What are Sup Forums's thoughts on ctrl-left e-celebs like hbomberguy and contrapoints?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on ctrl-left e-celebs like hbomberguy and contrapoints?
Down syndrome?
i liked his fallout analysis
i could never make myself care about youtube political commentary though, right or left
I wouldn't know any since I'm stuck here in my far-right echo chamber.
He insulted Matthewmatosis who is literally our guy (has a tripcode on Sup Forums) and has fantastic taste, so he can fuck off.
>blm supporter and sjw
His vidya commentary is pretentious bullshit too
That guy is a confirmed pedo, isn't he?
But you just found out about two of them from le echo chamber
>that fucking posture
How in the fuck does one even begin to correct something like that?
>He insulted Matthewmatosis
He seems like the nicest guy ever.
Why would anyone insult him?
google "shoulder stretches" and the "mckenzie chin tuck"
credit goes to some australian user
>controlled left
I like it.
In his Dark Souls 2 video.
Also I thinks it works well as a direct comparison to alt right considering both sides are similar in their frustrations with late stage capitalism. And both originated online hence alt and ctrl.
Oh so he has shit taste?
Alt (alternative) makes us appear like we aren't being controlled, we are independent and free thinking.
Ctrl (controlled) makes them seem like puppets, bitch niggas, lead around on a leash by their jewish masters.
I want to strangle him to death
>implying ctrl-left is some sort of new counter to the "alt-right" and not just a bunch of disaffected
The "Alt-left" already existed. They're called SJWs.
*dissaffected Bernouts
I think what distinguishes people like him from your average sheltered SJW is him and his ilk are actively defending SJW ideas against the alt right.
Fuckers like this guy and Contrapoints are like Nu-SJWs. They are hyper self aware and are able to dodge the standard skeptic meme arguments, I wouldn't say the ctrl-left is a huge threat but it has serious potential and I think Sup Forums is wrong to ignore them.
no, he must be nordic
I always thought ctrl-left referred to SJWs since SJWs are the quintessential authoritarian leftists.
what in the fuck? who the shit insults my boy?