The United Arab Emirates is planning to tow icebergs from Antarctica to its coast to solve its issues with drinking water. The National Advisor Bureau Limited plans to mine the iceberg for drinking water and estimates that they could get more than 20 billion gallons of water, or enough for one million people over five years.
Sandniggers want to drag an iceberg from Antarctica to the Gulf
The Chinese are stealing water from the Great Lakes. I don't see why anyone would be pissed about an ice berg.
How could this go wrong?
>lefties complain about melting ice caps that are rising sea levels
>mudshits respond by literally pilfering those glaciers so they can melt them and drink the water
I can't see a thing wrong. Is there even any life in the Antarctic?
I saw this a few days ago and have absolutely no idea how it would work. They'd have to take part of the Wilson Ice Shelf.
>identify vulnerable chunk about to break off
>send ships there in summer, harpoon area
>set off detonations to free iceberg before winter
>surf the currents around argie land, around south africa, and then up to UAE
No fucking way. It'll be cute to see them try though.
Penngins n such
There is a shitton of life there. There's a good documentary on Netflix, and several more following the shut-ins who are down there all winter.
Would a desalinator not work?
Yeah I don't know why the idiots aren't doing what Israel has for years.
I think they're just being attention whores honestly.
It will melt when it gets there.
Burning energy to run desalinator plants costs money. The oil used to run those facilities could be sold to you!
That iceberg thing could solve a lot of issues.
What's the day shape for an ice berg?
We have one of those in my county! But we still drink reclaimed toilet-sewer-pee-pee water, because desert.
I was incorrect, this is not ok
If their oil is gone they travelling by camels again.
I visited one of the desalination plants in Dubai, around 25 years ago.
Largest desalination plant in the world reporting. Nice try shilling for Israel, Shlomo.
ice (((berg)))
cant those rich fucks just desalinate the ocean?
how much energy do you think it take to tow a fucking iceberg large enough for millions to drink?
Gimme the basic gestalt.
They have no right to destroy the arctic OR pillage the reserve supply of fresh water.
Dunno. If it costs one gas gallon less than running those factories, then its worth it. It's one more gallon of gas for you to buy. It' a win-win situation for you.
Water wars are real by the way, gays.
Texas has been in the middle of a lawsuit against New Mexico (and winning) for water rights because those kikes dammed up the river and kept all the water for their dumbass pepper farmers leaving us less than a fucking trickle for our cotton farms n'such. Settlement is something like tens of millions of gallons of water given to the state per year or several millions of dollars
>tl;dr: everyone all over is kiking it up with the water, fuck NM, we're coming for our goddamn water
I am not scientist. But that sounds like total bs.
Good luck guys. Spend your cash on more bs ideas. Any chance that ice would melt in Saudi Arabia?
This is a genius idea. All nations should do it.
Think about it, we can preserve our current water supplies, and by drinking Arctic ice we stop it from melting into the oceans and rising shorelines across the world.
That's just going to heat up more as the western US gets more population. Turns out trying to live in a natural desert won't support huge populations.
t. Coloradoan
Spiteful of me, but imagine leftists hearing of this.
>save the icebergs
>save the muslims too
Every bit that melts here decreases the temperature a little and increases the efficiency of the existing desalination plants. Win win.
>NM has something like 17 people per square mile
>Texas has something like 103 people per square mile
>NM won't abide by a historical 5- year old agreement w/r/t water distribution even though they have less people and less agricultural infrastructure
>larping as a saudi
um what?
Wasn't this in "Brewsters Millions" as one of the ways Richard Pryor could lose money on dumb ideas? What fucking timeline is this?
>burger education can't comprehend basic science
>must be larping
Well we let out as much water as we're required to and horde the rest (provided there's a surplus). The fact is that there's simply not enough water to go around for retards to have green Hank Hill lawns and farmers wasting it on stupid shit.
The point is that eventually there's probably going to have to be a system of aqueducts that provide water to whoever can fight for it.
I can't believe no one has brought up Brewster's Millions.
... wont it melt
>didn't dispute that's it's easier to desalinate water with less salt in it
>disputing that you are using a proxy
wot... why? wtf?!
>implying there are proxies based in Saudi Arabia
>green text
Why can't they just build a nuclear powered desalination plant? I'm sure it would be much better than this.
Found this on the news
Absolutely shocking
Trumpers will support this because they don't believe in global warming
>tfw the largest water supply in the world.
mashallah innovation
الإمارات أفضل من أمريكا وأوروبا
Sounds like exactly the kind of exploitation prohibited by the Antarctic Treaty
I can't wait for Aussies sex tapes raping Children in Sharjah to come out on Sup Forums.
Nor I can wait for Yandy Liang sex tapes being a child prostitute for the royal family of UAE to surface on Sup Forums.
I think Yandy will be the LOLI of Sup Forums for hundred years to come.
طبعا، يخسو اوروبا وامريكا
>expecting reason from fucking Muslims of all people
>Islam is the way
>j/k we're actually massive perverts that fuck kids and take shits on them
I swear dude Arabs always be doing some crazy shit
Fucking Brewster's millions timeline now???
Jesus man
This is (((our land))) not for sand niggers
Muslims literally are not human, nobody cares if one of you is raped be it larva or no.
Glad I'm not the only one.
Actually worthwhile comment.
However, there's nothing to stop them from capturing a natural break-off piece, above the treaty latitude.
IIRC any large mass of ice is less susceptible to melting than you'd think, it creates a thermo barrier of cold air around itself, limiting the rate of melt. That said this is absolutely ridiculous still.
If you place a couple of these in the desert the vapor alone is bound to change the local climate. You're massively disrupting the water cycle.
ITs bad in georgia too. water is going to be a scarce resource in the future, especially with the drastically altered hydrological cycles we are experiencing now.
>iceberg melts
>releases old sorts of virii sandniggers are not immune to
i think this is actually great idea
fucking dumb ass arabs are gunna pull into port with a small ice cube by the time they get home
why not just make a desalination plant?
Ha, you know, I live in Michigan, moved here somewhat recently. I was down on the Detroit River one day, watching the cargo ships come and go. And all the locals were saying the Chinese would bring a shipment here, then fill their ships up with American water, and go back to China. I find all of that somewhat suspicious. But who knows. Seems to be what everyone thinks happens around here.
>Gimme the basic gestalt.
>um what?
Here, idiots.
damn that looks dangerous for the polar bears perhaps we should protest
Or they could ya know, make a couple desalination plants. Not like they dont have the electricity for it.
Desalinisation isn't efficient for large populations, it's energy-intensive and requires large amounts of harmful chemical additives to make it efficient at large volumes which aren't always filtered out 100%
Pretend you're submitted so you won't get stoned by insecure faggot, then be an hypocritical turbo faggot the moment peoples are not looking your way.
That is the muslim way, allah ackbar
You mean Canada, right? They're half ours anyways.
>Not getting the joke
>polar bears
You do realize your state is doing something illegal and getting BTFO for it, right?
>Is there even any life in the Antarctic?
pyramids and remnants of lost ancient civilizations and shit
Penguins, fish, and whales.
Isn't our water?
I agree, my country is shit. I dislike it.
Since I was young, all what my country gave me is Sharjah Ruler hating on my family, killing them, sending Aussies to rape us, abducting us, sexually abusing us & killing us.
If someone is reading this, please bomb my country. It's dead. It's fucked up.
All of my brothers in AbuDhabi (Al Nahyan) are douchebags, criminals and guided dogs of Jews or Zionists.
Same applies to the douche in Dubai, or Dubai Ruler.
The whole nations knows about what kind of shit all royal family members did to that little child. All are depressed.
The whole country is fucked up, living in false reality thanks to controlled Media by the criminal royal family cartels (ignoring Sharjah Child sex ring for Aussies Jews).
Someone please bomb my country, I don't care about it anymore.
It's turned into a river of children being sexually abused by Aussies and Jews sponsored by Sharjah Ruler.
It's disgusting land.
ملاحظة: وفطيم غيرت الصف٫ و قالت عني مال البلدية.
Who is getting the water goy?
>t. expat larper
You need to go back, Pajeet.
You jelly nigga?
>tfw waterlets can't get enough water
>250,000 lakes in Ontario, 100,000 in Manitoba, God knows how many else there are in the country
Mate, report this foreign scum to NESA.
>The United Arab Emirates is planning to tow icebergs from Antarctica to its coast
You mean they will pay Europeans to do this for them.
straw is the wrong way idiot
hows rape?
Ballast water maybe. Water is so cheap that shipping it isn't worthwhile.
I'm totally sure the Arabs will though. It'll go nicely with their skyscraper hanging from the asteroid. Some day I'll take the hyperloop there to see it for myself.
>not attaching condensers to the cooling towers of energy plants
It's like you're not even trying.
It's one of the worst ideas I've ever heard.
>It's like you're not even trying.
Its the wierding way.
guaraní aquifer isn't all yours, monkey.
Here's hoping they release some kind of fucked up dinosaur bacteria and the middle east is wiped off the map.
We've got 20% of all the fresh water in the world. Only 7% is renewable though.
How do i report?
>8 million years ago
>shows dinosaurs
Yeah, Hitler lives there.
What about Death?
What do you expect?
Arabs are stupid creatures that displaced the original inhabitants of "their" lands.
The chinese don't even have to ship the water back to china to steal your water.
They are already in canada.
Just take a screenshot of both of his posts with timestamp and UAE flag and send it to Dubai Police, they'll forward it to the proper agency. I look forward to hearing that he's rotting in a dungeon in Rub Al Khali.
Every. Fucking. Time!
Why not make a private company to mine Antarctica and haul pure water from the source instead of dragging a big chunk?
>implying you can do anything if we claim its ours
im gonna make a sopa of ur moms butt with that water
This right here.
Also, checked
>but its white people destroying the earth, never niggers, EVER