Translated from Bivola:
In the Macron Leak there is a separate archive named xls_cedric.rar which contains the excel files with the political campaign budget..
We analyzed the metadata of all the excel files and this is what we got. All of these files have been opened and saved on a Russian version of Excel. In part of the files the data about the author is missing, in others they have not been wiped. As authors two names appear - Cedric - the quartermaster of Macron's party, whose email has been hacked, and somebody named Гeopгий Пeтpoвич Poшкa (Georgiy Petrovich Roshka). A person with the exact same name works in the Russian software company Eвpикa. According to colleagues from Russia this company has had contracts with the Russian agencies.
Macron leak metadata
This is huge.
>Georgiy Petrovich Roshka
We need to find as much as possible about him.
so its alter data by Russians to support LE pen there pet.
True or not true its the same shit they tryed with Hillary.
You need to go back to /r/politics.
Shill shill
Russia tried this in Bulgaria too.
>race mixing thread
>500 replies
>russian involvement in hackings
>fuck off shill!!!!!
Is this all you can repeat, robot?
>You are a shill screamed the useful idiot at the top of his lungs
Hy и чтo ты cдeлaeшь.jpg
sry i must shitpost
fuck off russian scum
>colleagues in Russia
Nice try CIA, this kind of thing is easily faked
>they can fake so it MUST be fake
>it of course cant be true or other side can fake as well
I don't care who got the data or the motives behind them. I only care about its authenticity.
More sunlight is always better, but this might be bullshit.
How hard would it be for CIA, China, Mossad, or ANY foreign government,
to leave fake and obvious trails that point to Russian software employees?
Find a name on the internet, easy.
Get a copy of Russian excel, easy.
Perform any hacking whatsoever, leave a Russian crumb.
Misdirection, Easy.
Nice try, CIA
>stop having fun rreeeeeee
yeah fuck off
The hackers who phished DNC registered these addresses last month
>MSM keeps pushing bullshit russia hacking narrative
>new leak has ovious cyrillic alphabet
wow man really fires my almonds, its not like there is a narrative going on here! things just happen!
germans are fucking autistic man
Watch hypernormalisation, this is all an attempt to demoralize and confuse the population.
I say both le pen and macron (and tptb) are in on this
>CIA hacks macron campaign allegedly proving offshore accounts. Adds metadata so they can blame Russia for the hack
Nice try KGB.
Literally anyone can use cyrillic, it's not evidence and you are clearly here trying to push a narrative
does anyone else think this might have been leaked because le pen is actually projected to win a land slide and they want people to blame leaks rather than actual anti EU sentiment
>A person with the exact same name works in the Russian software company Eвpикa.
Except, why would they do it?
Neither CIA, China, nor Mossad would need to destabilize EU. Think about it.
Theres definitely major spoop going on and Sup Forums is right in the middle of it as usual !
False flag-- this is meant to cause civil disorder when Le Pen is elected.
Its funny how they always try to spin the focus on who leaked the information and not whats actually in the information.
It could leak out of kims fat ass, if the information is real and verifiable there is nothing more to add.
How about all the other intelligence services get their asses up and leak stuff about putin and other "bad people".
>who profits?
>who profits?
>who profits?
>Oh, it could be russians
Email used to register these malicious domains was used to register others
>Neither CIA, China, nor Mossad would need to destabilize EU. Think about it.
you clearly haven't thought about that.
destabilization -> conflict -> war -> weapons -> money
This shit works in that order at least since WW1, we only got records that fat back that are detailed enough to see who profits from what conflicts.
So CIA is pushing a narrative by leaking macron campaign emails and adding cyrillic?
>Actual Russian shill calling everyone else a shill
Fuck off cunt
Not even to mention that the CIA has tech to make it look like a Russian hack and now a lot of people have that software
Libération just broke the mandatory media silence to shill for Macron
That's too far fetched. Europe will lose more money from a conflict on its territory then earn by selling weapons.
I'm digging for more information right now.
Wikileaks showed proof that NSA can make every attack to look chinese russian or whatever. In complex, obfuscated code.
This is too obvious. But if Putin did it, it doesn't matter to me.
Seriously how are Germans this dumb? Our CIA has the tech to easily fake this shit.
How is he a useful idiot if he wants this to happen? I want the west to be destabilized, western liberal democracy has brought everything crashing down on us in the first place.
but ANYONE could do it
it doesn't even have to be state sponsored, it could be any group or individual with money and an inclination
a simple troll could do it for lulz and use the 'russian hacking' meme for cover
Russia doesn't exactly have a vested interest in Le Pen leadership. Same with Trump and USA, Trump isnt a russian ally hes a republican more likely to shit on Russia with military force. 'EU destabilization' is like pin the tail on the donkey, trying to crapshoot an excuse for Russian motivation
>Russian software company Eвpикa
i have trouble finding this company, can you kick me in the right direction?
Yes, you Bulgarian shill.
If Russia did it, the leaks would have dropped immediately after the first election, immediately after Macron is in power since he has the implicit backing of the media and the Rothschilds, or be kept for blackmail material.
Those three times would be a lot more damaging than doing it now.
They could but they wouldn't, not in their interest.
Destabilization will bring nothing but more of the same shit. Just but a ticket to any Russian city, go check how they live. Is this what you want?
So did the e-mails hurt Macron? Does Le Pen have a chance? Is the fact that they are not letting the emails go public have any effect? Are the public even aware about them?
You are literally speculating out of your ass, kill yourself
they would have done far more than this piddling, inconsequential cia bs, adlolf.
Daily reminder that these leaks are a mess. With all the Nth dimensional chess and unknowns, there is no way to tell who's whooing who.
>don't trust the leaks they are fake
>but the russian metadata is real
Make up your minds faggots, do we trust the hacks or not?
If anything this whole thing was designed to hurt Russia and sour the relations of the new French president with them. It could very well be the EU behind it.
>true or not
That's what matters, not the motive behind the leaks.
>Make up your minds faggots, do we trust the hacks or not?
There is no Sup Forums.
Of course the hacks are real, you fucking inbred, broke, island Turk
>I'm digging for more information right now.
There's not much to dig really, this info was posted by pic related.
How _he_ found this so fast or know about this that's another question entirely.
It could be anybody, of course.
But saying that Russia doesn't exactly have a vested interest in Le Pen leadership and 'EU destabilization' is like pin the tail on the donkey is, lightly said, inaccurate.
Le Pen has pledged to stop the sanctions for Russia, and wants to dissolve the EU, which is even better for the Russians.
And no Trump or any other US president will ever shit on Russia with military force because they don't wont to destroy the world with a nuclear war.
Absolutely not true. Now is the most appropriate time as the information spreads in France via social media and Macron can't officially defend himself.
You Russian shill.
But I don't care who hacked them. The e-mails are real. We need transparency and deserve to see what was inside.
Are the French not mad?
The questions is have they been fucked with. The answer is there is no way to know.
In other words what OP is saying...
"Muh Russia"
"The leaks are true, but Muh Russia!"
"Stop looking inside the leaks, muh Rus!"
"Oy Vey!"
threadly reminder
while it might be Russia, it also might be the CIA framing Russia. see:
>How _he_ found this so fast or know about this that's another question entirely.
Professional journalists, doing investigations as their job, no?
Some are real, some allegedly modified by a Russian software guy named Roshka?
>CIA shooting its leg to kill a fly
Why would the "Russians" release the emails right now and not last week? Something isn't right.
If you can say that with straight face then you deserve Oscar.
literally everyone has the CIA's toolkit
Your proof is lacking and your insistence outs you as a paid actor
Because two days before the election Macron is not allowed to make public appearances in order to defend himself.
What if it's CIA thinking they're framing Russia, but it's really all according to Russia's 4d chess plan?
#staywoke #freejulian #shooshooshills #buymybook
You are funny.
>while it might be Russia, it also might be the CIA framing Russia
It can be Russia. It can be the CIA. It can be Ukraine. It can be someone in Le Pen's camp. It can be someone from Macron's camp. It can be a troll. It can be some rando who used a cracked copy of office. It can be someone had the idea of changing the metadata after reading about the latest vault7 leaks and thought it would be funny to do so. Who the fuck knows.
So can't you just look at the ones with dkim
It's not enough time though. Also, when you defend yourself, you are losing. In politics, to win, you always need to be on attack, not defence. Would have been way better to release 5 days ago.
Can you give me a quick rundown of what is actually in the emails? Btw Bulgaria is awesome, my fav place in Europe
im lazy fuck, so google translate:
A person named Georgy Petrovich Rosca works at ZAO Evrika, which produces computer equipment and software, the main clients of which are Russian state bodies, including the Ministry of Defense and special services.
Georgy Rosca is a programmer who participated in specialized conferences, for example, "Parallel Computing Technologies", held in 2014 in Rostov-on-Don.
You have to ask yourself whom it serves the most in the end.
Ah, conveniently a Russian IT-professional has opened and clicked Save on all the stolen excel files before they were leaked.
Journalists? They're actors at best.
>muh putler
kool meymey, dude
haha, ok! and you are not!
anyone wishing to reinforce the
>muh russian hackers
I guess people who never leave their parent's basements see the world as narratives.
In all honesty, if it is an entire operation, the people tasked with edits would most likely be different than those exploiting a vulnerability/phishing.
Don't forget that especially here in Eastern Europe, pro-Russian shills, trolls and schemes are everyday occurrence, so I for one would not be shocked if Vladimir wants his "nationalist" pro-Crimea anti-NATO anti-USA anti-EU puppet in power.
Russian shills working overtime in this thread.
You're country is a dump and no one is lifting sanctions. Fuck off.
Ok? Best french come back ever...
The only thing that qualifies a journalist is their dedication to truth and investigation.
These so called news journalists do not investigate. They sit on a rented pr pedestal.
This is the equivalent of someone taking a shit on the podium before the debate. It's a random event thing that's just there, and that can literally go in any direction depending on various reactions. With the timing that this has been released, the only thing people can do is jump to one conclusion or another. There is no time to analyze or consider any of it intelligently. It can benefit anyone or no one. It's just chaos.
>implying said narrative isn't expounded constantly by politicians and the MSM
>implying you aren't deflecting
>the people tasked with edits
If there is nothing compromising in the files, why would they be edited?
He opens the file and clicks save without editing it?
And he is an educated IT professional, knowing he takes part in a clandestine operation?
Sure is leftist in here. I recommend TATP backpack bombs against leftists in lecture theaters at left-wing universities.
Evrika works closely with the government.
The idea is that if there is nothing compromising, create it, then click save. We call it a "kompromat".
I'm American and I want to burn people like you. I'm not even joking. You're probably of those moldy antifa protestors.
I've worked with Russians and they are good people. Peace and business with them is a good thing.
Please go eat filthy unwashed vegan shit and die on the street corner with the rest of your friends.
death to russia and death to every russophile out there
And I kill you last. And he's not journalist of any kind.
Shameful display from our mighty hackers, but it's gonna work just as good, if not better.
People like you don't deserve oxygen.
>If there is nothing compromising in the files, why would they be edited?
In this narrative, if people are tasked with editing the files, that wouldn't mean editing them to delete compromising information, but to add some. If this has been manipulated by THE RUSSIANS than it's unlikely that it's by professionals, because most professionals should be aware of that kind of metadata. It's pretty readily visible.
>use professional intelligence agencies to hack into emails to destabilize the oh so stable western democracies by exposing the hypocrisy of their politicians
>don't know how to modify the metadata that shows exactly who they are
>something a 14 year old kid can learn to do in 10 minutes of googling
this is the narrative? really?