
>Whipped blacks into a frenzy
That shit's been bubbling under the surface for decades. Blame social media and camera phones for bringing it to light.
dead cops and ISIS
Managed to be even worse than W in literally every way, which is quite a feat.
And common core which some states might keep because of all the book burning he inspired they can't pay to go back
>Most of the world laughed at America after Trump got elected
this is what (((MSM))) wants you to believe. All presidents of the most influental countries in the world respect Trump, which couldn't be said by Obama.
This guy gets it.
Dinkins gets more shit than he deserves. He cleaned up NYC a fair deal.
Killing towelheads.
They respect him like you're told to respect a child with down's syndrome.