He's been calling them fake news for over 30 years.
Trump is so fucking boss he literally drops the mic and walks out.
He's been calling them fake news for over 30 years.
Trump is so fucking boss he literally drops the mic and walks out.
I still wish I was as bluepilled as you. Trump was already selected to be the president long time ago. Voting doesn't matter. Itäs just a big shot to give the goyim an illusion of choice. Both republicans and democrats are the same. You are as blue pilled as those "libturds".
>trump wins
Holy shit get your story straight moron.
>he doesnt understand the difference between Sup Forums and /bant/
Go away newfag.
It's nice to see a man that doesn't just sit there and take it.
>literally drops the mike
Fucking boss. This dude won the presidency. This is a guy that likes to win. MAGA you fuckity-fuck-fucks!
>Questions were inaccurate
>What questions?
>The viewers wouldn't be...
>we talked it over the phone
>doesn't disagree
>Fucking boss. This dude won the presidency
did he have a stroke? why does he sound so retarded in recent times as compared to his older interviews?
>and walks out
Brave Sir Donald ran away
Bravely ran away away
When Feldmann reared his great, big head
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Yes, brave Sir Donald turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir Donald!
Wtf i love dolan nao
He is so fucking alpha. Watching this makes me want to go the gym and bench press till my heart explodes
This is bullshit but i dont believe it
He became a populist candidate in the USA, that's why he dumbed down.
Yes, it had absolutely nothing to do with his campaign strategically garnering the electoral college votes necessary to win. Had nothing to do with persistence, determination and the focus on "positive" as demonstrated here in this vid. Had nothing to do with DNC vastly underestimating him, over-playing their hand and running a shitty campaign based on identity politics. Keep deluding yourself foreign man.
Wait a sec are you trying to cheat me again
kys T R U M P F A G
this guy knows whats up
also checkd
Sorry for blowing you the fuck out with logic.
>Sorry for blowing you
>Donald Trump
>Anything but human garbage
I'm sure he'll be draining the swamp of the Goldman Sachs bankers he appointed for his administrative cabinet and stop supporting Israel any time now, you fucking losers.
>he thinks swamp means rich and successful instead of corrupted and deceitful
Haha what a fucking moron. You're with her, right?
is Sup Forums ground zero for r/thedonald shills too?
Based as fuck.
its called getting older.
FAKE NEWS trump never said he would drain the swamp. Also, only leftist retards hate jews. Anti-semitism is a strictly leftist agenda.
>all these butthurt /leftypol/ fags
why does trump appear so much more intelligent in his older interviews?
Fuckin rekt
because now he's playing a character
Because he wasn't trying to win elections back then. It's common knowledge in the political world that you do not want to be seen as too smart because that makes it so fewer potential voters understand and relate with you and it also makes you seem pretentious.
4D chess my dude.
he wasnt pandering to american retards?
You'll understand in about 40 years.
>this is "them" saying it, not me
Oh that old gag
better than Hillary or some Nazi fag
it's because IQ goes down with age. Remember that. It's why people can't play games forever.
Blow me with your weak ass DAMAGE CONTROL
the older you get, the more you realize actions speak louder than words
>inaccurate demeanor
this fucking retard.
100% this. It's all so obvious to me now.
Man, his voice has changed a lot over the years. He was a lot softer and not as raspy back then. I know people do get gruffer sounding with age, but still interesting to contemplate.
>It's why people can't play games forever
Play games with what?
>tfw to intelligent too vote
kys snow mongolian faggot
These two combined
Trump the absolute mad man. No wonder CNN spam bants against him daily, kek'd.
Trump is fake news. CNN is real news.
The casino did go bankrupt.
Seems more-or-less the same guy to me in that old interview. They say your personality is set in stone by the age of 6.
why would you tell the people you are trying to get loans from that your project is going to fail?
as usual Trump was fake news, CNN was real news
Then you wonder why American banks won't lend to him anymore and he's indebted to China and Russia.
Why would a successful businessman keep going bankrupt?
Trump the time-traveller confirmed
Asshole ten, asshole now.
Not sure if shilling or just stupid. Hell, you're a burger so probably just stupid
They're just pulling at straws at this point. Kinda sad, desu.
Good fuck CNN I hope they fucking die.
Swoll Donald
I am tired of these fake red pills from lazy people.
i am being dead serious: that looks like a biceps implant. the shape, the insertion, the skin. it really, really looks like an implant
This is to general. Lots of things change personality. Mostly new knowledge changing perceptions. Personality develops through perception. You preceive so little at age six. The world is small and in most cases, relatively safe under parents arms.
Now temperament, maybe you could say that is pre determined biologically. That's to me seems to be where the 'set in stone by age 6' business comes from.
As far as casinos are involved, demographic, cultural and economic change will put that under.
M8, he wears suits all day everyday and he's already got a big frame.
only after the entire executive management staff of the casino were killed in a helicopter crash and trump didn't want to continue the business.
typical right wingers, always excusing and worshiping failure
lol u right wing retards are literally fake news. trump tried to continue the business for years after a few people died in a tragic helicopter crash. not the entire executive team. u right wing retards are literally fake news
He saw what CNN was obviously doing, like they've always done, it isn't necessarily the story, it's the spin they try and put on it
i'm not saying it's surprising he has biceps development. i'm saying that looks like an implant. the hard, flat edge, the flat top with no peak, and a traceable, disk-like outline. and no triceps development. i'm sure it isn't, but god damn it's an unusual appearance for a natural biceps.
Has he ever been honest? The guy turned orange from fake tan pills.
I fart in your general direction
>CNN is Real News
Yes I think I got a virus from looking at Wikileaks.
Not everyone wants the pozz like you do.
I wanted to believe but I think the snow chink is right. Everyone was fed up with the status quo after W, so wooo we got a black guy! So progressive! People started to see through him when he continued bush's policies for the most part, so who do they give us? Wow a woman so progressive vs the ultimate outsider. I don't think the election is predetermined, you'll just always have two candidates that ultimately serve the deep states interests
Atlantic city
Trump has been telling faggots to fuck off since I was a kid.
From the second I saw the title of this video I knew it would be a shill thread.
I like that the shills are attacking each other though. /leftypol/ is too retarded to see their own people pulling false flags.
>facebook teir memes
> "I thought your demeanor was inaccurate"
This is the Trump I love.
>call them stupid
>that'll a great argument to show my intelligence
peaked in 2007.
Trump went bankrupt many times before that.
THE FELDMAN GUY was TRUMPS cock holster
Seen this before the election.
Trump has huge flaws but he's the kind of unpredictable dude you don't know how he'll fuck you next
He's like Tony Montana.
>i'm accusing you of bad reporting because you asked some questions that weren't really questions
>Such as?
>lol im not gonna name them i dont want to embarass you dude
>ultimate outsider
> Anyone who becomes president no matter what level the upset it was is backed by the illuminati
There are always going to be candidates attached to money thus giving some power to play, but I think it's really retarded to think Hillary was controlled opposition and is not who the illuminati wanted in power.
>Atlantic city peaked in 2007
Get a load of this fucking idiot
Wow, so I guess he was the same jackass back in 1990. Calls the media liars, then when they ask him to point out the specific lies he just starts shit talking them without answering their questions. Much like the average Sup Forums poster.
Hi's voice is raspier because he's 70, and you also give fewer fucks while getting older and less self-aware because of the testosterone loss
Atlantic City revenue less than half of 2006 peak despite online contributions
2006. I was off by 1 year. Trump first went bankrupt in 1990. Then many times after that.
Only a retard builds 3 expensive casinos basically next to eachother then wonders why he went bankrupt.
nailed it. The reporter asked for examples and Trump couldn't name 1. Trump is very thin skinned. Even he admitted it lol.
Right wing retards worship a whiny little bitch
> ran away
All the way to the White House
No Message
No ground game in the Rust Belt
Career politician with a documented criminal history of mishandling classified intel
Sold Uranium production to Russia, then turned around and helped Saudis arm and train ISIS to topple Assad so Saudi's can run a pipeline through Syria and fuck Russia out of their market in EU.
Used a private email server to manage all this communication and planning. She deleted 33,000 emails AFTER a congressional subpoena,
Lost the election because she refused to let senators read emails about weddings and yoga, deleted them instead.
Told the FBI 34 times "I do not recall" when asked about simple protocol handling classified intel (No intent excuse) BS
More like Trump BTFO.
Little snowflake couldn't handle a few questions.
Trump is a weak thin skinned leader who should step down. America needs a man like pence to lead her. He doesn't bow down and accept degeneracy like divorce and faggotry like lyin Trump.